This is why I H A T E partisan politics...


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/120#post_3502440
A bigger Capitalist society, even though they are ruled by those evil Socialist/Commies. Don't admit that to mantis. He'll turn you into the FBI for being a Communist Subversive.
They'll still chop your head off for not following the communist line but they figured out the capitalist system is the way to build financial strength. This friend was given access to what was formally a chemical weapons plant because his Aunt was a government "employee" who worked in the program. On the down side he said they only had electricity at that time (about 5 years ago) 3 or 4 days a week.


Staff member
I think HK has a more "western" society in most ways then mainland China. Which makes sense since it was until rather recently not a part of China.
While China may be becoming more capitalistic, the vast majority of their economy is driven by central government owned businesses and industries. Private industry is limited in large part to your mom and pop resturaunt, dress shop....local businesses.


Active Member
So he committed a crime. So what? He'll be punished accordingly. I don't have any idea how this reminds you of me. There's tens of millions of gun owners. Some do stupid stuff. Please give me an example where I condoned such activity. Oh right, I'm a sexist, racist, homophobe so that makes me dangerous? Your world is a sad and dark place Bionic. I feel for you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/140#post_3502457
I think HK has a more "western" society in most ways then mainland China. Which makes sense since it was until rather recently not a part of China.
While China may be becoming more capitalistic, the vast majority of their economy is driven by central government owned businesses and industries. Private industry is limited in large part to your mom and pop resturaunt, dress shop....local businesses.
The company the guy I know is called TAAM. They make Helios, Rio, Via Aqua and a few other brands I can't think of right now. Hardly a mom and pop. I met the guy through the Grim Reefer thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/140#post_3502460
Here you go mantis. One of your "responsible gun owners" who decided to empty eight shots into a car because he was ticked that the music was too loud. Of course he said the incident was provacated, and that he felt his "life was threatened". From what? His ears being hurt from listening to some Jay Z rap song?
Do I need to post the article about the CCW in your city who did it right on Black Friday? It did make the national news.


Active Member
Typical NBC headline. They fail to mention the gun wasn't pulled for someone being a rowdy line cutter but because he punched the guy with the gun in the face.

darthtang aw

Active Member
The operative word is "intervene".  Why in your tunnel vision do you think it's our responsibilty to intervene in some other country's affairs?  Because of the same conspiracy theory attitudes you have that Obama is going to destroy this country JUST BECAUSE?  How were the Vietnamese our allies?  As it's been stated multiple times, our primary goal for getting involved with that little political skirmish was this Cold War ideology that big bad Communism was going to take over the world.  Hate to burst your bubble, but one of the largest Communist countries on this planet holds some of our largest debt.  IT'S THE APOCALYPSE!  CHINA IS SCHEMING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!  Hello to mantis!  This isn't the 40's and 50's anymore!  You must've been a big proponent to the old McCarthyism days.  Communism isn't what it used to be.  Shoot, Russia doesn't even exude Communistic traits any longer.  Communism isn't what brought down the Towers on 9/11.  Communism isn't what collapsed our economic system 10 years ago.  Time for you to catch up.  TYou're about as clear as the Hudson River.  Keep talking in circles, and someone's going to think you're a merry-go-round.
The reason we don't attack china, Africa, or certain other nations is it is not economically advantageous. No war has been fought that was not for economic benefits. Our military has never engaged in a war that wasn't economically advantageous. And we are not the only country to use our military in this aspect. All militarys are only used for economical advancement or defense. Plain and simple. The sooner people realize this, the sooner everyone will understand why things are done the way they are.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/140#post_3502471
Do I need to post the article about the CCW in your city who did it right on Black Friday? It did make the national news.
Yea, did it right. Pulled a weapon out in the middle of a Black Friday crowd. He claims that he just pulled his weapon and aimedit at the ground, but several witnesses, including a woman that was standing next to the guy who hit him, said he was aiming it directly at the guy's head. What if the guy didn't back down? Would he start pulling the trigger with hundreds of people around him? When he did pull the weapon, people scattered all over the place. They never stated whether anyone got injured in the melee. Although the cops didn't cite him because he had the CCW, the store did ask him and his family to leave.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/140#post_3502481
The reason we don't attack china, Africa, or certain other nations is it is not economically advantageous. No war has been fought that was not for economic benefits. Our military has never engaged in a war that wasn't economically advantageous. And we are not the only country to use our military in this aspect. All militarys are only used for economical advancement or defense. Plain and simple. The sooner people realize this, the sooner everyone will understand why things are done the way they are.
So you're saying Iraq and Afghanistan is "economically advantageous" to the US? How so? All those who defended Bush's decision stated categorically that it had nothing to do with the oil. This "war" has cost us over $1 trillion in the last 10 years. Our deficit is skyrocketing, and we've been in a major recession since that little skirmish was implemented. You sure seem to have a weird perception of how war is economically advantageous.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/140#post_3502483
Yea, did it right. Pulled a weapon out in the middle of a Black Friday crowd. He claims that he just pulled his weapon and aimedit at the ground, but several witnesses, including a woman that was standing next to the guy who hit him, said he was aiming it directly at the guy's head. What if the guy didn't back down? Would he start pulling the trigger with hundreds of people around him? When he did pull the weapon, people scattered all over the place. They never stated whether anyone got injured in the melee. Although the cops didn't cite him because he had the CCW, the store did ask him and his family to leave.
If the guy hadn't backed down that means he would have been moving towards the guy with the gun. Easy target. No worries. What if the guy hadn't been armed? What would that whack job who slugged him done had someone not taken action? Did the store have a sign up at the door stating guns aren't allowed? If they didn't Mr. CCW just had his civil rights violated and should sue.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/140#post_3502492
If the guy hadn't backed down that means he would have been moving towards the guy with the gun. Easy target. No worries. What if the guy hadn't been armed? What would that whack job who slugged him done had someone not taken action? Did the store have a sign up at the door stating guns aren't allowed? If they didn't Mr. CCW just had his civil rights violated and should sue.
The store didn't have signs up, but the last I heard the mall is planning on putting them up.
Easy target. Riiight. And if he would've grabbed his arm or hand before he got the shot off? We're talking a store filled with hundreds of anxious and impatient people. This wasn't a one-on-one encounter. When the gun came out, the people around him freaked. The guy who hit him actually ducked behind a coke machine as soon as he saw the guy start to point it at him. You try to make it sound like this guy was some tactical expert that knew exactly what to do in a situation such as this. Before he pulled the gun, reports stated that a couple of other guys were about to grab him and hold him down for the police to show up. There were a bunch of people ticked off he was trying to cut the line. I guess this guy thought that since he had a gun under his jacket, he'd stand up against him and probably got cocky with the line cutter. He's lucky the guy wasn't a CCW carrier as well. Better yet, all the other shopper's were probably VERY lucky that both of them weren't carrying.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/140#post_3502498
The store didn't have signs up, but the last I heard the mall is planning on putting them up.
Easy target. Riiight. And if he would've grabbed his arm or hand before he got the shot off? We're talking a store filled with hundreds of anxious and impatient people. This wasn't a one-on-one encounter. When the gun came out, the people around him freaked. The guy who hit him actually ducked behind a coke machine as soon as he saw the guy start to point it at him. You try to make it sound like this guy was some tactical expert that knew exactly what to do in a situation such as this. Before he pulled the gun, reports stated that a couple of other guys were about to grab him and hold him down for the police to show up. There were a bunch of people ticked off he was trying to cut the line. I guess this guy thought that since he had a gun under his jacket, he'd stand up against him and probably got cocky with the line cutter. He's lucky the guy wasn't a CCW carrier as well. Better yet, all the other shopper's were probably VERY lucky that both of them weren't carrying.
Obviously the guy did know exactly what to do because he didn't fire wildly as the guy was running away. And reports say a couple guys were about to grab the perp? LOL! wake up and smell what you are trying to shovel.

darthtang aw

Active Member
The store didn't have signs up, but the last I heard the mall is planning on putting them up.
Easy target.  Riiight. And if he would've grabbed his arm or hand before he got the shot off?  We're talking a store filled with hundreds of anxious and impatient people.  This wasn't a one-on-one encounter.  When the gun came out, the people around him freaked.  The guy who hit him actually ducked behind a coke machine as soon as he saw the guy start to point it at him.  You try to make it sound like this guy was some tactical expert that knew exactly what to do in a situation such as this.  Before he pulled the gun, reports stated that a couple of other guys were about to grab him and hold him down for the police to show up.  There were a bunch of people ticked off he was trying to cut the line.  I guess this guy thought that since he had a gun under his jacket, he'd stand up against him and probably got cocky with the line cutter.  He's lucky the guy wasn't a CCW carrier as well.  Better yet, all the other shopper's were probably VERY lucky that both of them weren't carrying.
1. The line cutter hid behind a refrigerator.
2. The guy didn't pull his gun till he was assaulted by being punched in the face.
3. Witnesses say two different things, one says he pointed it at the assailant another states he pointed it at the ground.
4. "This part "He's lucky the guy wasn't a CCW carrier as well.", Is a ridiculous statement. He is also lucky lightning didn't strike him while holding a piece of metal in his hands.
5. Sears asked him and his family to leave as some of their customers expressed concerns. Sears did give the man a voucher though for what he was intending to purchase. Sears doesn't give out vouchers for black friday Sears made good in all aspects of this incident.

darthtang aw

Active Member
So you're saying Iraq and Afghanistan is "economically advantageous" to the US?  How so?  All those who defended Bush's decision stated categorically that it had nothing to do with the oil.  This "war" has cost us over $1 trillion in the last 10 years.  Our deficit is skyrocketing, and we've been in a major recession since that little skirmish was implemented.  You sure seem to have a weird perception of how war is economically advantageous.
It wasn't for oil...not for us to own oil anyway. I would explain it to you, but you look for any reason to disagree with me. So I won't waste my effort. Needless to say I have explained my theory/belief to many conservatives/republicans and have actually got them to see what I am seeing.
Like I stated, all wars are strictly for an economic benefit, since the dawn of man.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/140#post_3502506
Obviously the guy did know exactly what to do because he didn't fire wildly as the guy was running away. And reports say a couple guys were about to grab the perp? LOL! wake up and smell what you are trying to shovel.
You didn't see the multiple news reports on every local TV station, or the lenghtly article in the local newspaper where they interviewed several people who were there that witnessed the incident. The "perp" was arrested and charged with assault on the guy with the gun. The guy with the gun probably realized what he did after people started screaming and ducking for cover once they saw the gun come out. If he'd pulled the trigger at any point, I'd guarantee you he would've ended up in jail himself, regardless of the provocation. The odds of him not hitting an innocent victim would be pretty high. One woman who was standing next to the perp said that when she saw the gun, flashes of the Colorado Theatre shootings went running through her head. One local TV station did a poll on the incident, asking "Should guns be allowed to be carried in shopping malls or public places, even with a proper license?", and "Were you aware that you can legally carry a gun into a public place with a valid CCW?" Over 70% responded "No" to the first question, and it was pretty much evenly split with people knowing you could carry a concealed weapon in public.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/140#post_3502512
It wasn't for oil...not for us to own oil anyway. I would explain it to you, but you look for any reason to disagree with me. So I won't waste my effort. Needless to say I have explained my theory/belief to many conservatives/republicans and have actually got them to see what I am seeing.
Like I stated, all wars are strictly for an economic benefit, since the dawn of man.
LOL. Yea, I'm sure your fellow Converts would agree with any skewed logic you come up with. I suppose you think it was "economically advantageous" because getting rid of Saadam helped the economic situation of Iraq as a whole. Well good for them. They get a better economy, a new infrastructure on OUR dime, not theirs. Iraq to this day is still playing dumb as to where all of Sadaam's billions disappeared. You seem to think it's OK that millions of Americans are homeless and struggling to make ends meet, but we spend over a trillion on a nation that could give a rats ass about how it affects our country. The US turned Iraq into one major welfare state with tha American taxpayers picking up the tab. All for "Democracy". Sorry dude, but democracy in Iraq doesn't put food on my table, gas in my car, or pay the thousands I have to pay to put my daughters through college.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/140#post_3502511
1. The line cutter hid behind a refrigerator.
2. The guy didn't pull his gun till he was assaulted by being punched in the face.
3. Witnesses say two different things, one says he pointed it at the assailant another states he pointed it at the ground.
4. "This part "He's lucky the guy wasn't a CCW carrier as well.", Is a ridiculous statement. He is also lucky lightning didn't strike him while holding a piece of metal in his hands.
5. Sears asked him and his family to leave as some of their customers expressed concerns. Sears did give the man a voucher though for what he was intending to purchase. Sears doesn't give out vouchers for black friday Sears made good in all aspects of this incident.
How is it ridiculous? You're saying if the assailant would've had a gun, that there would've been some calm standoff and nothing else would've happened? You can't be that blind.
It was a PR nightmare for Sears. They gave the CCW carrier a voucher because they didn't want to face some discrimination lawsuit from the guy. There were no signs in the store stating that he couldn't carry his weapon, so if they told him to leave based on that premise, Sears would've been in violation. If the customers "expressed concern", why not just tell the guy. "Look, people don't like the idea you have a gun on your person and walking around the store. Go put your gun in your car, and you and your family are free to shop."? No, by the time they got through with the cops and cleared everything up, the items the guy was looking for were already snatched up. What was the point in him going back into the store anyways?

darthtang aw

Active Member
LOL.  Yea, I'm sure your fellow Converts would agree with any skewed logic you come up with.  I suppose you think it was "economically advantageous" because getting rid of Saadam helped the economic situation of Iraq as a whole.  Well good for them.  They get a better economy, a new infrastructure on OUR dime, not theirs.  Iraq to this day is still playing dumb as to where all of Sadaam's billions disappeared.  You seem to think it's OK that millions of Americans are homeless and struggling to make ends meet, but we spend over a trillion on a nation that could give a rats ass about how it affects our country.  The US turned Iraq into one major welfare state with tha American taxpayers picking up the tab.  All for "Democracy".  Sorry dude, but democracy in Iraq doesn't put food on my table, gas in my car, or pay the thousands I have to pay to put my daughters through college.
I didn't say it was democracy. I said it was advantageous from an economic standpoint. It will be a few years before this is realized and seen in our own economy. Like I said. All wars are acted upon from an economic standpoint.