This is why I H A T E partisan politics...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/140#post_3502481
The reason we don't attack china, Africa, or certain other nations is it is not economically advantageous. No war has been fought that was not for economic benefits. Our military has never engaged in a war that wasn't economically advantageous. And we are not the only country to use our military in this aspect. All militarys are only used for economical advancement or defense. Plain and simple. The sooner people realize this, the sooner everyone will understand why things are done the way they are.
Gee you mean we use our military to protect our interests.
Who would have thunk.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Gee you mean we use our military to protect our interests.
Who would have thunk.
Protect and advance our economic interest. This is also why we have bases around the world.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/140#post_3502533
I didn't say it was democracy. I said it was advantageous from an economic standpoint. It will be a few years before this is realized and seen in our own economy. Like I said. All wars are acted upon from an economic standpoint.
It's already been 10 years, and our economy has gone in the opposite direction since the Iraq War began. So how many years is a "few years"? You're starting to sound more like Obama and Romney, and their supposed promise to reduce the deficit by half "in a few years".
WAR! What is it good for? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, say it again...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/160#post_3502545
It's already been 10 years, and our economy has gone in the opposite direction since the Iraq War began. So how many years is a "few years"? You're starting to sound more like Obama and Romney, and their supposed promise to reduce the deficit by half "in a few years".
WAR! What is it good for? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, say it again...
Not so.
the economy expanded and created something like 7 to 12 million jobs after the bush tax cuts were enacted.
Unemployment was down to under 5% in december 2006.
The average unemployment was within .1% of the clinton administration and the lowest of any president since Eisenhower in the '50's.
All the negative economic news started when liberal dems took over congress in jan 2007.
So the economy has gone the wrong direction since the lib dems came to power. Not since the war started.

darthtang aw

Active Member
How is it ridiculous?  You're saying if the assailant would've had a gun, that there would've been some calm standoff and nothing else would've happened?  You can't be that blind.
It was a PR nightmare for Sears.  They gave the CCW carrier a voucher because they didn't want to face some discrimination lawsuit from the guy.  There were no signs in the store stating that he couldn't carry his weapon, so if they told him to leave based on that premise, Sears would've been in violation.  If the customers "expressed concern", why not just tell the guy. "Look, people don't like the idea you have a gun on your person and walking around the store.  Go put your gun in your car, and you and your family are free to shop."?  No, by the time they got through with the cops and cleared everything up, the items the guy was looking for were already snatched up.  What was the point in him going back into the store anyways?
It is ridiculous because you constantly use a "what if" defense. The what if didn't happen.

darthtang aw

Active Member
It's already been 10 years, and our economy has gone in the opposite direction since the Iraq War began.  So how many years is a "few years"?  You're starting to sound more like Obama and Romney, and their supposed promise to reduce the deficit by half "in a few years".
WAR!  What is it good for?  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, say it again...
So Iraq pumping out more oil than Saudi Arabia won't do anything to break the Saudi power hold of Opec? Would that have happened under Sadaam? 10 years ago, things were set in motion so the U.S. would be pumping more oil than Saudi Arabia by 2020. Granted saudi arabia will just be able to ramp up their production at that time...but it will affect who dictates oil barrel pricing a bit more in our favor.


Active Member
So in the world Bionic we would have sat around with our thumb up our butts after 9-11 rather than clear the Talliban out of Afghanistan. Makes about as much sense as the other crap he comes up with LOL!

darthtang aw

Active Member
So in the world Bionic we would have sat around with our thumb up our butts after 9-11 rather than clear the Talliban out of Afghanistan. Makes about as much sense as the other crap he comes up with LOL!
what if the Taliban didn't exist..........................

darthtang aw

Active Member

Then we just would have needed to deal with Al Qaeda, assuming they could have pulled off 911 without the safe haven they were given in Afghanistan.
what if it wasn't al qaeda that caused 9/11......what if we were wrong....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/160#post_3502547
It is ridiculous because you constantly use a "what if" defense. The what if didn't happen.
You Republican's live off the "what if" scenario. Sounds a little hypocritical to me. It didn't happen this time. Doesn't matter. The guy was an idiot for pulling out a weapon in the middle of a very anxious crowd. For what? Because some guy hit him in the face? Somebody hits me, I don't need a waving gun around to protect myself, especially in an environment like that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/160#post_3502557
So in the world Bionic we would have sat around with our thumb up our butts after 9-11 rather than clear the Talliban out of Afghanistan. Makes about as much sense as the other crap he comes up with LOL!
Uh, Bush didn't "clear the Taliban out of Afghanistan" when he started his conspiracy theory Iraq Conflict. It took Obama to finally get the job done. We "sat on our butts" getting American soldiers killed in Iraq when they had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. The only reason the Democrats in Congress agreed to the war because Bush was pushing this "We need to get those terrorists" agenda right after 9/11 occurred, when his ultimate motive was to nail Sadaam for him trying to kill off his Daddy.

darthtang aw

Active Member
You Republican's live off the "what if" scenario.  Sounds a little hypocritical to me.  It didn't happen this time.  Doesn't matter.  The guy was an idiot for pulling out a weapon in the middle of a very anxious crowd.  For what?  Because some guy hit him in the face?  Somebody hits me, I don't need a waving gun around to protect myself, especially in an environment like that.
No one throws out "what if" more than you. lol

darthtang aw

Active Member
Uh, Bush didn't "clear the Taliban out of Afghanistan" when he started his conspiracy theory Iraq Conflict.  It took Obama to finally get the job done.  We "sat on our butts" getting American soldiers killed in Iraq when they had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.  The only reason the Democrats in Congress agreed to the war because Bush was pushing this "We need to get those terrorists" agenda right after 9/11 occurred, when his ultimate motive was to nail Sadaam for him trying to kill off his Daddy.
Did we say Obama didn't get the job done? Did we say it was finished under Bush. Deflect some more there....It is funny now.
You have proof this was his ultimate goal?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/393539/this-is-why-i-h-a-t-e-partisan-politics/160#post_3502567
Uh, Bush didn't "clear the Taliban out of Afghanistan" when he started his conspiracy theory Iraq Conflict. It took Obama to finally get the job done. We "sat on our butts" getting American soldiers killed in Iraq when they had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. The only reason the Democrats in Congress agreed to the war because Bush was pushing this "We need to get those terrorists" agenda right after 9/11 occurred, when his ultimate motive was to nail Sadaam for him trying to kill off his Daddy.
A large part of them were cleared out under Bush along with a lot of the terrorists. I thought we attacked Iraq for the oil. You left wingers need to get your stories straight.


Active Member
So, the Congressional Black Caucas calls him The Messiah, now Jamie Foxx calls him "Lord and Savior". Sounds like Bionic has a soulmate.


Active Member
LMFAO. Good one mantis. Next I'm sure you'll praise that idiot that painted the picture of Obama to look like Jesus. Or better yet, that deranged right winger Glenn Beck sticking some Obama bobblehead draped in a flagrobe into a jar of his own pee, and trying to auction it off on EBay. These two creatons make the aforementioned individuals look like saints.


Active Member
Based on Darth's logic, war is always for an "economic advantage". The only viable product in Iraq that could prove our economy is oil, so if we went to war to improve our economy, then we must've have done it for the oil.


Active Member
You have proof that he didn't? Go read up on the subject when it was reported on a few years ago.
I noticed you haven't provided a definition of what a "few years" are in your warped interprtation of how this useless war in the Middle East is an economic advantage to this country.