tomb of jesus


Originally Posted by sig45
noble, and i agree with you on the last part of your statment, but my rebuttle on reading all of these books, is this they are written by man, and believe me i have done my share of reading different books, i used to a license minister, , i had to take a class called world cults and religions, its mind boggling, i will admit, but this is what i found that works for me, think for your self, whats makes the best since, and what can be backed, and then finally, personal events, do you think we can agree that the bible just may be the best religion book on God and Christ and what not... and according to the bible, it is written by followers of god himself called apostles, lame terms people who write letter from god, People like Paul, who first was a man who killed christians for their beleif, then was touched by god, and then lived the rest of his life preaching the world untill killed. and theres many more. if the bible is truley read i think many will find that is is pretty streight for the most part, i will admit it is offten taken out of context.

Books written by man....I agree they were. But so was the new testiment and actaully they were written hundreds of years after the death of Jesus, so accounts of his life could very well be exagerrated and/or lost. There are parts of jesus's story that have been purposly left out. There are years missing. I am a realist, I believe in a god, but I dont believe Jesus was the son of god. I do think for myself, not everyting that I've read I believe. At the time of Jesus there was a "movement" he followed this movement. Most of his deciples came from the leader of this "movement". Once this leader was arrested and killed then jesus became the leader of the "movement" and inherrited the peopel we know today as apostles.


Originally Posted by Johnny84
Books written by man....I agree they were. But so was the new testiment and actaully they were written hundreds of years after the death of Jesus, so accounts of his life could very well be exagerrated and/or lost. There are parts of jesus's story that have been purposly left out. There are years missing. I am a realist, I believe in a god, but I dont believe Jesus was the son of god. I do think for myself, not everyting that I've read I believe. At the time of Jesus there was a "movement" he followed this movement. Most of his deciples came from the leader of this "movement". Once this leader was arrested and killed then jesus became the leader of the "movement" and inherrited the peopel we know today as apostles.
Question, i notice you speak alot about the new testament, but you really have not mentioned the old testament, the reason i bring this up is the whole jesus story was fortold, and this was written hundreds of years before christ was born, care to elaborate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
You dont have to believe it. But its true.
You believe everything that you read?


Originally Posted by sig45
Question, i notice you speak alot about the new testament, but you really have not mentioned the old testament, the reason i bring this up is the whole jesus story was fortold, and this was written hundreds of years before christ was born, care to elaborate.
Yes I agree it was fortold, however, it came from myths. Its all based on myths.
When the Church of Babylon relocated to Rome to become the Roman Church, which founded bricks-and-mortar Christianity, all the myths, beliefs and rituals of Babylon were simply renamed. In Babylon, for example, the ‘Father God’ was Nimrod, the virgin-born-son was Tammuz (a reincarnation of Nimrod, they said, so ‘Father and Son were one’), and the virgin mother was Queen Semiramis or ‘Ishtar’, who was said to have been impregnated by the rays of the sun (Nimrod). In Rome, Nimrod became the Biblical ‘Father God’; Tammuz became Jesus; and Queen Semiramis/Ishtar became Mother Mary. December 25th itself was celebrated as ‘Natalis invictis solis’, which means ‘the birthday of the unconquered Sun’.


Originally Posted by watson3
You believe everything that you read?
I dont know what your problem is, if you dont believe what I believe in thats fine, no need to be indignent. You always seem to say absolutely nothing Watson. You never bring anything to the table but your immature attitude. If you dont believe in what I say then come up with something intelligent to dispute or debate.


Originally Posted by sig45
interesting, whats this book called, i would have no issue reading it.

Its from several books. Its in many books. Start with either "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" or The Jesus Dynasty". Jesus Dynasty was writtin by James Tabor a scholar at the University of Norh Carolina. If you watched "Jesus tomb" he was on it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
if you dont believe what I believe in thats fine
1...I never said that
2... I am making the point that you are saying you believe a book to be true just because you read it..


No I said I've ready many books, not just one. I have taken what I've read and came to a conclusion. That is what you do after you read books.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
But so was the new testiment and actaully they were written hundreds of years after the death of Jesus, so accounts of his life could very well be exagerrated and/or lost. .
But you will believe a book written 2000 years later


Originally Posted by Johnny84
Its from several books. Its in many books. Start with either "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" or The Jesus Dynasty". Jesus Dynasty was writtin by James Tabor a scholar at the University of Norh Carolina. If you watched "Jesus tomb" he was on it.
sweet, also let me add theres no shame in standing in what you believe in, its encouraging that people dont let other bully them, and its awsome that i can talk to you as a christian and not have it turn into some religous war, every one is entitled to their own openion, i guess in the end it all comes down do what right to you, for me its christ, for others it could be something else, thats what great about free will, we all have choices, should people be Persecuted for their choices, no, but it happens, we will all find out in the end what the true truth is...


Active Member
I have not read as much into the subject as Johnny84, but i agree with most of what he is saying. Before Monotheism there was (and still is) Polytheism dating back to our earliest man-like ancestors. It started as a tribal shaman explaining lightning and thunder as angry gods, which lead to trust and power in religion. from there the rest is 'history'. With Christianity i find it very interesting that so many take every word of the new testament word for word, when it was written over 300 years after the life of Jesus the man. It had been translated numerous times as well. would these people take for granted every word and detail about the life of a man that died in 1707?
something i have never been privy to, i am wondering if someone can tell me what in christianity was the supposed fate of jesus after his resurrection ? or is that left wide open and vague?


Religions is a product of mankind to explain Creation and the Afterlife. The Romans/Greeks had their religion which we degrade as 'myth' ology. The Egyptians also had theirs as well as all civilizations known and unknown to man.


Originally Posted by saltn00b
I have not read as much into the subject as Johnny84, but i agree with most of what he is saying. Before Monotheism there was (and still is) Polytheism dating back to our earliest man-like ancestors. It started as a tribal shaman explaining lightning and thunder as angry gods, which lead to trust and power in religion. from there the rest is 'history'. With Christianity i find it very interesting that so many take every word of the new testament word for word, when it was written over 300 years after the life of Jesus the man. It had been translated numerous times as well. would these people take for granted every word and detail about the life of a man that died in 1707?
something i have never been privy to, i am wondering if someone can tell me what in christianity was the supposed fate of jesus after his resurrection ? or is that left wide open and vague?
your getting into a whole nother subject called rapture, the return of christ. the whole purpose of the death and the resurrection of Jesus, is pretty simple, Jesus was the altamate sacarfice, so that you and i can have salvation. in the old testamate it was a process to be clense of a sin, you would have to leave the city walls, and offer god sacarfices of a clean animal.


Originally Posted by sig45
sweet, also let me add theres no shame in standing in what you believe in, its encouraging that people dont let other bully them, and its awsome that i can talk to you as a christian and not have it turn into some religous war, every one is entitled to their own openion, i guess in the end it all comes down do what right to you, for me its christ, for others it could be something else, thats what great about free will, we all have choices, should people be Persecuted for their choices, no, but it happens, we will all find out in the end what the true truth is...

Thanks. I agree with what you said and I feel the same way. If you ever wanted to have a discussion outside these forums let me know, I would be glad to give you my MSN or Yahoo id and we can talk. Its kinda funny though reading that christ is the way for you, yet you have a machine gun as an avatar. lol. just kidding.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sig45
your getting into a whole nother subject called rapture, the return of christ. the whole purpose of the death and the resurrection of Jesus, is pretty simple, Jesus was the altamate sacarfice, so that you and i can have salvation. in the old testamate it was a process to be clense of a sin, you would have to leave the city walls, and offer god sacarfices of a clean animal.
not really, i just wanted to know what happened to the guy according to the new testament after he was resurrected? he lived for a few more weeks and dissappeared into the mountains? he was found and killed again by romans? what


Originally Posted by Johnny84
Thanks. I agree with what you said and I feel the same way. If you ever wanted to have a discussion outside these forums let me know, I would be glad to give you my MSN or Yahoo id and we can talk. Its kinda funny though reading that christ is the way for you, yet you have a machine gun as an avatar. lol. just kidding.
lol, im also a member of the NRA, i have a few guns


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
not really, i just wanted to know what happened to the guy according to the new testament after he was resurrected? he lived for a few more weeks and dissappeared into the mountains? he was found and killed again by romans? what
According to the Catholic Church, when Jesus died, he went to hell to free the souls that deserved heaven. Before Jesus, nobody was allowed entry into heaven, so for thousands of years their souls were waiting. After this, he was resurrected on earth to let his apostles know. Finally, he returned to heaven, body and soul. He will return once more to earth, which is the second coming of Christ.
Jesus' purpose was to open the gates of heaven and allow man to confess his sins to God.
(I'm pretty sure I have that correct)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
Finally, he returned to heaven, body and soul. He will return once more to earth, which is the second coming of Christ.
so there is no time span for this? he just came back told some people the deal and floated to heaven, so there is no body to be found, according to christianity?


According to Christianity he "bodily" rose from the dead. Remember the new testament states that their was no body in the tomb, that Mary Magdaline went to visit the next day. So there would be no body, no bones, etc..