Tons of algae!


tommarow or wensday i'll be getting lots of chaeto and sometime soon I hope ti get a pair of cleaner gobies to keep the sand stirred.


Originally Posted by Hurt
My bad, apparently I was looking at your NO2 reading, not NO3. Anyhow, that is definitely part of the problem if you have a reading of 30 for NO3. Excess nutrients in water.
First you can try to do large water changes to decrease your NO3 reading. This most likely will not solve your problem, but will make it more manageable.
The following options are long term solutions.
-Get a larger/better skimmer.
-Install an algae scrubber.
-Install a RDSB.
I personally would not worry a bit about NSL. Nutrients are the problem, not sunlight. The best looking tank I have ever seen incorporates NSL
Google: Pieter van Suijlekom reefkeeping
Thanks for mentioning that site with the huge windows at the back of the tank! I am still looking at all the pictures of it! Amazing!
Glad to see that Beatlesfan got his trates down.


Originally Posted by digitydash
Have you cleaned your sand out yet.I would do that you have something making it rise.
How woudl I go about doing that? How would it help? Can't I get sand-sifters to do that?


Active Member
You can but you need to clean your sand out some.You probly have alot of waste in it from over feeding befor.Any LFS will have them.


Got my chaeto! 5 baseball sized clumps, put one in my fuge and put 4 in the chamber under my bio-balls in the W/D. also came with small pieces of LR to help bring over beneficial bacteria. Also got my skimmer working properly.


New Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan

My tank is covered in algae and has been for the past month or so. I have tried more snails but they just die and do very little anyway.Any suggestions on what I should do? Here are my params. tank has been set up since february.
Amm. 0
Nitrite 0
nitrate 30 (think this might be it)
pH 8.2
phosphate 0
calcium 480
salinity 1.026
Its notyour nitrates guaranteed. Turbo snails are the best. Is your tank were its exposed to the sun? Do you leave your lights on more than 12 hrs?


Originally Posted by reefking121212
Its notyour nitrates guaranteed. Turbo snails are the best. Is your tank were its exposed to the sun? Do you leave your lights on more than 12 hrs?
no no direct light and I don't leave them on for more than 12hrs.


New Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
I can only do 5g at a time becuase my filter run on a siphon and if it gets too low the siphon stops and my return pump burns out and I have to suck in about 1g of the tank water to get it started again.... not pleasant.
Turn the pump off, i turn everything off except lights as i still need to be able to see a little. It won't hurt anything, as it only takes a few minutes.