too many tangs to shake a stick at


Active Member
Sad really. No self respecting troll would try and jump in so late on a thread with the same story, and after a much stronger post earlier :D And say that it may not be OK when they are big ;) Really, not a very impressive effort. A troll wannabe :p :D
I think I missed some fun though :D That's what I get for wanting to go shopping. Learned my lesson! ;)
I never have really told you about my tank! I went out and bought a 4" naso for my 15g. But my green brittle must be responsible for killing it, because now it is dead. frikin stupid. Some might say, no, it was the carpet anemone. But he's happy as the clam, which is a real nice one. Loves those incandescent bulbs. I bought the black light. Looks kewl. I feed him whole silversides that I bought for the undulated. He doesn't seem to want to eat it, but I just shove it in the big openings.
Nah, I'm no more than a troll wannabe too.


Active Member
Might I take a moment here, to counter all the stuff above?
Originally posted by Sea Goblin
oh, im not planning on getting one any time soon, i only have a 30 gal right now, and thats way too small.

How 'bout this gem!? :D Sorry, Sea Goblin, that your thread got hijacked. But way to go with talkin the talk/walkin the walk (also in the post after this one)! Kudos to you for doing some research, and, above all, knowing the limits of the fish!
Might also throw in a mention for the often overlooked kole/yelloweye tang. I have seen some that are quite lovely, and we used them as the workhorses of the store. Any rock with nearly any algae...cleaned it right off.


Active Member

Originally posted by ophiura
I never have really told you about my tank! I went out and bought a 4" naso for my 15g. But my green brittle must be responsible for killing it, because now it is dead. frikin stupid. Some might say, no, it was the carpet anemone. But he's happy as the clam, which is a real nice one. Loves those incandescent bulbs. I bought the black light. Looks kewl. I feed him whole silversides that I bought for the undulated. He doesn't seem to want to eat it, but I just shove it in the big openings.

roflmao ophiura:D
surfinsam - I hope you hang around long enough to get to know some of us...this really is the most "flame retardant" board around, we just have unique personalities ;)
There is lots of great advice here and yes some fun and a wee bit of flaming, but harmless and if not it gets pulled by the mods.
Favorite tang, naso


I really love my vlamingi tang! He has a great personality and eats anything. I also like the look of the sohal tang, but the price and their temperment keep me away. The red sea sailfin and the purple are also two of my favorites.

dave flood

There all beautiful, I like naso and powder blue,and I think if you do start them out in a small tank its ok, but at some point you really have to get proper size tank.


Active Member
Wrassecal, Why are you laughing at me? I mean really, MAO? There is no reason to flame. The fish aren't in the ocean anyway so it doesn't matter what size tank they are in.
:D ;) :p
For the serious:
How about Achilles, powder browns? Chevrons and convicts? Anyone have them?
For the unserious:
Seriously, I am getting all of them for my 15g. BTW Some say Chevrons get 'ugly' when they are big, but that is OK, because then I can flush it. I like powder blues, they are really pretty, but I've already tried a half dozen and they just jump out or get this white dots stuff on them, and then go to sleep in the carpet anemome. stupid fish. I don't want no more stupid fish.


Active Member
OPHIURA IS DUM!! You are so stupid..........
Puttin' them fish in a 15 gallun tankl' leave way two much room for em'. What are you lukin to do........give em' rights or sumptin? Fish are dumb and don't diserve a tank that are spoiling em' and that offends me alot. I train my stupid fish to fight in a 2.5 gallun bowfront (fancy). I persunally still think my fightin' tank is too big for em' but, the dang wife is a sissy and seyz that ther sufferin'. She is stupid too. You too dumb ladeys would get along just grate.
I am sew sick of hearin' bout all this howgtail tripe bout' fish needin stuff. Put up or shut up...thats whut I tell um. Dum fish.
(Dripping with rediculousness)


Active Member
Ophiura - I had to l -mao it's the only excercise it gets, since I'm sittin in a chair on here so much
Did I tell you guys that my beta in the plant vase died so since I love naso's so much I just went out yesterday and got me a big one and put it right in there. I had squish him through the neck of the vase but once he hit that wide open area of the bottom he was so happy he just laid there smilin:) I stuck the plant back on top of him so he would get plenty of nutrients. I always take good care of my fish:rolleyes:


Active Member
RyeBread, Duh bak at you. I TRIED to fit them in my nanopicomicrometrictesttubetank. Duh. I'm a scientist. Don't you think I would have tried that, just to see if it could be done? That is what scientists do, work on stuff that is completely impractical. Like dead brittlestars n stuff. kewl. I only got their DNA in there though :confused:
:p :p :p :p

sea goblin

Wow!!!! i didnt check for a day, and my post erupted into humor. You guys are too funny, I dont even mind that you guys took it over. :D


Active Member
Rye - Ophiura is not dum, she is ignernt. Be nice to her she han't had the skoolin we have. Just go along with her deloosins of grandyer


Active Member
In all seriousness, especially to Rye,
In another thread about overstocking fish in a small tank, I made the point that there is a big difference about discussing these things online and in a store. I said, in a store (such as where I used to work), the risk is that I might actually punch someone if they went on like we do online.
Someone replied "note to self, don't tick Ophiura off."
I mean, when I was Napoleon, I didn't always treat people well.


Active Member
I completely agree with you. I have just been standing in stores to often hearing folks talk about the terrible things in thier tanks. :( I was in a store about a year or so ago and listened to a man order another Threadfin Lookdown for his 55 gallon tank because the other one died right away.:mad:
If I had know what I do now.........
Talk about a Tang Police issue........that is like a massacre.
BTW- Slothy is afraid of everyone. ;)


I like it when I go home and see the 5 yellow tanks in my dads 55g! Its even cooler when he puts the pirahna in with them and they all FREAK OUT!!! its really cool...the pirhana always passes out though and only can chase them for a little while...I think that the eel he had killed the other pirhana while he was passed out...
Personally I will be putting a yellow in my 29 today and let him acclimate while he watches the superbowl...


Active Member
Originally posted by RyeBread
BTW- Slothy is afraid of everyone. ;) [/B]

Only you when your chasing me around with your Little Sword fish out !! :p

sinner's girl

this may sound odd, but, to me it depends on the personality of the fish. i've seen all sorts of tangs. I had a yellow tang i loved, but then there was a powder blue that melted my heart.
One day when i'm out of school and have real job and a house i'll be able to have a tank big enough for a tang (i know some say they can go in 55gl or 75gl but ours are only 4ft long...i want more swimming room before i have a tang, jmo)


Active Member
There is a paper background for tanks that has a yellow tang on it (swimming around in a reef tank). I say we suggest that to anyone who wants a tang, but has a smaller tank. You could even have 1/2 a tang in a betta tank. 1 in a 20, or 2.3 yellow tangs in a 4 ft tank.
We could cut out all of the negativity, with a simply suggestion. And it would save money on food! No more flames. No more headaches!
I know. It's brilliant.
Currently accepting appreciative strokes to my ego.
Sinner's Girl,
Not odd at all. There was one sohal that was really mean to me. Others have not been so bad, but I am quick to ignore my own advice about different individual personalities vs species characteristics, yadda yadda yadda...and condemn the lot. Sohals are pretty, but I don't like them. But I can totally see how personality of the fish is important.
And Kudos for waiting for the bigger tank! :)