trying a 75 AGAIN



Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
are you trying to let this tread die?
I know! I'm glad that you rescued this thread from how ever many pages back it was.
C'mon Matt... updates.... updates!~

matt b

Active Member
FINE, My good camera fell off the bed and broke so no good pix. My frag tank is really coming along its almost FULL. I am selling the frags on my local reef club. I would send you 2 some but they are all SPS. I have a huge shipment of coral coming this week( atleast 15 rare SPS). I will take pix of the frag tank tonight or tomorrow and pix of the frags when I get them

matt b

Active Member
I took out one of the rocks on the right that was not supporting anything so the cave would be more open. And I saw the other matt get a goniopora from the LFS we both go to and I could not stand how cool it was so I got one.


matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
you should frag your rics, zoos, acan, and stuff in teh sand looks a bit crowded, but its reallly colorful

Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
when are you gonna start fragging? lol

Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11

ya hell lure em into his cave and theyll never come out
, but fo real you needa frag yo tank brotha...

Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11

i think there ready to frag also and those zoos and those mushrooms...haha lol i NEED GTA
About me fragging the rics


Love the goniopora, would get one but dont want to see it die in a year. Hopfully you can keep it happy longer and give me some tips on it! Nice looking tank!


Active Member
my goniopora was my most finicky coral. I got it and it looked awesome for about 1 month, and then it slowly closed over about a week - opening up less and less over about a week. Then it stayed deflated completely for about 7 wks. I thought it was surely dead. Then, one day... it opened up and it has looked awesome ever since. I've had it over a year now...


Nice pick on the Goniopora! Mine is doing extremely well. The longest tentacles are probably 5 inches. When it is opened all the way it is probably about the size of one of those small soccer balls. It is huge! I have heard that they do not typically survive more than a year in captivity. Check out they have a lot of information on how to keep them. I recently just purchased some phyto-feast, tigger pods, and arcti pods to feed mine.
I originally got everything to feed my potters wrasse, but he is no longer with us (I wrote about it on my thread if you care to know what happened). I am currently culturing the tigger-pods which are a large red copepod. Whenever I get a nice culture going I will throw you a bottle if you are interested in seeding your refugium or want to start up a culture of your own. I have heard of a lot of success stories from people who keep a side culture going and feed their tank so they can keep a mandarin. Let me know if you are interested.
Nice new frags by the way, looking good as always!