trying a 75 AGAIN



Wow! Those wrasses ARE the same color! Or, if they aren't exactly the same, they look enough alike to not like each other very much!~

What are you going to do with the first one? You're gonna get the "girlfriend" on Wednesday and when you put her in there, you KNOW they're gonna team up and harrass any other wrasse you put in there.
Poor thing... he was "king of the tank" for just a little while... he was so sad in the QT and then he was moved into the DT and got so HAPPY!! New boy comes along and is a wimp and he gets put back into QT.... poor thing.

j/k with ya!~
Anyway, love your new SPS's! I would love to upgrade to MH's so that I could get some of those because to me, they all look like little figurines when I see them at the LFS.... some of them look "too perfect".
anyway... keep those pics coming!!~


lookin really good matt! how about some updates on those monti caps???
I'm starting to get obsessed with them. You hood is kicked too, how much did you throw down for it?

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Wow! Those wrasses ARE the same color! Or, if they aren't exactly the same, they look enough alike to not like each other very much!~

What are you going to do with the first one? You're gonna get the "girlfriend" on Wednesday and when you put her in there, you KNOW they're gonna team up and harrass any other wrasse you put in there.
Poor thing... he was "king of the tank" for just a little while... he was so sad in the QT and then he was moved into the DT and got so HAPPY!! New boy comes along and is a wimp and he gets put back into QT.... poor thing.

j/k with ya!~
Anyway, love your new SPS's! I would love to upgrade to MH's so that I could get some of those because to me, they all look like little figurines when I see them at the LFS.... some of them look "too perfect".
anyway... keep those pics coming!!~
Well, I am turning my 29g QT into a frag tank so the orange back will be the only fish in there. And I am pretty sure I am gonna pick up the other wrasse but I am scared they might change --- and fight. So I might just end up getting a mandarin and that be the final stock list. BUT the clowns are changing alot! I can tell the female from the male so they now have the names you gave them

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by OSUaquarist
lookin really good matt! how about some updates on those monti caps???
I'm starting to get obsessed with them. You hood is kicked too, how much did you throw down for it?
500 for everything lights, hood and everything! And I will take some pix of the montis later. They have grown a little bit but not much. My new love is with fairy wrasses and acros


Originally Posted by MaTT B
Well, I am turning my 29g QT into a frag tank so the orange back will be the only fish in there. And I am pretty sure I am gonna pick up the other wrasse but I am scared they might change --- and fight. So I might just end up getting a mandarin and that be the final stock list. BUT the clowns are changing alot! I can tell the female from the male so they now have the names you gave them

Good!~ I'm glad that you're gonna keep the orange back and let him have the 29g!

Have you seen the velvet/rose fin fairy wrasse? Detguy has pics of his in the Photography section and that is one gorgeous wrasse! I want one!

Your clowns have already changed soooo much since you've gotten them, it seems! Yay for them having the names I gave them!~

Pics!! Pics!! Pics!!


Okay, I see that you beat me to it and actually did post new pics!! I loooooove that xenia with the ric! What kind of xenia is that? I've been looking for some that looks like that and never see any...
I have ORA Red Sea Pom Pom xenia and it doesn't look like that... what is yours called?

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by matt2364
I like the new frags very nice! Any chance you are going to make it out ot reefsystems this weekend?
If your on I could maybe make it today if you still want that frag. But anyway BIG NEWS!!! I can see the babies in my cardinals mouth! You can see little heads and little tails they are so cute!!!!