trying a 75 AGAIN

matt b

Active Member
I just fraged 4 heads of frogspawn so if anyone wants to trade in central ohio just let me no


Holy moly Matt!! Look at you!! You have an awwwwwwwesome 75!! I read through everything and don't know if I can remember it all to comment on everything I wanted to comment on!

Let's see if I can remember everything.... SWEET canopy!
How strong is the flow?? I know you wanted lots because of the SPS, but your fish have GOT to be surfing in there, I'm sure!

and I didn't know that those were "snail guards" on the Koralias! I never put mine on and now I wonder about my poor snails... I always see them in there!
Think they're trying to commit suicide?

Your "Jekyl and Hyde" clowns.... love them! The bangaii... I hope they make babies! And what a gorgeous fairy wrasse! I've never seen one like that~
Love your rock work, especially that middle shelf! Lots of stuff can go there! Looks like the snails like to hang out there right now!
Your rics are niiiiice! Are those the ones from Ken at SL or are those from Mike?
I am super impressed! Looooove it!
BTW.... I know where your thread is now, so ya can't hide anymore!~

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Holy moly Matt!! Look at you!! You have an awwwwwwwesome 75!! I read through everything and don't know if I can remember it all to comment on everything I wanted to comment on!

Let's see if I can remember everything.... SWEET canopy!
How strong is the flow?? I know you wanted lots because of the SPS, but your fish have GOT to be surfing in there, I'm sure!

and I didn't know that those were "snail guards" on the Koralias! I never put mine on and now I wonder about my poor snails... I always see them in there!
Think they're trying to commit suicide?

Your "Jekyl and Hyde" clowns.... love them! The bangaii... I hope they make babies! And what a gorgeous fairy wrasse! I've never seen one like that~
Love your rock work, especially that middle shelf! Lots of stuff can go there! Looks like the snails like to hang out there right now!
Your rics are niiiiice! Are those the ones from Ken at SL or are those from Mike?
I am super impressed! Looooove it!
BTW.... I know where your thread is now, so ya can't hide anymore!~

I dont have the koralias anymore. I have 2 sureflow modded maxijets but not sure how much that is but its def more then the koralia 4s. The male cardinal IS holding babies but I dont think I am going to try to raise this batch. and the middle rock I am saving that for a clam!!!! and yes all the rics but one are from that place u sent me. and yes your snails are trying to kill them selfs cause they think they are gonna get tradded in for "better" snails
JK. I do have to tell you I traded in my maroon from my nano into the lfs for the ones I have and then I put everything from my nano in here and got the new clowns

matt b

Active Member
And I doubt anyone cares but I upgraded from the jbj ATO to a ATO from It works alot better


Originally Posted by MaTT B
I dont have the koralias anymore. I have 2 sureflow modded maxijets but not sure how much that is but its def more then the koralia 4s. The male cardinal IS holding babies but I dont think I am going to try to raise this batch. and the middle rock I am saving that for a clam!!!! and yes all the rics but one are from that place u sent me. and yes your snails are trying to kill them selfs cause they think they are gonna get tradded in for "better" snails
JK. I do have to tell you I traded in my maroon from my nano into the lfs for the ones I have and then I put everything from my nano in here and got the new clowns
Wow. You have some serious flow in your tank! Your fish probably have to hold onto something with their mouths at night time so that they don't blow all around the tank while they try to sleep!~
awwww.... your cardinal is holding babies! How often do they do that and do you eventually plan to try to raise the fry?
And I caught what you said about the snails!
Everyone in my tank knows that they are "safe from elimination". I'm happy with what I have and don't intend to trade anyone, and I mean that.

I also see that you have trading issues with your clowns too!

So, are you just going to keep the 75 and not go back to nano's ever? Is it bigger from now on? 'Cause next you'll be getting a 150!
I'm gonna keep up with this thread.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Wow. You have some serious flow in your tank! Your fish probably have to hold onto something with their mouths at night time so that they don't blow all around the tank while they try to sleep!~
awwww.... your cardinal is holding babies! How often do they do that and do you eventually plan to try to raise the fry?
And I caught what you said about the snails!
Everyone in my tank knows that they are "safe from elimination". I'm happy with what I have and don't intend to trade anyone, and I mean that.

I also see that you have trading issues with your clowns too!

So, are you just going to keep the 75 and not go back to nano's ever? Is it bigger from now on? 'Cause next you'll be getting a 150!
I'm gonna keep up with this thread.

Ya I am done with nanos. I even I have my upgraded hood with 4 pcs if your still looking for one

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Wow. You have some serious flow in your tank! Your fish probably have to hold onto something with their mouths at night time so that they don't blow all around the tank while they try to sleep!~
awwww.... your cardinal is holding babies! How often do they do that and do you eventually plan to try to raise the fry?
And I caught what you said about the snails!
Everyone in my tank knows that they are "safe from elimination". I'm happy with what I have and don't intend to trade anyone, and I mean that.

I also see that you have trading issues with your clowns too!

So, are you just going to keep the 75 and not go back to nano's ever? Is it bigger from now on? 'Cause next you'll be getting a 150!
I'm gonna keep up with this thread.

I am not sure how often they have babies but I do plan on raising them some day I just dont have time and dont really feel like having all the work


Originally Posted by MaTT B
Ya I am done with nanos. I even I have my upgraded hood with 4 pcs if your still looking for one
Was your nano a Biocube? How would I go about putting it on my tank? You have to remember that I am a girl and all of the technical/electrical stuff and me don't get along too well.

Oh, and I remember your bicolor blenny. Whatever happened to him? Do you still have him?

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Was your nano a Biocube? How would I go about putting it on my tank? You have to remember that I am a girl and all of the technical/electrical stuff and me don't get along too well.

Oh, and I remember your bicolor blenny. Whatever happened to him? Do you still have him?
hes in my 75 and doing good. And you can take your hood off your biocube right? well just take that hood off and then put this one on. And ya its for a biocube and its got 4 bulbs and not 2


Originally Posted by MaTT B
hes in my 75 and doing good. And you can take your hood off your biocube right? well just take that hood off and then put this one on. And ya its for a biocube and its got 4 bulbs and not 2
Whew! So glad to know you still have your bicolor blenny and that you didn't just get tired of him and traded him in for something!~

Yeah, I can take the hood off of my Biocube. And is it REALLY as easy as taking my hood off and putting that one on? Or, is it really you take yours off and disconnect this from that and then plug this into this and wire this into that....
I'm sure I can get someone to help me. How much you want for it?

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Whew! So glad to know you still have your bicolor blenny and that you didn't just get tired of him and traded him in for something!~

Yeah, I can take the hood off of my Biocube. And is it REALLY as easy as taking my hood off and putting that one on? Or, is it really you take yours off and disconnect this from that and then plug this into this and wire this into that....
I'm sure I can get someone to help me. How much you want for it?

All you do is unplug your old one take it off plug this one in put it on. and I am not sure how much I want let me see how much I paid for it. and its got 1 actinic and 3 white. and They are about 3 months old
edit: forget the hood I just pluged it in a it made a big boom and now it wont turn on LOL I could never sell my cyber "mom" a broken hood


Originally Posted by MaTT B
All you do is unplug your old one take it off plug this one in put it on. and I am not sure how much I want let me see how much I paid for it. and its got 1 actinic and 3 white. and They are about 3 months old
edit: forget the hood I just pluged it in a it made a big boom and now it wont turn on LOL I could never sell my cyber "mom" a broken hood
Well poop!~
I appreciate your manners... you certainly wouldn't want your cyber mom to ground you now, would you??


Originally Posted by MaTT B
I am going to a coral farm!!! I am hoping to come back with a clam! I will have pix of what I get when I get back

hey what farm did u go to i think i might of went to that one to

how much of a strong flow do you have? i have a 75 gal with low flo i guess...I'm planning to make it a all out reef tank...

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by fishissues
hey what farm did u go to i think i might of went to that one to

how much of a strong flow do you have? i have a 75 gal with low flo i guess...I'm planning to make it a all out reef tank...
I was at reefsystems. I was the kid
I have pretty strong flow its about the same as 2 koralia 4s


Oooooh niiiiice frags!

Those clowns... please tell me that those are the same clowns that I dubbed "Jekyl and Hyde".... I see their "normal pattern" sides... is the other side still misbarred or did you get another set of clowns??
They look darker already...