trying a 75 AGAIN

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Oooooh niiiiice frags!

Those clowns... please tell me that those are the same clowns that I dubbed "Jekyl and Hyde".... I see their "normal pattern" sides... is the other side still misbarred or did you get another set of clowns??
They look darker already...
They are they same and they are gettng darker and they still have the misbar on one side
I am just waiting to find out whos going to wear the pants
I am not sure whos gonna be the female so they are not named that yet

matt b

Active Member
O and I am going to try and get some shots of the soon to be daddy cardinal. and who knows maybe they will live maybe they will come out in a low flow zone and eat mysis


New Member
Hey Matt, great thread so far. Was wondering about coral farm, looks very interesting. I am from Akron so it will be a drive to go there, but I might go this summer as I am also upgrading to a 75. Could you tell me what kind of prices they have there, for say small frags of corals?

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by vietcu
Hey Matt, great thread so far. Was wondering about coral farm, looks very interesting. I am from Akron so it will be a drive to go there, but I might go this summer as I am also upgrading to a 75. Could you tell me what kind of prices they have there, for say small frags of corals?
smaller SPS are about 19. I paid 50 total for 3 good sized frags. Its not bad and your supporting a small business that he has built from the ground up. he has a website its and his salt is SUPER cheap for instant ocean

matt b

Active Member
I just ordered a HOB filter and I am going to turn that into a small fuge for some cheato and I am going to start looking for a nice mandarin


Originally Posted by MaTT B
I am going to start looking for a nice mandarin
Are you planning on having a love affair with your mandarin too? (ala Halo)

Got some shots of the daddy cardinal yet??

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Are you planning on having a love affair with your mandarin too? (ala Halo)

Got some shots of the daddy cardinal yet??

I will go take some now. And I dont know maybe if I find the right one we will fall in love
But I ended up getting a aquaclear I think its called at my lfs and it is PERFECT!!!! All I need is some cheato and a clip on light but I think it will get enuf from my DT lights but time will tell

matt b

Active Member
here are some pix of the soon to be daddy and the soon to be refugium and my clowns are little camera whores so I had to post a few of them. The female cardinal will just swim outside the males cave and if anyone comes close to the cave u better plan on a ass kicking
And I just could not help myself I had to put my wrasse in the big tank. He just looked so sad
And I am trading a frogspawn frag for a digi monti on sunday and selling one to matt with a buch of #s so I will buy another frag with that money on sunday so more pix to come!!!


matt b

Active Member
I am getting cheato to put in the refugium and trading a frogspawn frag for some kind of monti I forget the name PIX TOMORROW

matt b

Active Member
Well heres what I got!! And a few pix of the wrasse in the big kid tank. And I added cheato and a light to the HOB fuge!


matt b

Active Member
I am going to stop posting pix if people dont start commenting!!! I stoped at my other lfs and saw an AMAZING wrasse and I asked and the guy said its been there for a long while! So I did not QT him but hes acclimating now. Ill have pix when he comes out


New Member
Hey sorry to bother again Matt, but I ordered a 1" diamond bit for my tank. What size pvc pipe should I get to fit the 1" bulkhead? getting stuff ahead of time so would like to know, thanks.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by vietcu
Hey sorry to bother again Matt, but I ordered a 1" diamond bit for my tank. What size pvc pipe should I get to fit the 1" bulkhead? getting stuff ahead of time so would like to know, thanks.
I am not really sure. I dont have a drilled tank but you could post in the diy forum.
My orange back is beating the heck out of the new wrasse so I might have to take the new one back

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by snowrider84
Looking Good. Dont stop posting pics i want to be able to watch this one grow

I will try and get a pic of the new wrasse but he cant even come out and play cause the big bad mean orange back

matt b

Active Member
Ok well I took the MEAN orange back out put him in QT and the new one is very active and eating now!!! The new one had a girlfriend at the LFS but I didnt have the money to get her soo wed I am gonna go pick her up!! And I think they where fighting cause they had alot of the same colors
