Active Member
Originally Posted by krazykarel
My request in the original post was to show me those Undys pics. It appears not to many in this community keep Undys, which surprises me because just about every LFS around me has one or more for sale.
Not to be harsh, but did you actually read the acticle that you posted about Triggers that got locked? DId you see the part where the author's dream tank was a 120 gallon with a single Undulate Trigger? Most of the people that hang out here do so to learn, if you are here to learn it shouldn't take long to learn that an Undulate is not a community fish. That's why so few people that frequent this site have them, they don't want a single fish in a large tank. LFS have them because they are cheap, beautiful, hardy and plentiful. It would be nice if LFS sold fish responsibly all the time, but its really not their job to do so, they are just trying to make money....Buyer beware.
My request in the original post was to show me those Undys pics. It appears not to many in this community keep Undys, which surprises me because just about every LFS around me has one or more for sale.
Not to be harsh, but did you actually read the acticle that you posted about Triggers that got locked? DId you see the part where the author's dream tank was a 120 gallon with a single Undulate Trigger? Most of the people that hang out here do so to learn, if you are here to learn it shouldn't take long to learn that an Undulate is not a community fish. That's why so few people that frequent this site have them, they don't want a single fish in a large tank. LFS have them because they are cheap, beautiful, hardy and plentiful. It would be nice if LFS sold fish responsibly all the time, but its really not their job to do so, they are just trying to make money....Buyer beware.