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Ok Slack I am not here to argue with you anymore. All I am going to tell you is that your triggers will grow fast. My clown trigger was just removed from my system due to the fact that he grew from 3" to over 5" in less than 6 months. He also was fatter than my 9" tang. His attitude also grew a great deal. He was nipping at my 10" emperor angel and abusing my 9" blueface angel. These 2 fish are aguably the most aggressive fish without teeth at their size. You know there is an issue when a fish that is less than half the size of an uber aggressive dominant fish. The clown was so aggressive when I took him out he was trying to bite and charge the net as well as my hand. In fact, I have a nice little present from him on my index finger where he got a couple of good teeth marks and blood.
Your triggers may be playing nice now, but when you start to feed them the correct food and they grow at the correct rate, you will see their true colors. Yours are eating a ton, but the nutrition is not there. If you feed them your live feeders, but you do it with actual live saltwater fish and squid and clams your fish will grow at an alarming rate.
Your Dragon Wrasse was the fist, and now that one of your triggers has a taste for other saltwater fish it is a matter of time.
You put a queen in there and here is what your tank will look like soon.
What these guys are telling you is true. The Queen trigger shown above was mine for about six months. I rescued it from a tank that was way too small. I kept it in solitaire the entire time till I found her a bigger home. A guy from New York took her for his 1,000 gallon FOWLR tank with other aggressive fish. I forewarned the guy that the queen would decimate the others in the tank. He said he was prepared to devote a tank this large to a fish this large. Last I heard about her was that the queen didn't waste any time in making room for herself in that tank, shredded the others, and is now living alone in a 1,000gallon tank.