I was at my LFS today and saw this weird paly. They called it a "cinnamon" paly but it wasn't the traditional one we know. It was brown with white interlacing channels. Nice looking but for 10 polyps they want 300 bucks....bah hahahahaha. Stupid.
Originally Posted by peef http:///forum/post/2707698
I was at my LFS today and saw this weird paly. They called it a "cinnamon" paly but it wasn't the traditional one we know. It was brown with white interlacing channels. Nice looking but for 10 polyps they want 300 bucks....bah hahahahaha. Stupid.
wow havent ssen u in a while
WOW THATS 30 BUCKS A POLYP. I got some gold cinnamon colored palys. HEHE. i got about 30 heads and growing by the day and i only paid 24 bucks but it was only like 6 heads when i got it and they are about size of a quarter. not huge half dollar ones. But hey glad to see you around.
thanks man, I am glad to finally have some days off where I can get back on here and see whats going on. I am going to post some pics later today. Just got a new camera that is 12mp and suhWEET! So hopefully it is going to take nice shots.
Well here are some of the first pics with my new camera. I am just learning to use it though so be patient.
And I have attached more paly's to the back wall. I think the back wall is the most unused place in the tank. I am going to start a new fad. Remember next year when EVERYONE wants to decorate their back walls....IT ALL STARTED WITH ME!
Originally Posted by ChronicCoral35 http:///forum/post/2709309
Thats some nice coral
Thanks much!
Originally Posted by subielover http:///forum/post/2709310
Looking forward to the new pics, but IMO these pics are fantastic
Everything looks really nice and healthy, I like the idea of attaching coral to the backwall! Well done
Thanks! I really like the idea of arranging the back wall with zoos and paly's to create depth and contrast. Should look really nice when its filled in.
Awesome pics. cant wait until you post the ones you say are even better Did you check out my new acan i just got ? An awesome neon green one its a beauty
And you should keep the sun coral. they are awesome corals
Originally Posted by peef http:///forum/post/2712119
So I am thinking about selling my suncoral.......not sure though if I want to. It is so nice but takes up so much room and is now alot to handle.
I got rid of mine cuz of that too. Got to be a pain. How big is your sun now?
... Ok dumb question , do you just glue them to the abck wall
Yes I am about to copy you'r idea!
Yep I just glue the base rock they are on to the back wall. The xenia I let grow on there on their own. It would also work with the zoos and paly's but it would have taken forever.
Originally Posted by ChronicCoral35 http:///forum/post/2712285
Yeah that backwall idea is nice man, I can't wait to see it all filled up...you may be my inspiration to do so eventually
Originally Posted by paintballer768 http:///forum/post/2712203
I got rid of mine cuz of that too. Got to be a pain. How big is your sun now?
It has somewhere close to 100 polyps I will take some new photos soon.
Originally Posted by kclester http:///forum/post/2712217
looks good
Thanks alot!
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6 http:///forum/post/2712131
Awesome pics. cant wait until you post the ones you say are even better Did you check out my new acan i just got ? An awesome neon green one its a beauty
And you should keep the sun coral. they are awesome corals
I will go and check er out!