Updates on new SW tank



Originally posted by Willie_6
Why no fish Woody?

Willie, since I'm new to the hobby, I want to take things slow, get the tank very accustomed to its' new residents. I've added the inverts and we're enjoying them moving around and doing their thing. We're having a problem with the green hair algae, going to combat that for a bit. Once we get that under control, then we'll start adding fish slowly.



Originally posted by mkcsil18
Hey woody for a 10 gallon tank what do you think I would need? tank, heater, filter, rock & sand? and thing like a skimmer or anything else?

I would think, from what I've read, that if you stay on top of regular weekly water changes, then a skimmer wouldn't be necessary on a 10 gallon. Not to say it wouldn't work well, that's just from what I've read.
What I've come across and would advise? I purchased an AC500 filter that a guy turned into a mini fuge by siliconing an acrylic baffle a few inches from the intake port...put some LS and LR in it, and use it as a mini fuge and filter area. It offers about 30-50 x turnover so I don't think there would be a need for a powerhead in the tank. Also, the fuge well is long and deep enough to house the heater, an added plus.
Sand and LR is a given.
Lighting. You still want to treat a 10 gallon the same as larger tanks with lighting. I'm going to buy a satellite 12" 36watt system that will have the actinic/white/lunar lights in it, and it will fit well on top of the tank.



Originally posted by mkcsil18
all I know is this saltwater stuff is worst then Crack... rofl I want to turn a room in my house into a huge tank.. :D but I got to take it slow...

Oh I know the feeling. The Mrs and I have already decided what walls we want to cut into to make a 200+ gallon display in wall system.
She wants a tank (10 gallon) in her sewing room, but she wants it in the closet, with the front in the wall like a wall based display.
It's crazy I tell ya!!!!!!!



Originally posted by woodymdt
Oh I know the feeling. The Mrs and I have already decided what walls we want to cut into to make a 200+ gallon display in wall system.
She wants a tank (10 gallon) in her sewing room, but she wants it in the closet, with the front in the wall like a wall based display.
It's crazy I tell ya!!!!!!!

I am amazed at the number of tanks you have. I definitely see me getting a second tank down the road, but 4 an then to possibly add 2 more!! WOW!!! Unbelievable!! Do any of your other tanks have salt water fish in them?



Originally posted by Willie_6
I am amazed at the number of tanks you have. I definitely see me getting a second tank down the road, but 4 an then to possibly add 2 more!! WOW!!! Unbelievable!! Do any of your other tanks have salt water fish in them?

Right now we have:
55 gallon FW tank in the den
30 gallon FW tank in the den
40 gallon SW tank in the bedroom
10 gallon SW tank in the bedroom
10 gallon FW tank in the computer room
2 - 10 gallon tanks that are currently empty
5 gallon minibow at my office that is empty
We thought about selling what we have and buying one big tank, but we want a tank in the bedroom.
The 10 gallon SW tank was a rush setup when I discovered my Mantis Shrimp in 40 gallon tank.
The 55 will be converted next year...unless we save up and by a 100+ tank.
The 30 gallon I'm not real happy about and I'm on the verge of breaking it down...It's taller than it is wide, and it's difficult to keep everything happy in it.



Originally posted by woodymdt
Right now we have:
55 gallon FW tank in the den
30 gallon FW tank in the den
40 gallon SW tank in the bedroom
10 gallon SW tank in the bedroom
10 gallon FW tank in the computer room
2 - 10 gallon tanks that are currently empty
5 gallon minibow at my office that is empty
We thought about selling what we have and buying one big tank, but we want a tank in the bedroom.
The 10 gallon SW tank was a rush setup when I discovered my Mantis Shrimp in 40 gallon tank.
The 55 will be converted next year...unless we save up and by a 100+ tank.
The 30 gallon I'm not real happy about and I'm on the verge of breaking it down...It's taller than it is wide, and it's difficult to keep everything happy in it.

WOW!!! I hope my wife gets into with me, then it would be easier for me to get additional tanks. Then again I guess I need to get the one I have running. What's with the mantis shrimp? Bad for the 40 gal tank??



Originally posted by Willie_6
What's with the mantis shrimp? Bad for the 40 gal tank??

The ongoing opinion is that Mantis shrimp are bad for a tank period, unless it's a mantis tank only. They are ferocious predators...So the mantis is in a 10 gallon tank all by his lonesome for now.



Originally posted by woodymdt
The ongoing opinion is that Mantis shrimp are bad for a tank period, unless it's a mantis tank only. They are ferocious predators...So the mantis is in a 10 gallon tank all by his lonesome for now.

How is he doing? Are they cool creatures? I am adding live sand today, do I need to worry about any creatures surfacing from that?



Originally posted by Willie_6
How is he doing? Are they cool creatures? I am adding live sand today, do I need to worry about any creatures surfacing from that?

I wouldn't think so. Live Sand might have some pods, worms, very small creatures...not sure if they'll ALL be good or bad, just never know.
Mantis Shrimp, from what I've learned, hitch hike on live rock, mainly Gulf or FLorida keys live rock.
They're kind of menacing looking...but George has quite a personality. As long as he doesn't attack the glass aquarium, we'll hang onto him.



Originally posted by woodymdt
I wouldn't think so. Live Sand might have some pods, worms, very small creatures...not sure if they'll ALL be good or bad, just never know.
Mantis Shrimp, from what I've learned, hitch hike on live rock, mainly Gulf or FLorida keys live rock.
They're kind of menacing looking...but George has quite a personality. As long as he doesn't attack the glass aquarium, we'll hang onto him.

George!! That's great.
Do you name all your sea animals?



Originally posted by Willie_6
George!! That's great.
Do you name all your sea animals?

Oh not all...but a majority of them.
So far our roster includes:
George - our Mantis
Gracie - mantis we gave to an LFS store
Tusk - our Fire Shrimp
Archie and Edith - inseperable peppermint shrimps
Sebastian - the biggest hermit crab we have


I know that feeling all too well.
So far we've only invested approximately $350.00 total in what we've actually bought. I know it'll go more as we get into fish, corals, and anemones.



Originally posted by Willie_6
$350?? That can't include your tank and everything can it?

Pretty much yes. We already had the tank. Already had the power filters.
Biggest expense has been the lights, then bought the powerheads, sand and rock, then the critters.
That may be a little low, but it's somewhere around there.


Ok, came home from dinner with friends, and noticed that we got pretty good size pods lurking around on the LR. they're white in color, maybe a tannish white, curved body, and there were a few good sized ones, I'd say about 1/2" long, and more that were smaller than that.
Oh, we saw a pretty good sized slug too.....no shell, white to an almost opaque colored body....
this stuff is SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!


Well it's been a pretty busy day today, started with getting up late so didn't get to spend a lot of time looking at the tank this morning.
Saw George in his ten gallon last night, with what looked to be a hitch hiker crab, or at least pieces of it...
Other than that not much to report. I yanked some algae out of the tank last night...tired of looking at the 3-6 inch strands. I'm going to yank some more out tomorrow and get it down to a nominal level, then get a few more critters that will eat it up...maybe I'll invest in a lawnmower blenny before this is all over...:jumping:


hi, woodymdt this is arkey.n arkey.d's daughter how is your salt water tank coming along? are's is doing quite well......:cheer: lol.....:happyfish :hilarious :jumping:
hehehe well nice talking to you sorry for all the smileys lol ttyl bye
Edit: Sorry about that, my daughter Nicole wanted to say hi.



Originally posted by arkey.d
hi, woodymdt this is arkey.n arkey.d's daughter how is your salt water tank coming along? are's is doing quite well......:cheer: lol.....:happyfish :hilarious :jumping:
hehehe well nice talking to you sorry for all the smileys lol ttyl bye
Edit: Sorry about that, my daughter Nicole wanted to say hi.

Well hello there Nicole! The tank is coming along so so...I owe a lot to your dad! He's been very helpful in our getting our tank up and running!
(Psss...tell your dad to take MORE pictures of your tank and put on here so we can see it, ok?)