Updates on new SW tank


Well, as you can tell by the tanks latest picture...the algae is still quite thick in some places.
I think tonight I'm going to take some time and try and pick out some of the thicker clumps, maybe move some snails around to some of the bigger areas on the back glass and see if they'll do some damage to it.
And quite possibly I'm going to reduce the time on the lighting for a few days, see if that makes a bit of difference.


looking great woody.... when I get home I will upload some pics of the sump I took last, I just didn't get time to upload them. :D



Originally posted by mkcsil18
looking great woody.... when I get home I will upload some pics of the sump I took last, I just didn't get time to upload them. :D

No hurry, but yes I would like to see them. If you can, get as detailed as possible...sometimes I'm a little slow in understanding schematics..hehe.


lol np I was in the same boat, I actually have a few sites that explained them to me in detail, and made it all very clear to me. If you want to email me I will send you all the info I have on them. :D
talk to you soon.



Originally posted by mkcsil18
lol np I was in the same boat, I actually have a few sites that explained them to me in detail, and made it all very clear to me. If you want to email me I will send you all the info I have on them. :D
talk to you soon.

Ok, sent an email but I forgot to put my personal email address as well. If you think about it when you send the email, please add mtollett@centurytel.net to the email addresses?



Originally posted by woodymdt
Well it's a cute one. I have a 5 gal minibow at my office, but it's FW, not salt. Maybe someday I'll setup a SWA here at the office.

Originally posted by arkey.d

Nice Tanks skysmom and plumbjohn!

Thanks guys. I hope mine turns out to look as good as yours!:happy:


woody...i was reading back on this thread and i think the lighting my be your prob.....if i read correct u dont have any timers yet.. that means your running both lights all day....i dont have timers either but i do have the luxuary of working 2 miles from home.....when i come in at lunch at 11:30 i turn on my day lights and they go back off at 6 pm...blue lights run from 7 am to 9 pm...lunar at night.....im guessing ur not able to make it home at lunch to do this.... maybe this will help or u already have realized it.....



Originally posted by hydro
woody...i was reading back on this thread and i think the lighting my be your prob.....if i read correct u dont have any timers yet.. that means your running both lights all day....i dont have timers either but i do have the luxuary of working 2 miles from home.....when i come in at lunch at 11:30 i turn on my day lights and they go back off at 6 pm...blue lights run from 7 am to 9 pm...lunar at night.....im guessing ur not able to make it home at lunch to do this.... maybe this will help or u already have realized it.....

That has been one of my thoughts...and no I can't really make it home during lunch. We'll probably end up with timers this weekend so the lights will have their own cycle going....that would make it much easier.
When we timer them, we'll probably set the daytime lights on a 4-6 hour period for a few weeks, see if that helps break down the algae.


im not sure maybe someone else can help me answer but i think if you just run the blue for a while and not the daylights that might help kill it ....what else is in there ,fish inverts,any thing that might die????????????? maybe starving it completely of light for a couple days might do it??????



Originally posted by hydro
im not sure maybe someone else can help me answer but i think if you just run the blue for a while and not the daylights that might help kill it ....what else is in there ,fish inverts,any thing that might die????????????? maybe starving it completely of light for a couple days might do it??????

no fish yet, but 10 hermits, 12 snails, and three shrimp. I'd be a little concerned for them keeping them in total darkness for longer than a day.
I'll check on the blue's running for awhile, see what the majority opinion might be.


Our first critter was seen last night.:jumping: My step-daughter saw a creature she described as a small white slug with hairs on it's head. She said it was about 1/4" long. She said it almost blended in with the LR, so it's a creamy white color. I have yet to see it. I saw what I thought may have been a polyp or anenome, but I think it was just a shell or something. It was small, and looked kind of like a transparent clam shell. It moved too, but I think that may have been with the currents in the water. It's not there anymore tho. So I am not sure what it could have been. Any ideas as to either? If I see them, I'll try to take a pic, but since my camera doesn't have a macro function, I don't know how great it will work. We'll see :)
Let's hope this is the first of many more critters in our little home :)


Ok, so I got home and UPS delivered the AC500 Minifuge that I bought from a guy in Kansas.
I got it setup, put sand and some LR rubble in it and turned it on...it's pretty powerful in that 10 gallon tank, so much that I may take the powerhead out in leui of the current that the AC500 is giving off.
It did cloud the water again...so waiting for it to work itself out and clear up again.


Good morning everyone, a couple quick updates.
40 gallon: We lost our emerald crab. Saw him upside down on the tank bottom when we got home yesterday. Still have a bunch of algae, so today I turned on the blue actinic lights and left the white lights off. I'll see if there is any noticable change when I get home.
10 gallon: Tank cleared up overnight. That AC500 is putting out some current in that small of a tank. I'm still considering taking the powerhead off and just using the 500 to move the water. I'll make that decision after I consult with a few people. I think I'm going to move the LR around a bit, and make two distinct mounds instead of just stacking everything from the sides to the middle. If/when I get that done, I'll snap a few shots and see what you folks think.
5 gallon minibow: I might as well start putting this tank in my updates as well. This is a 5 gallon acrylic minibow that is at my office. I have broken down the prior freshwater setup and took the fish home to put in our 30gal hex tank. This one is going to go slower because my first priorities are the tanks at home, but I think I can get things going probably in another week or so. I'll get a 15lb bag of aragonite, about 7lb of LR, and let it start cycling as well. I have a Penguin mini that runs approx. 100gph but it's not a strong current. I may supplement that with the 100gph powerhead that is currently in the 10 gallon. This will be a no fish tank, just LR, some soft corals, shrooms, and a few critters, crabs, snails, maybe one or two shrimp.
I'll keep everyone posted on this tank as well.



Originally posted by plumbjohn
Cool Thanks I found some timers at ***** for about 5 apiece im going to pick them up after work. Heres a pic of my tank. Hopefully the lights wont stick up to far so I ca keep the wood canopy on it

Gorgious tank plumb!!



Originally posted by mkcsil18
woody I was going to do something like that at work too :D I was going to go with a 10gallon tank.

Well mkc, I'm still debating...I might bring a 10 gallon up here as well, but for right now the idea is to setup this minibow. If I decide to setup the 10 gallon instead, I'll have to do some moving around on my desk, so we'll see what ends up happening.
But then on the up side, IF I do a ten gallon, then I could add a couple small gobys or blennies, and possibly a clown...so there's a plus right there....:joy:



Originally posted by woodymdt
no fish yet, but 10 hermits, 12 snails, and three shrimp. I'd be a little concerned for them keeping them in total darkness for longer than a day.
I'll check on the blue's running for awhile, see what the majority opinion might be.

Why no fish Woody?


all I know is this saltwater stuff is worst then Crack... rofl I want to turn a room in my house into a huge tank.. :D but I got to take it slow...


Hey woody for a 10 gallon tank what do you think I would need? tank, heater, filter, rock & sand? and thing like a skimmer or anything else?