Updates on new SW tank



Originally posted by hydro
i could b wrong but i think u should wait about 6 MONTHS before u start adding corals...after ur tank cycles its gonna take a while for ur biofilter to kick in enough to suport corals...

WOW, Thanks, Hydro! Six months is a lot different than six weeks, which is what I've been reading! That makes sense. Thanks again.



Originally posted by JacknJill
you dont have to wait 6 months for corals, just for anenomes. you just wait a little while for your water levels to be good. a month or 2

Thanks, JacknJill! I guess the key is to monitor carefully and make sure things are stable!


Ok, so I have a Lawnmower Blenny question. We introduced one into our tank on Saturday. He's been doing quite well, skipping around looking at the rock and stuff.
This morning before I left for work, I noticed about the last 1/3 of his body has turned colors? His overall color is a greyish tan, and this has turned to an almost cream color?
Any thoughts??
:thinking: :notsure: :confused:


hmmmmmm, good question, I would like to know also, that is going to be my first fish as well... hope we find out soon.


hey woody quick question, while you were cycling when did you stop feeding your ghost fish??? one the spike started or the entire time?


This is the info I came up with. Nothing about color changes...
Sailfin Blenny, Lawnmower Blenny - Salarias fasciatus
Also known as: Jeweled Rockskipper, Jeweled, Rock Blenny
Reef Compatibility: Reef Safe.
Maximum Size: The Salarias fasciatus grows up to 5.5 inches.
Sizes shipped: Sml. 2.0 Inches, Med 2.5 Inches, Lrg. 3.5 Inches.
Minimum Tank Size: The Sailfin Blenny, Lawnmower Blenny prefers a tank of at least 20 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim.
Diet: The Salarias fasciatus is an omnivore and likes to feed on detritus and algae.
Level of care: The Sailfin Blenny, Lawnmower Blenny is a medium maintenance fish.
Compatibility Notes: Generally peaceful towards other tank mates, but may act aggressively towards other Blennies.
Water Conditions: Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
Range: The Sailfin Blenny, Lawnmower Blenny is commonly collected from the Indo-Pacific, Coral Sea, and Red Sea.
General Notes: The Sailfin Blenny, Lawnmower Blenny is an interesting species for either a fish only tank or a reef type set up, and will add some activity to the tank environment. Will mainly swim within close proximity to the rock of the tank, where it will perch from time to time.



Originally posted by woodymdt
Ok, so I have a Lawnmower Blenny question. We introduced one into our tank on Saturday. He's been doing quite well, skipping around looking at the rock and stuff.
This morning before I left for work, I noticed about the last 1/3 of his body has turned colors? His overall color is a greyish tan, and this has turned to an almost cream color?

What color is your sand? I understand they can change color for camouflage with immediate surroundings...



Originally posted by mkcsil18
hey woody quick question, while you were cycling when did you stop feeding your ghost fish???
one the spike started or the entire time?

I'm not sure I follow you? What "ghost fish"???



Originally posted by DivingDi
What color is your sand? I understand they can change color for camouflage with immediate surroundings...

I've not heard that to this point...but there is a new LR in the tank that he has hung out around...and the part of him that has changed color is close to the colors in that LR...
Interesting concept. I'll have to do some further research about that.


Instead of using a Cocktail Shrimp, some people just add food everyday until an ammonia spike starts then they stop feeding thier ghost fish.....



Originally posted by arkey.d
Instead of using a Cocktail Shrimp, some people just add food everyday until an ammonia spike starts then they stop feeding thier ghost fish.....

Ahh...well I missed that one.....my bad.


Hey woody-my buddys blenny did the same color changing thing. He told me it was camo as well, but sometimes if he was scared...



Originally posted by calylove
Hey woody-my buddys blenny did the same color changing thing. He told me it was camo as well, but sometimes if he was scared...

Well that is certainly good to know...and interesting! Thanks.
He's fine now..just got home and took a look at him, and he's perched on top of a rock, just looking around.



Originally posted by woodymdt
He's fine now..just got home and took a look at him, and he's perched on top of a rock, just looking around.

Yesssss? And what color or colors is he now???



Originally posted by DivingDi
Yesssss? And what color or colors is he now???

Well he's the color that he was when we brought him home. He's got some greyish tan, some blue spots, some lighter than striping and very blue eyes.
Running tank tests...will have results in about fifteen minutes.


OK, I think things are going quite well. Here are the latest round of tank tests.
Salinity 1.025
PH 8.2
Ammonia under 0.25, but not quite 0. A water change should lower that
Nitrites 0.00
Nitrates 5 ppm
The water is quite clear...and the LMB is doing a number on the algae on the back of the tank!
All is well so far.
:jumping: :happy:



Originally posted by woodymdt
All is well so far.

I'm sure looking forward to getting some readings like that in the not-too-distant future!