Updates on new SW tank



Originally posted by woodymdt
Not sure on this one...but it's cool. the white flowery thing...might be a feather duster...we have LOADS of them on our LR.

Oh, that would be very cool! Thanks, Woody!
I am amazed at how fast things change in these tiny systems!


Good morning. Quick update.
The zenia is still MIA.
One of the mushrooms has moved off the rock I placed it on, and wedged itself between two rocks and opened up. I know it moved itself because it moved the opposite way that the tank current is going in that spot.
After seeing that, I placed the second mushroom close to it, figured that might be a nice place since the first one liked it...this morning the second one is still curled up. Looks kind of like a soft taco curled up around the meat and stuff.
Hoping the second will unwind and relax....but I'm not going to move it anymore. I'm thinking I've stressed it well enough as it is.


Good afternoon everyone,
Well I took a few minutes to snap a few new shots. Lets start off with a pretty decent one of Tusk. He crawled up so I was able to get about 2/3 of him.


Here are a few shots of the tank, how it looks today. If you notice, there is very little green algae left. Murray has done a great job of cleaning the tank up.


Here's the left side. The rock on the far left is new. I liked the formation and the holes. If you look closely, you might be able to see the mushrooms on the bottom left center.


and one WITH the flash...I'm calling this a mushroom because that's what I was told it is...if anyone knows what TYPE of mushroom it might be, please let me know.


And finally, here's a pic of Murray, or Lawnmower Blenny.
He's got a great personality, and he's fun to watch.


Those pix are very cool, Woody! Thanks especially for letting us see the famous mushrooms. It looks like that second one opened up just fine.
I found a feather duster (#1 on the picture below near my still-unidentified polyp (#2). The white fuzzies on the back of the rock don't appear or behave like feather dusters -- very static, and no opening or closing behavior -- so I still don't know what they (or it, if it's a single organism) are either.


Also just discovered this thread on the glass. It's greenish and looks like it may be flora rather than fauna.



Originally posted by woodymdt
hmm, is that thread going into a rock anywhere?

Sort of. That's where the rock touches the glass, and the thread becomes VERY fine about a half inch from the rock, so I can't tell if there's actually contact or not.
It's also extremely friable. When I tried to move it with a plastic scraper, it broke on contact.



Originally posted by DivingDi
Sort of. That's where the rock touches the glass, and the thread becomes VERY fine about a half inch from the rock, so I can't tell if there's actually contact or not.
It's also extremely friable. When I tried to move it with a plastic scraper, it broke on contact.

hmm, I was thinking it could be a spaghetti worm.. we have a few in our rock


Well things are going quite well. I've gotten a little bit more of that cyano growing on a rock, I think I'm going to move a PH and see if that will help...if not, I have a 125gph PH I'm going to put in the tank for some added flow.
Other than that, everyone seems to be doing fine. The zenia is still MIA...



Originally posted by woodymdt
Well things are going quite well. I've gotten a little bit more of that cyano growing on a rock, I think I'm going to move a PH and see if that will help...if not, I have a 125gph PH I'm going to put in the tank for some added flow.
Other than that, everyone seems to be doing fine. The zenia is still MIA...

Very cool. It will be interesting to see if the xenia shows up.
Mine is progressing nicely, I think. The Coralline algae is finally beginning to make some headway. Yesterday, for the first time, I got enough skimmate in the protein skimmer to have to clean the collection cup. Brown algae (or diatoms or whatever) still going strong. The tiny white feather duster worm and the unidentified brown polyp are fine -- no changes there. The white fuzzy things on the back aren’t looking as happy this morning as they did. Still don’t know what they are. And the little shrimpy thingies in the sand are still doing their thing.
All levels are where they should be except for nitrates, which are still a tad too high.


This moved all the way to page SIX????????
That's just unacceptable. You folks need to incorporate your questions into fewer threads so this doesn't happen again!! hehe
Things are going ok. The mushroom is looking a bit peeked...but it looks better this morning than it did last night.
We're gonna go clown shopping Saturday!!


Hey woody looking great, just to let you guys know I am into week 4 of my cycle and amonia is 0, nitrite was .1 and nitrates were .25 so I guess I am almost there, I will snap a few pics tonight of tank everything is coming along, I started building my canapy for the tank. hopefully will be done in a week. can't wait to get my first friend in the tank :D


Sounds great Mkc...keep us updated how things are going.
Ok, I need to know what to feed my lawnmower blenny?? He's eaten most of the algae in the tank, so I'm going to start feeding him.
Should I feed him by hand? Or make something and just drop in the tank and he'll find it??
Little help here!!!


Wow, everyone is making such GREAT progress! Sorry, Woody -- I'm too much of a newbie to be any help on the blenny thing.
I think my polyp is a brown button polyp. Dunno if I want it or not, but it's there...
All levels are where they should be except for those stubborn nitrates, which keep hovering at about 20. Any suggestions?