Updates on new SW tank



Originally posted by whaa...?
after u get that post pics in fact i wanna see some pics now show me!

Nothing much has changed since my last pix, but I'll definitely post some this week!


Hello there everyone. I apologize for being away but some things have taken my attention away from the computer for awhile. There have been lots of new things going on at church that have taken some of our time, and spring cleaning has started, and I've been building some shelving and cabinets for the house.
I'm back though for awhile, and nothing really new to report. Things are going well in the aquarium. Only addition since last has been a small selection of buttons, and a small torch coral. Other than that things are going really well.
I've put the lights on timers, so now we don't have to manually mess with those anymore.
We're going to purchase a skimmer this week or weekend, so need some advice on brands that would be best for our 40 gallon setup.
Have dabbled in the idea of putting together a 20-30 gallon sump for the tank, but no decision as of yet.
Thanks for all the input, Mike, Di, glad to see things are going well in your respective habitats!! I'll try and make some more posts as time permits!
:jumping: :jumping:


Forgot to mention...also had a small mushroom on the button rock that I brought home. I've been moving the mushroom around trying to find a happy place for him.
Also the other mushrooms, the ones I have pics of in preceding posts, well...one has all but shriveled up, and the other has folded up like a taco.
I've been moving it around some too in hopes of finding an agreeable place for it as well.
The Torch is now 24 hours in the tank, can't wait to get home and see how it looks. It is a small one, about 3" tall. I laid it on an indention in one of the rocks...so I can move it if it doesn't show signs of being happy.
The LFS I got the torch from had the base stuck in the sand so it was standing up. Should we consider doing that as well? Or seeing how it will react on the rock first?


OK, looks like the sump/fuge project is going to start soon.
I got a 20 gal long tank at Petsmart this afternoon for a pretty good price.
Now all I have to do is figure out the sectional measurements, pump and overflow size, and get all the piping....
fun, fun, fun


Active Member
would you do step by step pictures of the entire process? i want to do the same thing for my 55 with a 20 gallon and i have aNO IDEA where to start. are you gonna use an overflow box?



Originally posted by JacknJill
would you do step by step pictures of the entire process? i want to do the same thing for my 55 with a 20 gallon and i have aNO IDEA where to start. are you gonna use an overflow box?

Once I get things purchased and ready to start I will do just that for you and others who are interested. I'm going to be taking alot of my instruction and advice from squidd and a few others, but I will still put pictures in here as much as possible.
You might want to check the DIY section and put a question in there for squidd. He might suggest you consider a larger sump/fuge for that 55 gallon tank.
He was against my using a 20 gallon for my 39 gallon tank, but at the price the 20 gallon tank was, I couldn't pass it up.
And yes, I'll use an overflow box...not sure if I can build one, or if I'll have to buy one, that has yet to be determined.


Active Member
i know i may need to use a larger tank, but i think that is the only thing that will fit inder my stand.
thankyou so much in advance for the step by steps. this is just what i need lol


well woody,
glad to hear that everything is going well. i am also thinking of making a refugium. i already have a sump, since i have a wet/dry filter. i am seriously considering using my 55 gal tank as a sump/refugium and getting a 90 gal tank to use as my main tank. it will be a while before i undertake that though i have a lot to learn and still a lot of things to purchase before i can do that. i still need my lights and a protein skimmer. i have lights, but not the ones that i need or want. i have finally got my qt tank set up and waiting on it to cycle before i start adding fish to my tank. all is well though with my parameters and all of my new arrivals are doing very well. i thought that peppermint shrimp were suppose to be shy, but mine are full of personality and they come to the front of the tank everytime i walk up to it. they stay in the rocks the rest of the time. my fire shrimp is very reclusive though he stays in the same rock cave all of the time. my sally lightfoot and emerald crab pretty much just move around on the rocks. but i am just glad that everything is still alive and doing well. i only have one button polyp that came on my lr towards the end of my cycle and it has tripled in size since i got it so i am asuming that it is doing well and likes where its at so i am just going to leave it alone and add some more later. well i have rambled on enough this time. happy hobbying.


That sounds great Mike.....be sure to keep us updated on your progress.
I was told a quick DIY was to use containers and a u tube to make a home made overflow...and then a return pump in the 20 gallon sump...unless I come up with something different, I think that's what we'll do.


well woody,
sounds like a plan to me. i am lucky i bought a wet/dry and it came with the overflow box and i should be able to convert that over to my 55 gal when i get ready to set it up as a refugium. like i said though that is several months down the road. i am also fixin to move so i think i will wait until i move before adding anything else to my tank. it is going to be hard enough moving it with what i have now. the good news is i am just switching apts in the same complex just moving into a bigger one with an extra bedroom. just out grew this one. well, that is about all for now i guess i could take a couple of pics of my buddies and post them if i can figure out this new camera. i'll see what i can do.


well everyone here are my pics as promised. sorry for the blurry ones, but i am still trying to figure out this cam. the first one is of pyro my fire shrimp.


Thats nice Mike! Pyro looks like a carbon copy of our Tusk.....he's our Fire shrimp.
Rock looks nice and clean. I've got caluerpa and a bit of algae growing on some of our rock....
Did you glue the rock together? Or just stacking it?


Ok Mike, what are the black pebbles at the bottom of a couple of your pics.....is that carbon? Or are you using a black sand base?


no actually woody it isn't glued together i just stacked it because i still have about another 30 lbs of rock to go and i am not sure that i am going to keep it the same as it is now when i get the new rock. well it looks like i need to edit the other pics the site says that they are too big i will work on them later hope you enjoy those. i'll try later on tonight to get the others ready i am on my way out the door now.


that is indo-pacific black agralive sand. isn't cool looking against that black background. i love it. i think i am going to get another bag.