Updates on new SW tank



ok as promised here are a couple more pics of my tank the first one is of the right side of the tank


emril my emerald crab; this one is kind of fuzzy i had to hurry, because he doesn't like to stay in plain view long


and last but not least my full tank as is right now: hope you enjoy the pics i hope to figure out how to work this camera a little better to take a few more good pics


Hey, Mike -- thanks for posting the pix. Your tank looks awesome!
OK. I went to my lfs today to get some water and my first critters. Managed to spill the water all over the back of my car, and they didn't have a single thing I wanted. So I went to another lfs, which has a larger inventory of livestock, and the owner told me all sorts of things that absolutely contradicted everything I've been reading. He swore that I could put in corals right now, but to wait on getting a fish. I thought it was the opposite -- fish were less sensitive to new tank stuff than corals. So after 45 minutes of waffling around, I came out with one scarlet reef hermit, one blue leg hermit, and one queen conch. I hope I acclimated them OK. They're now nibbling around in the substrate and looking very industrious. Pix to follow.


Di, the tank looks good!
You only got two hermits? I'd throw some more in there...we put 15 in our tank, and they're just all over the place and having a blast!!
Thanks for the pictures, they look great!
I'll get some more either tonight or tomorrow on here...just an update even though there's not a lot "new" going on in there



Originally posted by woodymdt
Di, the tank looks good!
You only got two hermits? I'd throw some more in there...we put 15 in our tank, and they're just all over the place and having a blast!!

Thanks, Woody! Yeah, I chickened out and just bought the three critters. Thought I'd see if these guys live, then add some more later in the week. I want more scarlets and some electric blue hermits. They also didn't have the snails I wanted, so I'll add them as I find them.
So far, everyone's doing fine. The Herman, blue leg hermit, is grazing on the rocks. Scarlett, the scarlet reef hermit, hasn't moved much but seems OK. Chowder, the conch, wedged himself between the thermometer and powerhead all night. I was afraid he was dead, so I moved him, and he's now busily burrowing in the sand against the glass.
So far, so good!


well it sounds and looks like everything is going along just fine.
I'm doing some more concentrated research on my sump/fuge project...latest is reading about building a DIY WEIR as an overflow box on the tank....
It's involved, for me anyways, but if I can pull it off, it'll only increase the benefits of the entire system.
I'm hoping to get some more input from Squidd and anyone else that wants to jump in with suggestions so I can make final preps and start building this project.
I have the 20 gallon long tank that I'll use for my sump/fuge tank, and I'll be able to drop the heater and the skimmer (which I'm ordering today) into the sump/fuge tank. I'm looking forward to that.


well looks like everyone is moving along very nicely. di the tank looks great, but don't listen to everything your lfs tells you corals are much more delicate than he let on. i would wait if i was you. the people on this sight really know what they are talking about and you just have to keep in mind that they aren't trying to sell you anything on here just help, as opposed to the lfs that is trying to make a sale. woody i hope you get it all figured out (i know you will), i know it looks like a bunch of craziness to you now, but once you get everything you need it will all clear up for ya. and of course you have the swf team on your side to help out whenever you need it. hope everyone continues to do well i will talk to you guys later i have a lot of things to do today so i probably won't be able to sign back on for a couple of days, but i hope you all make possitive advances in your tanks.
happy hobbying :happyfish


btw, i forgot to tell ya. i woke up this morning and one of my peppermint shrimp had molted and so did sally. omg it looked so cool. sally's shell looked identical to here not even broken up and as a matter of fact it was still attached to the underneath side of a rock and she was standing beside it and it looked like i had two there. i couldn't believe that it was so perfect and that it was still attached upside down to the rock. amazing stuff.



Originally posted by mike6969n
btw, i forgot to tell ya. i woke up this morning and one of my peppermint shrimp had molted and so did sally. omg it looked so cool. sally's shell looked identical to here not even broken up and as a matter of fact it was still attached to the underneath side of a rock and she was standing beside it and it looked like i had two there. i couldn't believe that it was so perfect and that it was still attached upside down to the rock. amazing stuff.

Now that's pretty cool. I knew the shrimp molted, but I did not know that the crabs molted.
I'll have to keep an eye on our Emerald crab and see if he molts.
Still researching and getting ready to make some purchases for the sump/fuge project. I should be able to start building the cabinet to hold the tank and sump this weekend.



Originally posted by mike6969n
well looks like everyone is moving along very nicely. di the tank looks great, but don't listen to everything your lfs tells you corals are much more delicate than he let on. i would wait if i was you. the people on this sight really know what they are talking about and you just have to keep in mind that they aren't trying to sell you anything on here just help, as opposed to the lfs that is trying to make a sale.

You're absolutely right, Mike! Thanks for the reminder.
It's Day #2, and Chowder, Scarlett & Herman all seem happy enough, so I'll try to get some more hermits. Woody, I just looked at my original list, and I had 1 hermit per gallon planned! Dunno if I really need that many -- especially when I add snails -- but I'll definitely get 5 or 6 more for my little tank! I'm trying to follow you good lead and take this really slow and steady.


Active Member

Originally posted by DivingDi
You're absolutely right, Mike! Thanks for the reminder.
It's Day #2, and Chowder, Scarlett & Herman all seem happy enough, so I'll try to get some more hermits. Woody, I just looked at my original list, and I had 1 hermit per gallon planned! Dunno if I really need that many -- especially when I add snails -- but I'll definitely get 5 or 6 more for my little tank! I'm trying to follow you good lead and take this really slow and steady.

be careful hermits will eat snails on accation


Yeah, especially if the hermits like the snails shell........
We've lost two snails to hermits who wanted their shell......