Upgrading my 65 gallon Reef - Sump/fuge


Active Member
Originally Posted by Slice http:///forum/thread/383256/upgrading-my-65-gallon-reef-sump-fuge/320#post_3378598
I'm enjoying following along Al, the coral pics above are beautiful!
How do you like the Seachem tests? I recently got a bunch of Salifert tests and still cannot get any detectable p04, but
I don't think its because there is none.
Hi Joe, Thanks - i like the seachem tests, they are really easy to use, this is coming from someone that was using Red Sea test kits. Thanks for having a look. Are you off today for Easter?


Active Member
Bought a cool moonlight this week in Buffalo - TRUELUMEN 453 nm Actinic Blue 10 inch strip, there are four 3 watts blue lenses. Really like it at night.ned to get one for the lion tank as well.


Active Member
It is a 10 inch long by about 1/2" strip, it has 3M stickies on it I just put it on the bottom of my T5HO lights. I can't find my camera :(


HMMM....so you just attached it directly to the light fixture itself.......interesting.....I'd love to see it when you find your camera


WOW...I just googled them.....They also have a 3 bulb one for $10
I might order one or 2....I need a moonlight for my 10G


Active Member
Did you say $10 - did you see the price tag on the picture, I am going to be sick. Is the 3 bulb one 3 watts each lamp.


Originally Posted by Al&Burke http:///forum/thread/383256/upgrading-my-65-gallon-reef-sump-fuge/340#post_3380142
Did you say $10 - did you see the price tag on the picture, I am going to be sick. Is the 3 bulb one 3 watts each lamp.
NOPE...I have no clue...it also doesn't say on the longer ones either....the 10" ones are $49.95
the 3 led ones are smaller...OH AND I JUST READ it doesn't come with the transformer HAHA that's another $16/......cause they are linkable


Active Member
I meant to tell you about the transformer. It says you can put three of the 10" one's together. Nice little lights.
PM the site where you saw the 3 bulb one if you don't mind.


Active Member
Well I think it is about time to end this thread, just wanted to give one more update a thank every one for all their help. i tested the water parameters again last night. Nitrites and nitrates barely detectable, phosphates less than 0.05, ammonia zero. the tanks look so clear especially when i run some poly in the sump. The skimmer is taking the darkestest stuff out, don't know how I lived without an ATO before. I will be adding more but in a couple weeks i will be getting really busy, so I will wait. Hopefully the bangaii cardinals will breed again, would like to get some actual fry next time. But again if anyone out there doubts a sump/fuge set up think about it again, they work great. ANd drill those tanks if you can. My next venture will be a SH tank. Thanks again Al


Well-Known Member
Well done, Al. Everything looks super clean, it's a set up to be proud of and one of a kind at that. I'm jealous. Nice work, bud. Will be looking forward to the next one as well as future progress pics.


Active Member
Thought I would show you the ATS today - some good hair algae growing - these are before and after shots.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///forum/thread/383256/upgrading-my-65-gallon-reef-sump-fuge/340#post_3383644
Looks good, bud. How many weeks has it been running now?
Thanks Corey since April 14th - pods are all over the place these days and algae on the glass is almost non-existent. Little bit of diatoms but that is about it. One thing I might do down the road is repipe the ATS to the fuge - I have a lot of hair algae growing in the sump I don't want it to effect the skimmer or the ATO level sensor.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Al&Burke http:///forum/thread/383256/upgrading-my-65-gallon-reef-sump-fuge/340#post_3383646
Thanks Corey since April 14th - pods are all over the place these days and algae on the glass is almost non-existent. Little bit of diatoms but that is about it. One thing I might do down the road is repipe the ATS to the fuge - I have a lot of hair algae growing in the sump I don't want it to effect the skimmer or the ATO level sensor.
Hmmm, yea that makes sense to re plumb it over there. That's where I was thinking of putting mine. I'd like to keep a shallow sandbed in the fuge and make a little pod pile out of rock rubble and just run the scrubber over that. Let me know if you end up seeing in any changes in the skimmer performance from running the scrubber over time. I was thinking if I install a scrubber that I might not need a larger skimmer and may go with the same size skimmer that you have now. Save myself $100.