Upgrading my 65 gallon Reef - Sump/fuge


Active Member
Thanks Corey, the bi colored blenny goes on the ledge beside it, a snail went into it, but nothing else yet. The blennie is so happy in this tank he has a whole bunch of small caves he goes in and out of. Some of them he actually goes tail first so his head is sticking out. The bangaii really like the big caves on the bottom, I took a few more shots with the two tanks side by side. Just keep in ming the 40B has one of my FW T5HO lights on it. I have to get some new ATI bulbs this weekend.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/383256/upgrading-my-65-gallon-reef-sump-fuge/320#post_3376690
AHHHH side by side pics...LOVE THEM
busy....distracted.....you know how it is....LOL
Thanks meowzer - pictures don't show the true beauty - have to work on that. I am so happy with the sump and fuge, the water is really clear. Loving it - it was worth all the work. What am I going to do now, SH tank, doors for all these stands. The LFS has a real nice dwarf zebra, I am going to set up a 30 QT tomorrow night. I want a fuzzy - maybe i should wait. We will see - won't get him though if my QT is not set up.


Active Member
Finally got the ATS going today, you can see the new SWC 160 skimmer in the picture, starting to get some tea colored water collected. How high should the bubbles run in the cone part.


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Well I am happy to report the final stage of my upgrade is complete. The JBJ ATO is installed, I used a small power head I had - installed sensor one in the return of the sump, sensor two in the (for now) ten gallon resevoir. I tried it it works great, my salinity was a tab high so I purposely took 5 gallons of water out of the display and and ran the pump low, I also purposely ran the top off tank low to see if sensor 2 worked - what a great thing I wish I had one from the start. Now I have to see how long 10 gallons will last, I have a two week trip coming up - if I have to i will build a 30 gallon resevoir o put behind the couch.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///forum/thread/383256/upgrading-my-65-gallon-reef-sump-fuge/320#post_3377494
Good deal my friend. So what depth is it running at now? The system looks great, did you do a different design with the scrubber this time? I'm wondering how you have that screen attached.
It is about 8.5 inches - the ATS is attached with plastic wire ties as in the picture. Looks like some stuff growing on it already - maybe a bit of cyano though.


Active Member
Here is a shot of my new skimmer SWC 160 - finally I am getting the skimming that i always wanted - still a tad wet but another fine adjustment and I think it should be good. Also are a few random shots in the tank, I don't know what is up with the yellow polyps but I kinda like them like this. The small set is how they should look.


Active Member
great skimmer, theres a mod that allows this thing to become a BEAST skimmer where the foam head will start just above the pump.
i'm running the swc bmk150. same pump different bodies. great skimmers period


Active Member
Originally Posted by nikeSB http:///forum/thread/383256/upgrading-my-65-gallon-reef-sump-fuge/320#post_3377891
great skimmer, theres a mod that allows this thing to become a BEAST skimmer where the foam head will start just above the pump.
i'm running the swc bmk150. same pump different bodies. great skimmers period
Thanks nikeSB - do you have the design for that or is there a thread, I am so happy to see this today for over a year I have been using a coral life 125 and hated it every day especially because it was hanging on the back of my tank and I was looking at the ugly pump in the DT everyday. Now that I look at the skimmer the foam head is above the pump, there is a bubble tray in mine.


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Well I have to say, I just cleaned out my skimmer cup, I have never in my short life of SW tanks smelled anything like it. There was only an inch of gunk - what a smell. Love this skimmer, I am going to order one for my SH tank I think.


Active Member
Another update, Tested my parameters today with my new seachem test kits for pH, Alk, NO2, NO3, Phosphates
pH 8.2
Alk 2.5 - bit low adding Reef builder slowly
NO2 - 0
NO3 - o
Phosphates - <0.05
NH3 0
I am pretty happy with that, will work on the Alk slowly - tank water is sparkling, little cyano on the sand in the lion tank have to get some nass snails for that - I added some ploy filter yesterday. So far happy with the new sump/fuge set up.


Active Member
I'm enjoying following along Al, the coral pics above are beautiful!
How do you like the Seachem tests? I recently got a bunch of Salifert tests and still cannot get any detectable p04, but
I don't think its because there is none.