Upgrading my 65 gallon Reef - Sump/fuge


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty good to me, Al. It does feel like it's missing a little something though, maybe a couple of larger pieces of rock...not sure.


Active Member
I still have three large rocks they have the anemonies and the monti coral on it. The shelve to the left I want to leave for a crocea clam. Thanks Corey keep posted.


Active Member
Well I have it full of water the 65 and the sump only - I put the Fluval FX5 on just for now till things clear up. Hope to get the sump only circulating tonight. I will put the light up and post some pictures.


Active Member
Well here are some more pictures - I don't know about it yet - I have to work on the left side and the fluval will only be in for a couple days. Please let me know what you think. Thanks Al


Active Member
ok, I didnt want ot hurt your feelings, but YES it looks like a brick wall. maybe turn a couple of those flat ones on thier side and make a cave.


Active Member
I'll go in the other direction here. I like all of the shelf work you have. When placing coral here you have many spots to do so and as they grow in they will cover the rock.


Active Member
Thank you everyone, I few of the larger rocks at the base are going to go in the 40 breeder - it is not filled yet. I like the fact that there are a lot of places for coral and that will take away from the brick wall look, my feelings would never be hurt you guys are the experts. I am going away for a few days so the rest will have to wait till the weekend - then I will start up the fuge and skimmer and everything else. And once everything is good making sure the cycle is still going strong I will add the poor fish who have been waiting patiently to go back home. I am still going to tweek a few of the rocks tonight.
ANother question are anemones alright with lionfish. I have two since my BTA split. DOn't want two in my reef.
Thanks again!!


Active Member
I do agree with the other two, that you will have lots of places to place corals, and most of the rock will be covered once your corals grow out


Active Member
I am liking it more today - I have a few rocks I want to move. The tank is sparkling the FX5 really does a great job cleaning the water - mechanically - but nitrates another story. Not doing much tonight cleaning up my house has looked like a plumbing shop for the past week or two. THere are about 6 turbo snails in the tank and the brisstle star they seem to be doing ok if I have time tonight I will check the parameters.


Active Member
Thanks Gemmy - I am really starting to like it. It is amazing how quick you can use up rock, I bought another 40 lbs of the shelve rock - had 40 lbs originally and about 20 or 20 from Christmas time. I thought I was going to have enough for the 40 breeder, but I guess not. Here are some new shots from tonight, I change aroud the left side I like it much better, I have the fuge full now but not running with the sump, I am going to run the FX5 for a few more days.


Active Member
Funny picture - my Jack Russel terrier does not like the cheato tumbling in the fuge, others would disagree.


HAHAHA! Our Rat Terrier growls when I feed the tank.
I'm liking the rock work a lot! It's coming along nicely


Active Member
I agree with Spanko on the rockwork, looks like a reefer's delight! Especially once it gets full of coral. I also love the large fuge and beautiful stand you have there.