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Wow, you just jumped off the reservation, as far as I'm concerned.
We are the greatest Nation to ever exist on Earth. We absolutely cannot fight a war where "all standards are gone".
Do you really believe that? Would you be ok as an American if our soldiers acted like Al Qaeda fighters? Look at the media uproar when a video surfaced last week of an apparent US soldier throwing a puppy off a cliff. Why was there uproar? Simple; Because WE do not act like they do.
Sharkbait, I encourage you to do some reading regarding the suffering people in the Nazi death camps and Japansese prison camps during WW2. They fought war with no standards, and they were monsters.
We are not talking about country VS country or a country‘s ideologies. We are talking about a tribe of animals that have no self worth, morals or standards.
This is a war that can not be won thru hearts and minds.
To put in easy to understand terms, improvised explosives, gorilla war far, hiding in religious sanctuaries, hospitals, schools, hiding in houses that were just deemed safe by the military and threaten to behead the family if they did not comply in helping in the jihad.
Were not talking about a country that believes in their dictator or president. Were talking about a group of individuals that are using a religious book for war.
These animals that will stop at nothing to kill coalition forces, not maim, imprison, torture hold as POWs
They are not fighting by rules of engagement or under the Geneva convention. There are no battle lines this is a whole new war that will set the bar in conflict.
To sit behind a desk and spout off about morals and standards and what makes you sick, GUESS WHAT war is sick. No body ever said war was fun or a bed of roses. People die, soldiers die, civilians, innocent life’s are lost by both parties involved, it happens.
If you want to bring standards in war then fine, but when you start putting out policies of no loaded rifles on the base, or in camp, that’s asinine.
We still have standards in war, all the animals we caught and rounded up are feed clothed, given medical treatment and the right to still practice their religion.
The animal that just threw a round at a coalition solider and the soldier turns around and drops a round in that animals chest, now that soldier has to go and give that animal medical aid…. To only get blown up so that low life scum bag can die a martyr……. So there is your morals. Just a solider killed.
As to the solider throwing the dog…….. Yeah that was just uncalled for…. That has nothing to do with war, well it could. I’ll debate that later if need be. But it could have more to do with his upbringing, maybe his family never liked dogs, who knows, I’m sure you do.
I could not care one minute less about Nazi Germany. It over, let it go this war as nothing to do with Nazi Germany and the country that made millions suffer. The one thing Hitler did wrong was not listen to his generals.
Hitler had great war strategies, does that make me a Nazi now????????? Or believe in white supremacy????
Let me answer that for you, NO
I could not care less if they lopped off a few Al Qaeda heads, effects me…. None.
Again it’s war it ugly, uninviting and things happen in war that none of us like but because we are glutens and want to know what’s happening we have to see it and then when we do see the horror’s of war we cry it's violent.