Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
Are some of you typing "gay" instead of "homosexual" because gay is shorter to type or because gay is a more politically correct term? I mean, "homosexual" justs sounds kinda' not so good, don't it?
Thinking in reverse, it reminds me of how some abortionists will say anti-choice when referring to pro-lifers to diminish them.
It think those typing homosexual out, are actually trying to be more PC. I've always thought of "gay" as only applying to the male side. Homosexual applies to both.
You always always hear gay in a derogatory way as well.
Are some of you typing "gay" instead of "homosexual" because gay is shorter to type or because gay is a more politically correct term? I mean, "homosexual" justs sounds kinda' not so good, don't it?
Thinking in reverse, it reminds me of how some abortionists will say anti-choice when referring to pro-lifers to diminish them.
It think those typing homosexual out, are actually trying to be more PC. I've always thought of "gay" as only applying to the male side. Homosexual applies to both.