"We will not rest"


Active Member
So would this be considered another 'knee jerk' reaction to Underwear bomber boy?
TSA Takes Boy's Play-Doh Before Flight
Agents Have Discretion To Confiscate Toy
POSTED: Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Airport screeners seized a boy's Christmas present -- some Play-Doh -- before his flight home after the holidays, St. Louis TV station KTVI reported.
Christy Pitman said the gooey toy would have entertained her sons, Josh and Nathan, on the flight home, too.
"Nathan has the empty Play-Doh packaging from the Play-Doh that was confiscated in New Orleans by the TSA last week," she said as the boy played.
"I had the kids, and my husband was there with all our bags. Josh and I were sitting, getting our shoes on and, my husband kinda motioned to us and said, 'They took our Play-Doh.'"
She said a Transportation Security Administration employee took every can out of the package and put it on a table, which made her son fuss.
"I tried to explain that those were the rules, but it turns out it's not prohibited on the TSA's Web site, so apparently those aren't the rules," Pitman said.
The station said that while Play-Doh is not prohibited, screeners can bar it at their own discretion, because plastic explosive can be made to look like the child's toy. So Josh lost a Christmas present from his grandmother.
"It's just really hard to go through security, in general, with children, much less the child whose favorite toy has been taken away," Pitman said. "I'm happy to obey the rules, I just wish the rules were more in stone. If they involved kids, especially."


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
In a culture where Trent Lott was forced to step down as Senate majority leader for telling Strom Thrurmund at his 100th birthday celebration "maybe if you had won we wouldn't have a lot of the problems we do today" it should be a no brainer what people would infer from a sign like that.
Yeah, I lived in Mississippi, quite close to Trent's home when this happened and I know how badly he wanted to see racism wiped off the face of the earth. Its a shame. Our Country is finally at the point (IMO) where the vast majority of folks,of all political camps, sincerely want an end to racism. But there is a double standard that prevents that from becoming a reality. Political correctness has made it possible for some to scream "racist" at anything ( and be taken seriously by much of the media)and impossible for others to even have the word "racist" in their vocabulary.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
So would this be considered another 'knee jerk' reaction to Underwear bomber boy?
TSA Takes Boy's Play-Doh Before Flight
Agents Have Discretion To Confiscate Toy
POSTED: Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Airport screeners seized a boy's Christmas present -- some Play-Doh -- before his flight home after the holidays, St. Louis TV station KTVI reported.
Christy Pitman said the gooey toy would have entertained her sons, Josh and Nathan, on the flight home, too.
"Nathan has the empty Play-Doh packaging from the Play-Doh that was confiscated in New Orleans by the TSA last week," she said as the boy played.
"I had the kids, and my husband was there with all our bags. Josh and I were sitting, getting our shoes on and, my husband kinda motioned to us and said, 'They took our Play-Doh.'"
She said a Transportation Security Administration employee took every can out of the package and put it on a table, which made her son fuss.
"I tried to explain that those were the rules, but it turns out it's not prohibited on the TSA's Web site, so apparently those aren't the rules," Pitman said.
The station said that while Play-Doh is not prohibited, screeners can bar it at their own discretion, because plastic explosive can be made to look like the child's toy. So Josh lost a Christmas present from his grandmother.
"It's just really hard to go through security, in general, with children, much less the child whose favorite toy has been taken away," Pitman said. "I'm happy to obey the rules, I just wish the rules were more in stone. If they involved kids, especially."
Not a big stretch that C4 could be concealed in a play dough can. Not sure how easy it would be to tell the difference.

bang guy

Originally Posted by reefraff
Not a big stretch that C4 could be concealed in a play dough can. Not sure how easy it would be to tell the difference.
One sniff would tell. C4 stinks to high heaven. Well, Composition C does anyway. You'd have to ask an Army guy about Comp B. It's also a lot heavier than play dough. Perhaps that's too subjective for them though.
In my opinion a simple sniff after opening the can would have been sufficient. I wasn't there though...


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
One sniff would tell. C4 stinks to high heaven. Well, Composition C does anyway. You'd have to ask an Army guy about Comp B. It's also a lot heavier than play dough. Perhaps that's too subjective for them though.
In my opinion a simple sniff after opening the can would have been sufficient. I wasn't there though...
I was going to say the same thing. Smell and also texture is different.


Active Member
I used to work with a guy who claimed his nephews could make something like C4 that a piece about as big around as a bottle cap would leave a hole "big enough to bury a cat in". Now that I think of it he did say the stuff stank to high heaven.