Originally Posted by
Not that I would make my point in that fashion but I would hardly call that sign racist. Improperly spelled but not racist
What an idiot. I see the point the guy is trying to make but he is too stupid to figure out the media is going to look for and even make up any possible cases of racism they can to make them look bad. Why hand it to them on a silver platter.
I know what he was trying to say, like you said though, he should've thought it through a little more. Then again, maybe he wanted to be in the spotlight?
Not liking our Presidents socialist agenda makes me an stupid, racist, redneck? I guess that would make you.... nah, never mind the name calling. I have never seen any group as totally intolerant of opposing views as the ever-dwindling group of Obama loyalists. If you don't like our Presidents policies, you must be a racist? Absurd, mis-informed, ignorant and very un-American.
It was a joke Mr. Sentimental. Also, I didn't call you any names. You called that guy a bunch of names and then took it upon yourself to believe I was calling you that. It's extremely funny to me that you consider Obama loyalists to be the intolerant ones. BTW, I'm not an Obama "loyalist". There are things I think he could've done better and things that he needs to do, period, that haven't been done yet. Go put some ice on your butt.