"We will not rest"


Well-Known Member
I was under the impression that the United States is one of these few countries that requires a visa for every noncitizen. I know that students who come to my university from abroad often have a very difficult time getting through the visa process at the United States Embassy in their country and it seems to be a fairly thorough process.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Timothy Mcveigh and the unibomber used planes?
Islamic terrorists have a history of using airlines for their actions....for the past 40 years. Why? Because it usually affects more than one country.
A Standard background check (one in which would flag you if you are on any terrorist list what so ever) would cost less than 100 dollars. This guy was on a list just not the no fly list, therefore he would have been flagged immediately.
Other countries required us to have passports when we travelled in theior borders for many years and we did not. We were required to pay for that...what is the difference?
Tim McVeigh and the Unabomber were Good Ole American White Boys. Bang Guy is under the impression that 'those types' are incapable of masterminding or doing something like this. He's under the impression only Middle Easterners would attempt something like this, or join Al-Qaida. It's that type of closed-minded thinking that will get you killed the next time you board a plane.

What kind of background check do you think you can get for $100? Do you think that terrorist groups only recruit 'bad guys' that have a shady past? $100 would get you a local police record, if that. Yeeaa, I'm sure every Nigerian city and state has exclusive information on every person born there. Trust me, I know what background checks cost. You forget, my biggest customer is the Federal Government. Everyone of my employees is required to have a Top Secret Clearance. The CIA and FBI go back 10 years and check every little thing about you. They interview family and friends, past employers, and anyone who you've ever assocaited with that they deem necessary to talk to. This cost of this little check starts at around $5000, and can go for $20,000 or more. A basic Secret Clearance, which is less obtrusive, cost between a couple hundred and $3000. Right now, it takes between one and three months for a Secret, and almost a year for a Top Secret. I usually recruit ex-military that have worked in the field, that way they already have the clearance and i don't have to pay to get it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I am not even going to address your 9/11 comment. Just shows how far you will go...
Ok, with that said in the rest of your post, lets disband the police force, since we aren't going to catch all criminals...lets stop our trial system since some criminals will get off...and lets stop screening and checking airline passengers all together. After all, the cost is ridiculous to us and we will allwys have those that slip through in all these cases.
I never said we shouldn't stop using the procedures that are already in place. Don't even go there. The one good thing Bush did before leaving office is enact The Homeland Security Act. This post 9/11 law is really what has kept terrorist from successfully blowing something else up on US soil. Iraq has had very little to do with it. So terrorist found a flaw in the system. As a realist, I can understand how they did. Now that they know what the flaw was, they fix it and move on. You however aren't satisfied with this, and want to go back into 9/11 panic mode and expect people to spend hundreds or more for some useless background check that I guarantee you a terrorist could circumvent in a matter of months. Look how air travel has already been affected -- you have to put your shoes and any outerwear into the scanner, you can't take more than 3 oz. of any liquid on the plane, no fingernail clippers, no scissors, and definitely no knives. So what did the terrorist do? They found that a certain explosive material that looks like sugar could get through the basic scanner, and then to make sure that gets through, they have a kid sew it into his underwear, just in case they did find it with his carry-on stuff.
So go ahead with your full body scans, and overpriced background checks. Believe me, it won't take the terrorist long to find a way around them.

bang guy

Originally Posted by bionicarm
Tim McVeigh and the Unabomber were Good Ole American White Boys. Bang Guy is under the impression that 'those types' are incapable of masterminding or doing something like this. He's under the impression only Middle Easterners would attempt something like this, or join Al-Qaida. It's that type of closed-minded thinking that will get you killed the next time you board a plane.

I have never said that. Again, you're making this all up. I've tired of you bashing me for stuff I have never communicated nor believed. Enjoy your trip. It's obvious you are incapable of sharing ideas, only inventing words to feed your disdain. Just call everyone that doesn't agree with you a racist, that will make everything better.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
So go ahead with your full body scans, and overpriced background checks. Believe me, it won't take the terrorist long to find a way around them.
So you are telling me these ideas wouldn't be a deterant at all? That is what you're saying. Oh wait...you are saying they will find ways around this as well so why bother....And they obviously found ways around hiding explosives in bombs...so let's just stop checking everyone's shoes....I mean after all...how much does this cost and how much of a hassle is it.....it isn't worth it.
Requiring a background check from any foreign country to fly into the U.S. is just ridiculous....
Oh, and as long as you keep putting words in other people';s mouths (which you do so often) I will do so to you....Bang never stated any of what you are claiming he is.
I find it funny...you are willing to have our government spend whatever it takes to ensure everyone can seek medical treatment...but you are against them spending whatever it takes to ensure their safety and protect them.....Ironically, you are against the Main job of our government laid out in our constitution...


Active Member
It is a privilege to come to this country. If you don't want to submit to the rules to come play stay the hell home. If you don't want to pay for background checks and submit to the scanner to fly then drive.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I think US citizens should always be allowed to come home. I don't remember where I said they shouldn't be checked. I think you made that up.
I really don't care what it costs some Saudi to get cleared to fly here
. I just want to know that they were coming here for a good reason and have an invitation.

Originally Posted by Bang Guy

I have never said that. Again, you're making this all up. I've tired of you bashing me for stuff I have never communicated nor believed. Enjoy your trip. It's obvious you are incapable of sharing ideas, only inventing words to feed your disdain. Just call everyone that doesn't agree with you a racist, that will make everything better.
Dude, what are you smoking? What part of the bolded statement above doesn't imply that you think the only people that should have extensive backgrounds are Middle Easteners? Is Saudi Arabia somewhere else in the country I'm not aware of?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
So you are telling me these ideas wouldn't be a deterant at all? That is what you're saying. Oh wait...you are saying they will find ways around this as well so why bother....And they obviously found ways around hiding explosives in bombs...so let's just stop checking everyone's shoes....I mean after all...how much does this cost and how much of a hassle is it.....it isn't worth it.
Requiring a background check from any foreign country to fly into the U.S. is just ridiculous....
Oh, and as long as you keep putting words in other people';s mouths (which you do so often) I will do so to you....Bang never stated any of what you are claiming he is.
I find it funny...you are willing to have our government spend whatever it takes to ensure everyone can seek medical treatment...but you are against them spending whatever it takes to ensure their safety and protect them.....Ironically, you are against the Main job of our government laid out in our constitution...
Look at history Darth. Each and every time they tried to 'lock down' the gates at the airports, terrorists have found a way around them. The current procedures that have been in place the last few years have worked pretty good. I have no problem with taking off my shoes and jacket, or limiting the liquids I can take on a plane. But what's next? Do I now have to stop at the bathroom and take off my jock strap and throw that on the scanner as well? Will that make you feel more safe boarding a plane? How about cavity searches?
Homeland Security allowed a couple of high-tech companies create that program where a frequent traveler could pay to have this same background check you want for a fee, and it would give you a card whereby you could go through the airport security faster. They were installing separate lanes only cardholders could use. They ended up canceling the program due to cost and lack of interest. Just bring that back if it'll make you feel safer.
Bottom line - Homeland Security does the best they can to insure all people who fly will get to their destinations safely. It appears the system isn't flawless. But if you make flying so inconvenient for people to get to their destinations, they'll quit flying. When that happens, whatever airlines that are surviving now will be gone. The only planes in the air will be private jets and charters. Tourism both in and out of the US will falter. That will cause the shutdown of numerous hotels, touring companies, and any small business that relies on selling tourist items. Major industry will have issues because they can no longer travel to their various offices around the country or the world. Sure the internet has already killed a lot of that type of flying, but for many companies, it's still a necessity. It's called the Trickle Down Effect.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
I was under the impression that the United States is one of these few countries that requires a visa for every noncitizen. I know that students who come to my university from abroad often have a very difficult time getting through the visa process at the United States Embassy in their country and it seems to be a fairly thorough process.

Where you been the last few years as we have been discussing illegal immigration?

bang guy

Originally Posted by bionicarm
Dude, what are you smoking? What part of the bolded statement above doesn't imply that you think the only people that should have extensive backgrounds are Middle Easteners? Is Saudi Arabia somewhere else in the country I'm not aware of?
You are still connecting dots that you yourself have fabricated. If I give an example of a Chilean instead of a Saudi Arabian I suppose that means I hate South Americans. What if I don't like Kia cars? Does that mean I'm prejudiced against all Asians? Get a grip man, you're falling off the edge with all of your hate against Native Americans. Why do you hate us so much? What have we ever done to you?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
You are still connecting dots that you yourself have fabricated. If I give an example of a Chilean instead of a Saudi Arabian I suppose that means I hate South Americans. What if I don't like Kia cars? Does that mean I'm prejudiced against all Asians? Get a grip man, you're falling off the edge with all of your hate against Native Americans. Why do you hate us so much? What have we ever done to you?
Considering I'm one quarter Commanche, it'd be pretty hard to hate myself.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
You are still connecting dots that you yourself have fabricated. If I give an example of a Chilean instead of a Saudi Arabian I suppose that means I hate South Americans. What if I don't like Kia cars? Does that mean I'm prejudiced against all Asians? Get a grip man, you're falling off the edge with all of your hate against Native Americans. Why do you hate us so much? What have we ever done to you?
I didn't say you hated anyone. What you are doing is 'racial profiling'. If you're not, then why did you single out Saudi's in your statement as to who needs background checks? Sure, you did suggest ALL foreigners be checked, but then you followed it up with, "I really don't care what it costs some Saudi to get cleared to fly here. I just want to know that they were coming here for a good reason and have an invitation." So Saudi's need to be invited to the US in order to come here? Do YOU need to get invited to England, Germany, or even Mexico before you take a trip there for either business or pleasure? You blame me for putting words in your mouth, when in fact you're putting your own foot into it all by yourself. Before chastising me, sit back and reread some of your comments.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
You racist

Originally Posted by reefraff

You, You, You Moderator!!!

I do personally think we as a nation do not put the same securities in place as other countires. I do think Visa's/passports need to be some how connected between all countries. It would benefit all countries involved. We have become so complacient/"lets not tick anyone off" that we have breeched our own security. When someones own family is screaming to the legal system about their family members proven unstability and no one listens.....what happens. Planes blow up, securities breeched, etc..... I am just saying EVERYONE needs to guard their own back yard and at the same time help watch their neighbors back. In the end we are all the same. It is our back yard and we have the right to protect it as we see fit. If others don't like it......don't come.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I didn't say you hated anyone. What you are doing is 'racial profiling'. If you're not, then why did you single out Saudi's in your statement as to who needs background checks? Sure, you did suggest ALL foreigners be checked, but then you followed it up with, "I really don't care what it costs some Saudi to get cleared to fly here. I just want to know that they were coming here for a good reason and have an invitation." So Saudi's need to be invited to the US in order to come here? Do YOU need to get invited to England, Germany, or even Mexico before you take a trip there for either business or pleasure? You blame me for putting words in your mouth, when in fact you're putting your own foot into it all by yourself. Before chastising me, sit back and reread some of your comments.
What is wrong with using race, ethnicity or religion to profile a criminal? Would you be so offended if a cop pulled over a pickup truck full of skinheads in Watts if they had a report of some Aryans taking shots at the locals?

bang guy

Originally Posted by bionicarm
I didn't say you hated anyone. What you are doing is 'racial profiling'. If you're not, then why did you single out Saudi's in your statement as to who needs background checks? Sure, you did suggest ALL foreigners be checked, but then you followed it up with, "I really don't care what it costs some Saudi to get cleared to fly here. I just want to know that they were coming here for a good reason and have an invitation." So Saudi's need to be invited to the US in order to come here? Do YOU need to get invited to England, Germany, or even Mexico before you take a trip there for either business or pleasure? You blame me for putting words in your mouth, when in fact you're putting your own foot into it all by yourself. Before chastising me, sit back and reread some of your comments.
I was using Sauri Arabians as an example, not singling them out. Your logic leap is irrational.
Whether or not I need an invitation to visit Europe is up to the host country. I would respect their wishes.
I have read my posts and stand by them. Perhaps you should read them without the paradigm blinders. From your posts I could imply that you believe the current system is beyond improvements and any discussion about improvements is paranoia.

bang guy

Originally Posted by reefraff
What is wrong with using race, ethnicity or religion to profile a criminal? Would you be so offended if a cop pulled over a pickup truck full of skinheads in Watts if they had a report of some Aryans taking shots at the locals?
I don't think that's a good example of what he meant by profiling. I think a more accurate example would be pulling over some skinheads that are not doing anything wrong only because they look like skinheads.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Well, at least your BS meter is operational.
It seems to only be dysfunctional on your own posts.
Why would you make this statement? My grandmother was 100% Commanche. She left her home in Oklahoma and moved to Texas where she met my Irish grandfather.