Well, the news everyone's been waiting for is official. This morning at 6:14AM, Kaitlyn Marie Wagoner was born, weighing in at 7lbs 2.6 oz, and 21" I played a pretty important role in the pushing part, and did not faint even during cutting the cord

The labor took over 24 hours, which resulted in 2 hours of pushing on top of the labor. They had to assist wifey in getting the baby out, but did not have to do a c-section. She was just too exhausted to continue. The extended labor also caused wifey to come down with a fever, which unfortnately may have been passed on to Kaitlyn.
Other than being in discomfort and pain, and being insanely tired, wifey is fine. Her fever has come down, and they've pumped her full of antibiotics.
As i'm writing this with tears in my eyes, my little girl is in NICU, with IV's, heart monitors, and whatever else they need to do. They will get the lab reports back in 2 days, but they told me to plan on her staying there for upwards of a week. I know people have told me that she's probably the most healthy baby down there, and that she's in good hands, but i still am completely saddened that she's wont be in MY hands, home like she should be on thursday.
I'll be at the hospital most, if not all of this week. wifey's stepfather is taking care of my dog, and her father is taking care of my tank. Two loads are off my mind, and to them i am greatly appreciative.
Now i can just worry about my baby.
I've uploaded a bunch of pictures from my camera, but i want wifey to "edit" them before i post them all to photobucket. For now, i've posted a few im sure she wouldn't be mad about
please keep Kaitlyn in your thoughts, i'm sure she'll pull through this, but i'm still worried about her.