What are the "stupidest" questions you've heard?


Heres one..
every one that goes to lake tahoe.. always asks wheres the lake!! see that big blue thing right there its a lake!..
once they drove across town and went in my friends work and asked wheres the lake? didnt you see it on your right when u were driving here haha..


Active Member
While working at an LFS, someone walks up to me and says, "Excuse me, can I ask you a question?" I said sure, and followed them.
They brought me to a saltwater tank. They pointed to a fish and asked if that fish was freshwatwer or saltwater. I said saltwater. They hesitated for a moment, and asked "How about this one?," pointing to another fish in the same tank!


My husband's aunt asked us last night if we needed any salt for our fish tank because the local supermarket was having a sale on Kosher salt........
I love the,
Is that alive?
Yes, everything is alive
How about that?
Yes, everything even the rock
How about that?
Face palm


Active Member
This thread was a joy to read! Thanks for bringing it back. I don't have any this good to post on here... it seems like everyone is up later than usual tonight! Usually SWF is dead by now!


Active Member
I forget exactly where I read this, but my favorite from these threads over the different boards....
"They're the same gallons?"
Referencing a customer's confusion that a 20 gallon aquarium's capacity, is in fact equal to 20, single gallon jugs of water.


..i think the stupidest question is when someone asks you if youre awake until you wake up...
IDK, I have to ask my husband this sometimes when he is sitting up and talking to me while he is sound asleep. Then conversations are usually very interesting :rotfl:


Well-Known Member
My Beautiful, blond headed, blue eyed granddaughter once knocked on the bathroom door..."Nana?" I say "yes", and she asks..."are you in there?" I laugh everytime I even think about her asking that....I used to be be worried, but now I find out she is a math whiz..three grades ahead of the other children. So I guess she will be just fine in life.
I have never had a dumb question asked of me concerning fish. I can't think of any...I had a weird landlady that took my fish tank water when I was out.


Hubby is at Cheesecake factory. It's summertime.
Hubby asks the waitress, "do you have pumpkin cheesecake year round or is it seasonal"
Waitress replies, "no sir it's seasonal"
Hubby, "well that's good I wasn't sure if you guys use the stuff from a can or the fresh ingredients"
Waitress: "oh no sir our pumpkins are picked straight off the pumpkin tree."
Everybody just kind of stared at each other in disbelief.
not a question but stupid none the less.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo http:///t/336862/what-are-the-stupidest-questions-youve-heard/60#post_3422863
Hubby is at Cheesecake factory. It's summertime.
Hubby asks the waitress, "do you have pumpkin cheesecake year round or is it seasonal"
Waitress replies, "no sir it's seasonal"
Hubby, "well that's good I wasn't sure if you guys use the stuff from a can or the fresh ingredients"
Waitress: "oh no sir our pumpkins are picked straight off the pumpkin tree."
Everybody just kind of stared at each other in disbelief.
not a question but stupid none the less.

We bought 3 orders of nachos and 2 cans of Pepsi at a high school fundraiser today. As we watched this high school senior try to figure our change from a $50 bill, we realized that she had no idea how to count back our change. As time passed she got more and more nervous. We figured out that it wasn't counting change back that she was having an issue with. She hadn't actually got that far yet. She was still trying to add $2+$2+$2+$.75+$.75 in her head. At this point, we could have told her we needed $49 in change and she would have handed it to us. We did the math for her and told her how much our change should be. As we walked away, we discussed her future job options.


Active Member
Right now we are doing Popcorn sales for my Son and his Cub Scout Pack. Had the Ulrtimate Stupid Question last night I swear. We were at a Local Wally World selling it there guy walks up going is the stuff in the Bears tin all ready Popped. I went Yes it is. Is it carmel I went Yes it is. He went all I want is a Bag of Plain Popcorn. I went that is a Dollar. He went were is it. I wnet that wou;ld be our Microwave stuff. We went Moicrowave when did the Cub/Boy scouts come out with Microwave Popcorn. I went only 10 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Last night at 11:30 pm, in an email from a student: "What chapters are on the exam?"
Just so you know, the exam is at 8:00 am this morning.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006 http:///t/336862/what-are-the-stupidest-questions-youve-heard/60#post_3422900
Right now we are doing Popcorn sales for my Son and his Cub Scout Pack. Had the Ulrtimate Stupid Question last night I swear. We were at a Local Wally World selling it there guy walks up going is the stuff in the Bears tin all ready Popped. I went Yes it is. Is it carmel I went Yes it is. He went all I want is a Bag of Plain Popcorn. I went that is a Dollar. He went were is it. I wnet that wou;ld be our Microwave stuff. We went Moicrowave when did the Cub/Boy scouts come out with Microwave Popcorn. I went only 10 years ago.
How is thet a stupid question? I didn't even know boy scouts even sold popcorn. and if I asked a scout, "how long have the boy scouts been selling microwave popcorn "? He should reply..."10 years" with a big proud grin and ask me to try some and support his troop.


Active Member
My 20 year old niece asked what are french fries made from...mashed potatoes? And she was 20 when she asked this. She is one of those people that is very book smart but zero common sense.


Active Member

We bought 3 orders of nachos and 2 cans of Pepsi at a high school fundraiser today.  As we watched this high school senior try to figure our change from a $50 bill, we realized that she had no idea how to count back our change.  As time passed she got more and more nervous.  We figured out that it wasn't counting change back that she was having an issue with.  She hadn't actually got that far yet.  She was still trying to add $2+$2+$2+$.75+$.75 in her head.  At this point, we could have told her we needed $49 in change and she would have handed it to us.  We did the math for her and told her how much our change should be.  As we walked away, we discussed her future job options. 
lol, a glittering jewel of the education system...
Today, (keep in mind I work in the construction industry, top level stuff billions of dollars worth of contracts) one of these engineers, one that actually designed a lot of stuff, walked into my office with his laptop, and asked if I could put his file in a folder. Turns out he didn't know how to save an excel spreadsheet....


Active Member
You wouldn't believe the number of people I've had walk up and ask if I hurt my leg..... I walk with crutches. My typical answer is "No, I just carry the crutches to get people's sympathy"
Back in my working days I used to fix copiers. You would be amazed the number of people who would walk up to the machine with me kneeled down in front of it with parts all over the floor and say "Is it alright if I make a copy, I just need 1?" My favorite was "do you know where all that goes?" to which I'd hold up a part and say "Did you happen to see where I took this from?" That got some interesting responses


a woman in maine noticed my license plate asked if i had come down to the states from canada to buy fruit cus canada was too cold for fruit. i was only 20 min over the border so i figured she was just messing with me so said i was indeed fruit shopping. dead serious, she advised me to buy my bananas green and when i got them home they would turn yellow for me. really...