What do you do for a living?


I'm an ASS.
Aircraft Systems Specialist, I'm one of the guys that are called when they can't figure out whats wrong with the aircraft. Then I just look at it and say did you plug in the battery? Yeah, Then it must be broken.


Originally Posted by hummel
so your partly to blame when the report is wrong.......
we need to talk
HA! I don't do any of the prediction, that's up to the forcasters. I just art it up. They're all just failed sports announcers anyway, bitter at life, so I take a sick pleasure whenever they're grossly wrong.


Originally Posted by Dual45s
HA! I don't do any of the prediction, that's up to the forcasters. I just art it up. They're all just failed sports announcers anyway, bitter at life, so I take a sick pleasure whenever they're grossly wrong.
Yea I know I was just bustin on you because you help the weather man. Cool artwork though. Do you do the 3D maps also? I see your from PA also so I've probably seen your work if you do the weather for Berks Co area.


Originally Posted by hummel
Yea I know I was just bustin on you because you help the weather man. Cool artwork though. Do you do the 3D maps also? I see your from PA also so I've probably seen your work if you do the weather for Berks Co area.
Oh no problem, I enjoy a good ribbing as much as the next guy. If ANYWHERE else was hiring graphic designers/photoshop monkeys I'd jump on it. I'm pretty sure we don't do 3D maps (if I'm thinking of the same thing; animated fly-throughs of clouds/storm systems) Confusing rubbish at any rate. I'm working on learning Maya and have started playing with 3DS Max. Yeah, it's a distinct possibility that you've seen my stuff. Usually on Fox or ABC.


Well CGRANT very funny but if you are up to it I have whole office that needs our new printers intalled, just something I don't want to do so I gues you are right. I just need to get them to give me someone that will do all the dirty work that I don't want to do.


Originally Posted by Dual45s
Oh no problem, I enjoy a good ribbing as much as the next guy. If ANYWHERE else was hiring graphic designers/photoshop monkeys I'd jump on it. I'm pretty sure we don't do 3D maps (if I'm thinking of the same thing; animated fly-throughs of clouds/storm systems) Confusing rubbish at any rate. I'm working on learning Maya and have started playing with 3DS Max. Yeah, it's a distinct possibility that you've seen my stuff. Usually on Fox or ABC.
Cool I was watching fox tonight and they showed a map for the weather on the previews and I had to laugh, thinking I may have wrote to the guy that did that. Cool job but probably thank less because the weather man probably gets all the credit.
Well having a little trouble typing got a few stiches in the hand this after so Ill tty


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dual45s
TV Graphic Artist for AccuWeather. So if your local news station uses AccuWeather and you see a non-moving map behind the meteorologist, it's probably mine. (Mainly New England but sprinkled throughout the country.) Example from a while ago.

GOSH! so cool... i wanted to be a weather girl... but then my journalism teacher told me that ill probably end up reporting on cows in Delaware or something like that...

37g joe

Work for Starbucks But In october leaving for bootcamp for The Coast Guard maybe get stationed somewhere where I can scuba.


In response to TX REEF Trust me you'll manage.
I am currently a full time student trying to obtain my AS in Paralegal Studies (would of have graduated by now but decided Accounting wasn't for me). I am also a full time mother of 2 girls, one is 6 and starting first grade the other is 4 and wants to follow me around all day. We have only one income (my husbands who is a Heavy Equipment Operator) we are doing pretty good at paying the bills, and supporting our saltwater addiction, and our inshore fishing habit.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by rkmcinvale
In response to TX REEF Trust me you'll manage.
I am currently a full time student trying to obtain my AS in Paralegal Studies (would of have graduated by now but decided Accounting wasn't for me). I am also a full time mother of 2 girls, one is 6 and starting first grade the other is 4 and wants to follow me around all day. We have only one income (my husbands who is a Heavy Equipment Operator) we are doing pretty good at paying the bills, and supporting our saltwater addiction, and our inshore fishing habit.

How do you do it?


Im Leaveing for the Marines in January, untill then im watching two girls till they leave for washington state in august, and then im off to find a job till I leave in Jan,lol. I also used to wanna be a weather forecaster for one of the local news stations. Not gonna happen unfortunately, but hey you gotta give them guys/gals credit. Most of the time around here they are spot on with the forecasts. But when Hurricane Rita A.K.A. "The Forgotten Hurricane"
was comming, they didn't know what the heck it was gonna do. Mayor White sure as hell added to the problem too...

37g joe

Originally Posted by JBAIR
Retired Military (24 Years)
Now work for the Military as a civilian at Fort Bragg, NC
what was your rank when you retired