What do you do for a living?


Active Member
That explains it Reef (apologist for banks and other large corporations) raff.

Just kidding. Besides we can't blame a retired SB for what happened, can we? Let me find my torch and pitch fork just in case.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
So Disneyland needs to name a ride after her?
Darth (inappropriate) Tang
I rode the ride at Disney they named after you. But quite frankly the song in your honor is quite creepy.
"It's a small world after all"


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51
That explains it Reef (apologist for banks and other large corporations) raff.

Just kidding. Besides we can't blame a retired SB for what happened, can we? Let me find my torch and pitch fork just in case.
Not a broker, Should have placed and between retired and stock trader. I trade with my own money which means I got my own skin in the game
Of course on days like today that's a good thing.


Active Member
I was just yanking your chain. Wow, I hope you are doing well with that trading thing. My brothers California state pension has lost about 60% and only regained about 20% of the losses. That stuff scares the !@#* out of me. That's why I'm putting all of my money into building my house. I figure that no stock market "correction" can take it from me and after it's done (about Dec 1), I'll start saving for retirement. The few grand I had in my companies 401k is pretty much gone. Not from me spending it either. I started saving, finally, about 4 years ago and stopped contributing in October 08. I could've had a really nice vacation, instead some SB for the company has lost almost all of it. Of the $8000 I put in since 2006, there is about $1200 left. So, that's why my house has moved up to priority 1.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51
I was just yanking your chain. Wow, I hope you are doing well with that trading thing. My brothers California state pension has lost about 60% and only regained about 20% of the losses. That stuff scares the !@#* out of me. That's why I'm putting all of my money into building my house. I figure that no stock market "correction" can take it from me and after it's done (about Dec 1), I'll start saving for retirement. The few grand I had in my companies 401k is pretty much gone. Not from me spending it either. I started saving, finally, about 4 years ago and stopped contributing in October 08. I could've had a really nice vacation, instead some SB for the company has lost almost all of it. Of the $8000 I put in since 2006, there is about $1200 left. So, that's why my house has moved up to priority 1.
Investing in your house is never a bad idea. I had some money tied up with a buy and hold broker until a couple years ago. I watched about 30 grand in gains evaporate in 08 and figured out that wasn't the way to go. I don't use money I might need for something else in the near future for stocks. That way even if i do make a bad move I can ride it out. A couple years ago I got into trading instead of investing and have cleaned up but there is a lot more risk too. Didn't make a move for the first 4 months of this year because all the indicators were weird, at least for me.


Originally Posted by Flower

LOL...That explains why I thought you were a guy.
LOL ... everyone, on every site I belong to thinks I'm a guy! My husband barely comes on, and when he does he always writes that it's him. I think Meowzer is the only one who's seen him come on actually.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
LOL ... everyone, on every site I belong to thinks I'm a guy! My husband barely comes on, and when he does he always writes that it's him. I think Meowzer is the only one who's seen him come on actually.
LOL....whoooo meeeeeeeeeee....it's not like I'm ever on here


Active Member
I'm always mistaken for a guy as well. I'm sure it's because the guys in this hobby out number the girls, for whatever reason. You should see the local meets.... a kazillion males and like 3 females. And my mom wondered why I got into this hobby.... LOL. There is a high number of active females on this site, however.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
I'm always mistaken for a guy as well. I'm sure it's because the guys in this hobby out number the girls, for whatever reason. You should see the local meets.... a kazillion males and like 3 females. And my mom wondered why I got into this hobby.... LOL. There is a high number of active females on this site, however.
LOL...what guy would call himself CRANBERRY
......I was thought of as a guy at first too....and I thought it was so funny....would a guy call himself Meowzer

a kazillion males...HUH....Just where exactly are these "meets"....or should we call them MEATS