What do you do if you see a shark?


Originally Posted by stdreb27
What has happened with SNL anyway.
It was off the air because of the writer's strike. Now that, that issue is apparently resolved it returns to TV on 2/23. Heard that today on the radio.
My philosophy on sharks is...if you are worried about getting attacked, stay out of the ocean. They were their waaaayyy before us and it is THEIR territtory that WE'RE invading.


Originally Posted by ric maniac
Lol, you could use a harpoon and sell it for 1k though

Good Luck doing that now with their moronic "trade caps" I quit that game as soon as they enforced their lame updates. They should re-name it Ruined Scape.


Originally Posted by sharkbait9
Ok, so I said most?????? Who's to say for certain whether people come in contact with sharks unbeknownst to them or not, if I don't know I can't say "yeah I came in contact". I will defy anyone with a sound mind or a laymen to go “oh hey a group of sharks lets go swim out to them and play with them.

When I was in Bora Bora last year....that's what I did. These big puppy dogs were around my overwater bungalow....so....I grabbed the camera and jumped in...

And diving down around a 100ft, these guys showed up...

But....the real threat was this 3 ft Titan trigger that came up and tasted the camera and chased me around...



Active Member
Steve for a minute there I thought you were showing us pics of a new tank!!

I have always wondered what those over water rooms were like. Now I think I want to at least dream of going to one. Did you have your own camera with a housing or did you rent a under water camera?


Originally Posted by lovethesea
Steve for a minute there I thought you were showing us pics of a new tank!!

I have always wondered what those over water rooms were like. Now I think I want to at least dream of going to one. Did you have your own camera with a housing or did you rent a under water camera?

I have my own underwater camera gear....it's not great...but, it takes OK pics.....but, I really need a better external flash.
Those overwater bungalows are incredible though....



All I can say is WOW!!
Oh and you're missing one thing on the 1st bungalow pic...there's no Coronas on the little table.


Active Member
oh, btw, those pics are awesome and your camera seems to be holding it own

I am surprised the trigger try to nibble on your fingers


Active Member
This is what the water looks like in NJ at 35 feet.
The first pic is my wife holding a star that some how hitched a ride as we were making are ascend. The pic was taken with a see and sea digital camera at 4 feet apart
The second pic is my wife next to a wreck.
Hard to believe we like to dive these waters.



Active Member
Originally Posted by steveweast
When I was in Bora Bora last year....that's what I did. These big puppy dogs were around my overwater bungalow....so....I grabbed the camera and jumped in...

And diving down around a 100ft, these guys showed up...

But....the real threat was this 3 ft Titan trigger that came up and tasted the camera and chased me around...

No see i mean not clear water not where the animals have the interaction with people. I'm talking just a random place and a school of sharks are chilling out eating and some one jumps in and swims on over to chill with the sharks.
Someone may do that, i myself would opt out.

nano reefer

Active Member
Depending on the shark. I mean a great white means, crap your pants and swim. But i have come up close with sharks when i went diving in the keys. And barracudas, which were way more scary to me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
Depending on the shark. I mean a great white means, crap your pants and swim. But i have come up close with sharks when i went diving in the keys. And barracudas, which were way more scary to me.
Yeah when we were diving off great stirup cay island (sp) in the Bahamas, the barracudas were everywhere. The did not really bother us but can make you soil your pants they way dart in and out off places. Blink your eye and the next thing you see is a silver tip face staring back at you.