what would you do to make this country better/safer?


Active Member
i will start please list what 1 thing you would change if you could to make it better, me i would make it illegal for happy hour to coincide with rush hour, i never could figure why happy hour is between 4-7:00 p.m when traffic is the heaviest?


Active Member
i would lift some restricting laws on venomous snakes but make it so only experienced hobbyists could buy or keep them


Active Member
Seriously, I'd add a 2 second delay at red lights before they turn green. I've seen 2 accidents from drivers trying to burn yellow lights that go red and I don't want to see anymore.
I'd also make it mandatory that kids play dodgeball in gym class.


Active Member
here in my part of tx they have that 2 second delay it does help but there are still moron drivers out there there was a bad wreck 1/2 block from me last night but no stoplights no screeching tires just a loud impact we were the 1st to call 911 to people left in an ambulance no seatbelts in the dodge pick-up reg cab vs a quadcab ford the ford held up a lot better....tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
i would take away political correctness and make everyone go to seminars on the way things used to be
No kidding but I wouldn't want to go to far back. That's asking for trouble.
Strange world we live in. I heard a commercial for an attorney's office for personal injury. One of the things mentioned is essentially sueing (sp?) someone for a faulty sidewalk. Can you imagine tripping on a crack b/c you weren't looking and sueing someone for it. Crazy.


Active Member
i still can't get over a burglar breaks into you house cuts his arm on the window he broke to steal the victims possessions and sues the homeowner jeez give me a break...tobin


Active Member
I think the country is safe attack wise. I would take the pointless stuff out. Get rid of illegal immagrants as they cause alot of deaths, accidents, rapes, and sexual offenders. I would also get the burglary rate down.


Some things I've been thinking about lately:
San Francisco to ban plastic grocery bags
I went online and ordered a bunch of recycled cloth bags for grocery shopping. I'd like to mention carrying five full cloth bags is heck of a lot easier on your hands/arms than carrying five full plastic bags -- I hate making second trips for groceries, so I always end up having my circulation cut off by the pastic.
"Industrial hemp is an incredible resource. Hemp is harvested for its fibers for hemp clothing and seeds for hemp oil. With a relatively short growth cycle of 100-120 days, it is an efficient and economical crop for farmers to grow, however, industrial hemp cannot be commercially grown in the United States because it is erroneously confounded with marijuana. In fact, industrial hemp and marijuana are different breeds of Cannabis sativa. Smoking large amounts of hemp flowers can produce a headache but not a high!"
I would love to see the ban on industrial hemp lifted, as well as a ban put on plastic grocery bags. I think both of these small changes would most definitely make this country better.


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Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Cant touch this one..........sure would love to but I cant participate without hurting feelings and getting banned
a wiser man than most


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
He hasn't graduated yet?
that is one of the funniest things i have read on here in a LONG time!!! thank you!!!
what would i do???
besides mediacal care, raising the min wage, eliminating a bunch of taxes, pay politicians less, getting rid of extreme right/left wingers, too many things to list so...etc. etc. etc...