What would you like to see improve in America?

bang guy

The voters have their eyes open. They have realized that they can vote in the politicians that will redistribute the money others have worked for. Pretty shortsighted but they have figured it out.


Active Member
I'd turn California into an internment center, and force all the democrats and liberals into california. Then say, there you go, do whatever you want but leave the rest of the USA alone.


Active Member
We need California since it is the Engine for the nation. It is the 8th Largest Economy in the World on its own. Send all the Liberals to Alaska instead with no Guns were they can not Burn Oil or Coal for Heat and were being Green means you can not Hunt to eat. Wonder how many will survive the WINTER up there.

bang guy

I hate to point out that most innovation begins in the brain trust where most members are liberal. What you're discussing would lobotomize the US IMO.


Active Member
Liberals gave us what in the last 40 years. The War on Pverty which we LOST the War on Drugs we LOST that one. The Bloated Complex for getting New Weapons into the Military. You are aware that it took 90 days to go from design to Flying Plane with the P-51 however the F-22 took close to 20 years from study to even being Flown. Here is something else to think about we landed a man on the moon in 8 years from our First flight. Nasa has not lauched anything larger than a probe out of the Earths gravity since why because the Liberals are afarid someone might get hurt I think. Or it might cost money from a Pet Project. With Modern Computers Going to mars would be easy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///forum/thread/379657/what-would-you-like-to-see-improve-in-america/20#post_3301234
I hate to point out that most innovation begins in the brain trust where most members are liberal. What you're discussing would lobotomize the US IMO.
BLAH!!! Only those hippie scientists overwhelmingly tend to be liberal. While engineers, (the ones that actually make those innovations possible) are overwhelmingly conservative.


Active Member
Be a perfect experiment...
Besides I'm not worried about it, since we bitter clingers, will turn america into a third world country. I have plenty of hope they've have the rest of america fund. Like they do with africa...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///forum/thread/379657/what-would-you-like-to-see-improve-in-america/20#post_3301234
I hate to point out that most innovation begins in the brain trust where most members are liberal. What you're discussing would lobotomize the US IMO.
For the pure purpose of playing conspiracy theorist. There is a reason for your perception of that. I can go out and find a whole buncha of scientists who don't follow the global warming religion that will say they can't get anything published edgewise. And if you're a scientist professor at a university. You won't stay long unless you get published. So their own process ensure uniformity despite what the actual science will say. (see the rube that got reinstated into that global warming thinktank, I mean university in england after he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar fabricating research)


Well-Known Member
I would like to see the end of gangs killing the innocent people around them. If these people want to fight over "turf" that isn't theirs and die for it, fine. They should learn how to shoot their target. It would probably help if they learned how to hold a gun properly instead of trying to look cool holding it cockeyed sideways.

If they would just kill each other off, we would be rid of them. Maybe ship them to an island where they can behave like animals and not inflict their stupidity on the rest of us. We could make it the new reality TV show...gang this dumb idiot group vs. really ignorant that group of thugs...the winner gets to keep the "turf" until they are challenged and must return to the island to shoot it out.

That way we can all watch them die, instead of attending the funerals of little kids caught in their crossfire.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Slice http:///forum/thread/379657/what-would-you-like-to-see-improve-in-america#post_3301161
I put this in another thread some months ago; I still have not found the original source.
I believe it is true:
“The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”
You can replace Obama's name with the name of the last four President's, and make the same exact claims.
Put the blame where it should go, The Congress.

bang guy

There hasn't been a conservative in the White House for a long long time. Very few conservatives in Congress as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/379657/what-would-you-like-to-see-improve-in-america/20#post_3301482
I would like to see the end of gangs killing the innocent people around them. If these people want to fight over "turf" that isn't theirs and die for it, fine. They should learn how to shoot their target. It would probably help if they learned how to hold a gun properly instead of trying to look cool holding it cockeyed sideways.

If they would just kill each other off, we would be rid of them. Maybe ship them to an island where they can behave like animals and not inflict their stupidity on the rest of us. We could make it the new reality TV show...gang this dumb idiot group vs. really ignorant that group of thugs...the winner gets to keep the "turf" until they are challenged and must return to the island to shoot it out.

That way we can all watch them die, instead of attending the funerals of little kids caught in their crossfire.
That might be the one reality show that I'd actually watch.