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I grew up with many animals.
had a couple of border collies that lived with to be 15 years old each.
Also, grew up with parrots that are still alive and will be well into my old years. They are currently 14 or so, and I know that I will be inheriting them from my mother. They really are like family members, since they eat with utensils, call you by your name and recognize things about you when you walk in a room. They really are rewarding pets.
You forgot to mention LOUD. My Bluefront Amazon has a life span of 80, he will outlive me ( My oldest granddaughter is his Godmother) and I should be deaf soon and we can live in harmony...It is going to rain, so today is a day to scream because he can't go outside to play. He is only 3, I purchased him as an egg. I have pictures of when he hatched. He knows 25 words he can scream and whistle, he thinks he is a very pretty bird, and when he laughs he sounds just like me.
My oldest pet was a yellow tabby named Lynx, he was 18 almost 19 when he died. We didn’t take him to be put to sleep. We had a towel on the sofa near us as we watched TV. Every time we thought it was the end, the family gathered around him…he would start purring and be alright. He died in his sleep in the middle of the night, 6 years ago, I still miss him.