What's wrong?


Thank you so much for all your help. Great idea for making the min order also.
I'm not getting scared away from doing saltwater, it just made me realize how much i still have to learn. If I lose a fish I don't want it to be because I did something wrong or didn't do anything at all.
I still have plans to do the 125g overflow and 30g sump, halide lights, the whole thing. But I have decided that it might be best to wait a few more months before doing so. Just to make sure I know what I'm doing and that I'm doing it right. And just concentrate on the 29g until I have a better idea.
thank you again,
Jessica :)


that sounds like a good idea to wait and learn the basics before moving on. i can post some pics of my tank if it will help you get some ideas.


do you think that it is safe to start adding the stuff you have listed? I don't have a QT, do those need one?
I also only have flourscent lignting right now. Is that ok? I will be getting metal halide but I can't say for sure when I can get them, they are a little pricy.
i have a few small feather dusters now that came with my seaweed and on my live rock. I also have one arrow crab i forgot to mention. I got him to help with the bristle worms.
I plan on getting a percula clownfish and black and white percula clownfish. I will add them at the same time to decrease their aggression. But I am not sure how long my tank has to be set up before it is safe to add them. I really don't want to loose any clownfish because they are $50 each at the pet store.
Thanks for everything,


I would love to see some pics of your tank.
I also have been worrying about stocking my tank, I have pretty much decided what fish I want, I just don't know if they are compatible and I don't really trust the pet store at this point.
thank you,


give me a list of the fish you want to add and i could tell you if they would get along with each other. I would say as long as your tests come out ok you could start adding fish....but i would caution you about the ich problem.....alot of the fish bought at LFS's have ich and it doesn't come out until it is moved to a new tank. I will take some pics of my tank and post them here in a few mins.


The fish I want to get are:
1 yellowtail blue damsel (already have)
1 domino damsel (to replace the one I lost)
1 percula clownfish
1 black and white percula clown fish
1 fridmani pseudochromis (orchid dottyback)
1 Flame angel
1 green mandarin dragonet
also thinking about a chocolate chip startfish, a florida condi anemone, and a bubble tip anemone.
probably all of those won't fit in the 29g but IF they are all compatible do you think that they would fit in a 125g comfortably?
Thank you so much!,
Jessica :)


all those fish look fine, but i would add the damsels last cuz they are more aggressive than the other ones. one warning about the mandarin.....they require a well matured tank, they feed mostly on pods from the live rock in the tank, some people say that your tank should be about a year old before adding one of those. here is a pic of my whole tank under 10k bulb


pic of my 2 hairy mushroom polyps i just added 2 days ago, there is also a small bubble tip anemone on it that wasn't doing so well at the LFS so i bought it to see if i could revive it, can't really see it in the pic though


right now im only running a 10k bulb but i am looking at some better lighting. I want to buy a PC 2 X 65 watt 10k and actinic hood which runs about $130 or so which would be perfect for a 29gallon reef tank. Hope the pics help!! I gotta go run a few errand real quick. Feel free to ask more questions!


awesome tank!
is that a hawaiian feather duster and an arrow crab?
so you think I should add the damsels last, rather then flame angel? i am suprised at how aggressive the damsels are turning out to be. Eveything I read says they are peaceful. That is why I like this board so much, I can get some feedback from people with personal experience.
Thanks for the info on the dragonet, I didn't know that they need such a well establishe tank.
You said you are getting a bigger tank, right? Do you know what size tank will be getting?
Your tank looks great!


nevermind about the arrow crab lol I see what it is now.
I was planning on getting 3 175 metal halide lights for the 125 because I found a place I can get all 3 fixtures, ballasts, bulbs, and everything needed to hang them for $600
what is PC 2 X 65 watt 10k? Is that better than Metal Halide?


it is power compact flourescent setup with 2 bulbs in one ballast at 10k and a blue actinic, and some have built in moon lights, some come with mounting legs and some don't, the legs are $8 if you buy them separately. It has 2 on off switches one for each bulb and you can hook them up to timers so they will turn on and off by themselves. The setup im looking at is around $130 plus about $8 for the legs. PC to MH is pretty much a preference thing but i heard metal halide will heat up your tank while you run them. im not real experienced with lighting and would be able to tell you which one is better. I had the same question when i was beginning and someone said that the pc 2x65 would be perfect for the kind of tank i want to set up. I would get some more opinions about PC vs MH.
I need to clean the glass on my tank off lol. Hope that helps!!


I was trying to take some pics of my tank but there is too much glare right now. My tank isn't pretty yet because I'm trying to add things slowly so I don't disrupt the balance and because it is just now becoming established there isn't a whole that I have been able to do yet.