yeah it goes slow right at the start. It is a good idea to add stuff slowly. I just put the black background back on my tank and it makes the colors stand out a lot better. Also in case you didn't notice i have 20 pounds of white live sand and 10 pounds of black decorative sand mixed together to give it a salt and pepper look. I am getting a shipment of new stuff in tomorrow. I am gettin a pink tip hatian anemone, a percelain crab, a horse shoe crab, 2 peppermint shrimp, and some ricordea polyps. Also i am getting a firefish goby and a fridmani. i will post some pics on here when i get them all acclimated. I am going to put the fish in the QT for a couple weeks to make sure they don't have any parasites and add all the inverts to the display. Good luck with your tank! Keep us posted on your new additions. 