What's wrong?


what kind of tank is she getting and how big? If she ever asks any questions that you don't know.......you could ask me lol then i could tell you the answer to make you sound smarter
i learned most of the stuff about salt water tanks from this board, some of the other stuff i look up if i have a specific question about it, but mostly all the stuff i know comes from this board.........all my fish would probably be dead if i didn't have this board lol........Good luck with your friends tank!!! Is she gonna join the boards too?


lol yeah that's a good idea, make me look even smarter.
She is getting a 55g for now and then a bigger one later.
She will probably join, I sent her the link. She is supposed to call me later and let me know if she got her tank tonight and I will tell her then that she should join.
Quick question, what do you feed your percs? All I have right now is marine flakes, should I get something else for the percs?


i feed the mostly flakes, but once a day i feed them frozen mysis shrimp soaked in Garlic Guard. The mysis i have comes in cubes which is way too much for them to eat at once so i just chip a little piece off and let it soak in some water from my display tank and some garlic guard for 10-15 mins then pour it in the tank......Mysis is more nutritional for the fish, i have heard that brine shrimp is like potato chips for fish. Also the garlic guard helps keep the fish's immune system up to fight off infections and parasites.........also make sure you friends sets up a QT also :)


Thanks I will get some of that, is that garlic stuff pretty easy to find?
She's going to set up a QT but I don't think she is getting that tonight but she said she would get one.


you should be able to get garlic guard or something like it at any LFS, my bottle was $10 for like a 16 oz bottle