What's wrong?


my baby bubble tip that i bought on the same rock with my hair mushroom polyp....hasn't been looking too good since i got him until now he is moving around trying to find a good spot to plant himself :) im so relieved now that he is moving


AWESOME!!! Your tank looks great!!
I can't wait to get a Fridmani and a bubble tip. My pc lights should be here on the 15th so I should be able to get them soon.
I just got some more fish Saturday:
Black cap damsel that I call fruitloop and another domino that I named Frankenstein and a figure8 puffer his name is puffy.
I decided to go with more damsels and make sure they live before adding more expensive fish. They seem fine though, I got them a little bit bigger than the yellowtail and so far it looks like fruit loop is the referee, keeping the cartman and Frankenstein on opposite sides of the tank.
BTW the Puffer is in a 10g all by himself because they can get nippy.
I think I will make the 29g my reef tank and when I finish the 125g I think I will keep it fish only. I think it is going to be easier that way. Not to mention that it will save me about $1,000 on lights. Assuming I can find room for a 3rd tank to be as a hospital and QT.


awesome!!! congrats on the new fish.....I have never seen one of those puffers before.....could you post a pic?


Here's a picture of Puffy. He's just a baby right now. Only about 3/4" long. What's really cool is that he has blue eyes with irridescent yellow rings around them. I think all puffers have eyes like that, my leopard did too.


wow that is cool lookin!!! how big is he supposed to get?? The lighting setup i am getting comes with 2 65 wat 10k bulbs but i am gonna buy an actinic bulb so my corals will look cool under it. I will post some pics of the corals when i get the new bulb! Awesome fish and good luck once again! I got some bad news today.....one of my percs may have ich.........it doesn't really look like ich though it looks more like an air bubble, so i may have to put him in QT pretty soon if it gets worse. I will keep you updated!!


I think he can get up to about 6 or 8in.
I can't wait to see your corals!!
Yeah that's like the light I ordered. It is a 110w. 1 65w 10k and 1 65w actinic bulb. Found it on ---- for $50 brand new never been opened.
I hope your percs are ok. When my leopard got ick I just thought it was air bubbles at first and by the time I realized what it was it was too late. But it started on his tummy and his tummy was white so it was really hard to see. I sure hope it isn't ick your percs have. Let me know how they do. Good Luck!!
If all goes well with my tank I may go ahead a get a fridmai dottyback in about 2 weeks but I may end up waiting longer because I don't have a QT and I want to be sure that the fish I got Saturday aren't sick or anything before I add anything else.
Any tips on taking pic of the sw tank? Everytime I try I get either blur or glare. Maybe it's just my crappy camera.
Good Luck with your fishies,


all i do when i take pics is turn off all the lights in the room and turn off the flash...never had too much of a problem. hope that helps. is your kit a Do It Yourself kit? cuz mine isn't and i got it for $150, with a set of mounting legs....the do it yourself kit you have to build your own hood. my brother said that you can get the same thing that i am getting for $250 at a LFS near where he goes to college?
How old are you BTW?


I'm 24 now. My B-day was Sunday.
This is what I got. All I have to do is hang it and plug it in. I already have something to hang it with from when I had to hang heat lamps for the turtles when I had them. I only paid $65 including shipping.
But I also had to get a glass hood because I have cats so It's not a good idea to have an open tank.


Thank you.
I actually don't know what brand it is. Oh well, it will probably be ok.
I think your coralife is one of the better brands, I keep seeing those all over the place.
I'm getting the bubble tip anemones this weeked if the pet store gets any in by then. Then I will probably get my clownfish next week. I think I will wait and get the dottyback after I get the clownfish beacuse they can be pretty agressive I want to add them last. after the clownfish and the dottyback I will probably be at my limit for my 29g.


I am 18 and soon will be getting ready for college. I can't wait to see your anemones!!


wow how do you know so much about all this at 18??
There is just much to learn about all these fish and their environment, foods, equipment,etc. It gets overwheleming sometimes.
I just talked my friend into getting a saltwater tank. She has been wanting one for a while and when I told how easy mine was to get started she couldn't wait. She is going out to get her tank tonight I think. She at the store right now getting the salt and hydrometer. She's so excited, it's so cool that we can do our tanks together. And I'm really feeling kinda smart right now because I know the answers to all the questions she's been asking me about the saltwater setups.