whats your most embarassing moment?


Originally Posted by Eric B 125
i suppose i could tell another one, like i said: i have a bunch of embarassing moments. i think it's because i think i dont have any shame until i do something shameful

my buddy crashed at my spot a while ago. we had done a bar crawl the previous night, so shortly after waking up, i was hit with bubble-gut and knew that the beer-poops weren't far away. my buddy had just hopped into the shower and had the bathroom door locked. in a panic, i ran through all scenarios in my head. i couldnt hold it anymore, so i grabbed some paper towels and a plastic grocery store bag and ran outside (just in case my aim was off). i ran outside in a frenzy, pooped in this plastic bag, and i guess i made one of those sounds you make when you just beat the clock with a photo finish. as i'm standing up, tying the bag, i finally have a second to check out my surroundings and i realize my 70 yo next door neighbor is standing in her yard, awestruck, watering her garden. we never spoke of this "early morning coffee" and our neighborly relationship has never been the same.
I just can't believe how many poop stories there are....

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Eric B 125
i suppose i could tell another one, like i said: i have a bunch of embarassing moments. i think it's because i think i dont have any shame until i do something shameful

my buddy crashed at my spot a while ago. we had done a bar crawl the previous night, so shortly after waking up, i was hit with bubble-gut and knew that the beer-poops weren't far away. my buddy had just hopped into the shower and had the bathroom door locked. in a panic, i ran through all scenarios in my head. i couldnt hold it anymore, so i grabbed some paper towels and a plastic grocery store bag and ran outside (just in case my aim was off). i ran outside in a frenzy, pooped in this plastic bag, and i guess i made one of those sounds you make when you just beat the clock with a photo finish. as i'm standing up, tying the bag, i finally have a second to check out my surroundings and i realize my 70 yo next door neighbor is standing in her yard, awestruck, watering her garden. we never spoke of this "early morning coffee" and our neighborly relationship has never been the same.
I am noticing a theme regarding your embarrassing stories..

eric b 125

Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I am noticing a theme regarding your embarrassing stories..
i have other ones, but many arent as family friendly as pooping in a plastic bag, waders, etc....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Eric B 125
nah, not a take off from your challenge thread. the only challenge thread i know of was for people to start a thread about anything to get the activity of this site up and this is no response to that. i hope people keep contributing, though, i love this thread.
No, this thread definately came from the challenge thread...
#74 03-03-2009, 11:40 PM
Eric B 125
Wu Tang Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Pgh, PA
Posts: 285
I'm happy to see all of the new threads and topics though. This one has done very well....


Active Member


Active Member
Alright, just to get the ball rolling tonight....
A few years ago, I was the Treasurer at my Church. Late one night I was writing an email at my computer trying to get some figures to the Pastor before the next day. It must have been 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. So my wife comes up behind me and starts scratching my back, rubbing my shoulders, sweet talking, etc. trying to get me to come to bed. I keep brushing her off, but she keeps at it. Finally, I say okay...let me tell the Pastor what you are up to. She thinks that was funny, so I skip a line from what I was writing him and put something to this effect...:
Richard...sorry I have to end this report so abrubtly, but my wife wants to have WILD, PASSIONATE, (3 letter word here), and won't stop trying until I give in. She's an animal...
Well, we both have a laugh at what I typed, I was tired at this point, and was going to just close the email and redo it later. I grab the mouse and start heading towards the "X" button, but somehow hit the "SEND NOW" button...

OMG...You can't "unsend", it's way to late to call his house, so I worried all night. I set the alarm, then called his house at 7:00 AM the next morning (waking him up and just playing it off as if I didn't realize it was so early). He said that he had not looked at any email yet, so I explained that the email from me was just some "adult spam" junk that somehow got his email address too, so he should just hit "delete", but DEFINATELY not open it. Opening it could cause your computer to get a virus. So he deleted it...

Talk about feeling guilty (lieing to your Pastor)....I hope God understands the full extent of this one....


Once I accidentally sent my English professor an email meant for my younger sister.
The email was all about being "safe". I was mortified when he responded.


LOL....I actually work for a church..well 2 churches...and believe me...everyone thinks Pastors are "innocent"....HAHAHAHAH


Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
Once I accidentally sent my English professor an email meant for my younger sister.
The email was all about being "safe". I was mortified when he responded.
LOL...what was his response???


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL....I actually work for a church..well 2 churches...and believe me...everyone thinks Pastors are "innocent"....HAHAHAHAH
Pastors are definately not innocent. Mine is really cool and down to earth, but still, that's not a message I intended to send....


Originally Posted by T316
Pastors are definately not innocent. Mine is really cool and down to earth, but still, that's not a message I intended to send....

True...I wouldn't want that message to go to ANYONE


These stories are extremely funny!!! T, I cannot believe that you rip ones off on your wife. I hope she gives you the same courtesy...


Holy cow, I am laughing to tears!
I have no embarrassing stories. None that are funny. But I sure do love reading about all of yours!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Holy cow, I am laughing to tears!
I have no embarrassing stories. None that are funny. But I sure do love reading about all of yours!
Excuse me Tara, when I saw this thread I immediately thought about your phone story........
OK here is one, did not happen in front of others but still. My autistic son love to play Scene it games. Once the whole family was playing and an audio question comes up. So he reads the question and then follows it by saying "now let's listen with our ears" As soon as he says this and we get quiet, one of us rips one off. The windows rattled, T316 would have been proud of this one. This is still laughed about to this day.