Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
These stories are extremely funny!!! T, I cannot believe that you rip ones off on your wife. I hope she gives you the same courtesy...
She's in a house with 4 males, so she has come to expect it...
Originally Posted by Scotts
Excuse me Tara, when I saw this thread I immediately thought about your phone story........
OK here is one, did not happen in front of others but still. My autistic son love to play Scene it games. Once the whole family was playing and an audio question comes up. So he reads the question and then follows it by saying "now let's listen with our ears" As soon as he says this and we get quiet, one of us rips one off. The windows rattled, T316 would have been proud of this one. This is still laughed about to this day.
There's no stories like fart stories...
Everyone does it, but it still makes us all laugh. Heck, even my poodle lets one rip occasionally. But he doesn't laugh, he just turns around and looks at his butt as if it's going to speak to him...
These stories are extremely funny!!! T, I cannot believe that you rip ones off on your wife. I hope she gives you the same courtesy...
She's in a house with 4 males, so she has come to expect it...

Originally Posted by Scotts
Excuse me Tara, when I saw this thread I immediately thought about your phone story........
OK here is one, did not happen in front of others but still. My autistic son love to play Scene it games. Once the whole family was playing and an audio question comes up. So he reads the question and then follows it by saying "now let's listen with our ears" As soon as he says this and we get quiet, one of us rips one off. The windows rattled, T316 would have been proud of this one. This is still laughed about to this day.
There's no stories like fart stories...