Originally Posted by
Darthtang AW
I don't really get embarrased. But I have a story regarding a singer in band that my best friend was in that I helped manage/video produce for.
This is when I lived in Minneapolis. The band was a punk/ska band based out of St. Paul They were performing a show at the 4th street entry (part of 1st avenue for those of you that have seen purple rain). Everyone knows the whole reason for being in a band is to get girls.
Anyway, after the show we had rented a floor of a warehouse for an after party. Everyone cameback up there and throughout the nigh more and more people just kept showing up. At one point the singer is talking with this chick. a little bit goes by and we see him walk off with her to one of the old offices and lock the door. About an hour goes by and we have forgotten about him due top our partake of many illegal activities and truckloads of alcohol. An hour later he shows up, grabs another drink...does a bump and then sits on the coach across from us and begins talking with another girl.
All of sudden, my best friend, scream, dude, what the hell happenned to you?. The singer looks our direction and from his nostrils down to his chin is red...........dried and crusty red.
I lost it laughing...he can't figure out what we are talking about. there are no mirrors in this place so no one can show him.....went all night like that. the next morning we stopped at a gas station on the way home. He goes inside the bathroom, comes right out and asks if he got in a fight because his face is bloody. We told him what happenned......and from then on, each night we went out we checked to see if he was gonna have some war paint put on.
Where is my puking smiley when I need it???
Seriously, one of the most disgusting stories I've ever heard. I'm a bit traumatized.