whats your most embarassing moment?


Active Member
Eric...Is this thread one of the take-off's from my "challenge" thread? Because it just hit me that we are on page 4. This could go on for awhile, and I might have divulged more info. here than I had intended....


Active Member
This is not too exciting a story but during college, my girlfriend and I were at her house late one night. Her father walked in on us doing the bump-diggity. The lights were on, no covers or blankets to hide behind, and there was no kissing or anything else going on... just doing the deed.
It was pretty embarassing for all of us. Not surprisingly, the girl and I broke up shortly thereafter.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
This is not too exciting a story but during college, my girlfriend and I were at her house late one night. Her father walked in on us doing the bump-diggity. The lights were on, no covers or blankets to hide behind, and there was no kissing or anything else going on... just doing the deed.
It was pretty embarassing for all of us. Not surprisingly, the girl and I broke up shortly thereafter.
NO, that should be part of a thread titled...."How I almost got shot with a 12 gauge".
Now Crimzy...just picture your girls doing what you did at that age...


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
NO, that should be part of a thread titled...."How I almost got shot with a 12 gauge".
Now Crimzy...just picture your girls doing what you did at that age...

Not so sure about that... my theory is that will all of the bad stuff that I've done, I've got a competetive advantage in spotting and/or preventing my kids from being like me as they get older.
That's my theory and I'm sticking to it!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
NO, that should be part of a thread titled...."How I almost got shot with a 12 gauge".
Now Crimzy...just picture your girls doing what you did at that age...

I guess the ironic thing is that since I've been an attorney, I've sued the father's companies approximately 5 times.
It's possible he doesn't like me too much.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I guess the ironic thing is that since I've been an attorney, I've sued the father's companies approximately 5 times.
It's possible he doesn't like me too much.



Active Member
A few years ago my wife and I were shopping at a party-supply store (like balloons, party favors, yada yada) and it was around Halloween so there was a long line of people that snaked down an aisle with store goods on each side.
Well, as I was checking something out on one of the shelves, the line moved forward and I was now standing next to a woman in her 50's... my wife was now a few people ahead. But I didn't know that. So as I was still looking at the item on the shelf, I start feeling up this old woman thinking it's my wife. I put my arm around her and everything. Then I noticed the strap of her purse around her shoulder and thought "my wife left her purse in the car..."
I turn my head and realize it was an older lady. I jump back and gasp, then quickly apologize and look for my wife, who at this point had seen the whole thing... she was rolling with laughter. I was mortified. But this woman said she hadn't been handled so lovingly in years. That was nice to hear, but also caused me to gag-reflex.


Active Member
Have two, one's lame, the other isn't bad....
First one, at my old work, we all left at the same time. Fine, except when I was behind my boss in the right turn lane. He never really gets a chance to go, but the car behind me, gets impatient and honks. My boss glares up in his rearview at me and throws his hand up. He left screeching his tires. That was an awkward convo the next day "wasn't me"
Second is juicy. We (me, g/f at the time, and some friends) were out bowling here in Orlando. I notice an old, early (sophomore year) high school fling. I play it cool till she goes to the bathroom. They're a out of slight from the main room, down a hallway. I head to the bathroom to say what's up. Talk briefly, exchange numbers, said to meet tomorrow at Dennys. I just had intentions of just catching up. Anyways, towards the end of the night, she's already gone, but when I was out bowling I get a text "which den's again 4 tomm?" with one of those kissy smilies. The g/f of course grabs the phone when I'm out bowling.... Rest of the night wasn't pretty...


Active Member
I guess I can throw in a few.
1st, one of my favorites.
Wife and I are grocery shopping and she knows I HATE hot dogs (lungs, tongues and bungs) and shes getting stuff, puts it in the cart.. I'm always the driver of the cart and act like a kid a lot. Anyways... we get to the hot dogs.. and she tries to put them in the cart. The cart moves, she tries again, the cart moves.... finally SOME OTHER guy says something like "excuse me but I really don't want those". My wife looks up mortified (embaresses easy) as I'm watching LMAO. The whole thing went on like 20 seconds but seemed a lot longer.
Back in my younger days 3 of us were sitting at Chili's having a tall beer and got the bright idea to drive to Panama City from Ft. Walton Beach. Well it was already getting pretty late and it was an hour drive and we had just ordered a the beer. So we decided the deal was last one to finish had to drive (2nd beer but yeah I don't ever recommend drinking and driving). So we're on our trip having a good time... I was stuck in the back for the first half the trip (turned out to be whole trip) and the friend in the front passsenger seat has to pee... really bad. Ok, being guys and we're running late already we decide he's going in a water bottle. So he pees in a liter water bottle and all I hear from the back is..... "I can't stop going" and the driver looking over and laughing. He ended up whizzing all over himself -- pants soaked (glad not my car). So now pee soaked we can't go or do anything in Panama City so we stop at a crowded gas station there to get something to drink for the drive back and he wants me to buy him cigarettes. I don't smoke and FINALLY get talked into buying the crap for him.... but not without the payback of "HEY EVERYONE THAT GUY PISSED HIMSELF" and happily pointed to my friend.
Side note: the driver sneezed and crashed the car a week later.
Involves me, taco bell, red dog beer.... and a non stop flight from Pensacola FL to Los Angeles.
Sorry to anyone on that flight as I had the whole section to myself and possibly a few people jumped out.


Well-Known Member
I have another:
Ever go to one of those restaurants that offer a mint in a jar at the check out? When my children were young our family restaurant had such a thing.
One day after the meal and I was paying, all 3 of my kids grabbed a handful like little pigs, dropping a few as they pulled their hands to their mouths. I was so upset, and lectured them all the way home concerning such rude unacceptable behavior.
So the next time we took the children out to eat, I sternly warned them to absolutely NOT even reach for that candy dish. Well at check out as I was paying for the meal, out of the corner of my eye I saw a small hand ever so timidly reaching for that candy dish and took a single piece.
I snatched the little culprit by the wrist and slapped the hand a good one about three times, the candy fell on the counter, I look up and make eye contact to see which of my kids had been brave enough to defy me…there stood a horrified tiny ( about 4ft.2) little old lady absolutely shaking, eyes big as saucers. She was so upset I don’t think she even heard me apologize as she scrambled out the door.


Active Member
OMG that would be awful.
When I was 15?? maybe old enough to know better but it started raining and my mom told me to go get ALL of the clothes pins from outside. I asked, well what about the clothes? She said forget about the clothes.. go get all the clothes pins. This just didn't make any sense to me but I wanted to get them all before the rain came down too hard.... soo.... I grabbed the bucket and went down the line taking off all the clothes pins and leaving the clothes behind to lay on the ground.
15 minutes later she tried to yell at me for leaving all the clothes on the ground but my dad said "you said all the clothes pins, leave the clothes behind" so technically I was right what I did but just that bit of common sense escaped me... but I did ask.
Not really embaressing but not many of my embaressing stories are "G Rated"

darthtang aw

Active Member
I don't really get embarrased. But I have a story regarding a singer in band that my best friend was in that I helped manage/video produce for.
This is when I lived in Minneapolis. The band was a punk/ska band based out of St. Paul They were performing a show at the 4th street entry (part of 1st avenue for those of you that have seen purple rain). Everyone knows the whole reason for being in a band is to get girls.
Anyway, after the show we had rented a floor of a warehouse for an after party. Everyone cameback up there and throughout the nigh more and more people just kept showing up. At one point the singer is talking with this chick. a little bit goes by and we see him walk off with her to one of the old offices and lock the door. About an hour goes by and we have forgotten about him due top our partake of many illegal activities and truckloads of alcohol. An hour later he shows up, grabs another drink...does a bump and then sits on the coach across from us and begins talking with another girl.
All of sudden, my best friend, scream, dude, what the hell happenned to you?. The singer looks our direction and from his nostrils down to his chin is red...........dried and crusty red.
I lost it laughing...he can't figure out what we are talking about. there are no mirrors in this place so no one can show him.....went all night like that. the next morning we stopped at a gas station on the way home. He goes inside the bathroom, comes right out and asks if he got in a fight because his face is bloody. We told him what happenned......and from then on, each night we went out we checked to see if he was gonna have some war paint put on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I don't really get embarrased. But I have a story regarding a singer in band that my best friend was in that I helped manage/video produce for.
This is when I lived in Minneapolis. The band was a punk/ska band based out of St. Paul They were performing a show at the 4th street entry (part of 1st avenue for those of you that have seen purple rain). Everyone knows the whole reason for being in a band is to get girls.
Anyway, after the show we had rented a floor of a warehouse for an after party. Everyone cameback up there and throughout the nigh more and more people just kept showing up. At one point the singer is talking with this chick. a little bit goes by and we see him walk off with her to one of the old offices and lock the door. About an hour goes by and we have forgotten about him due top our partake of many illegal activities and truckloads of alcohol. An hour later he shows up, grabs another drink...does a bump and then sits on the coach across from us and begins talking with another girl.
All of sudden, my best friend, scream, dude, what the hell happenned to you?. The singer looks our direction and from his nostrils down to his chin is red...........dried and crusty red.
I lost it laughing...he can't figure out what we are talking about. there are no mirrors in this place so no one can show him.....went all night like that. the next morning we stopped at a gas station on the way home. He goes inside the bathroom, comes right out and asks if he got in a fight because his face is bloody. We told him what happenned......and from then on, each night we went out we checked to see if he was gonna have some war paint put on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I don't really get embarrased. But I have a story regarding a singer in band that my best friend was in that I helped manage/video produce for.
This is when I lived in Minneapolis. The band was a punk/ska band based out of St. Paul They were performing a show at the 4th street entry (part of 1st avenue for those of you that have seen purple rain). Everyone knows the whole reason for being in a band is to get girls.
Anyway, after the show we had rented a floor of a warehouse for an after party. Everyone cameback up there and throughout the nigh more and more people just kept showing up. At one point the singer is talking with this chick. a little bit goes by and we see him walk off with her to one of the old offices and lock the door. About an hour goes by and we have forgotten about him due top our partake of many illegal activities and truckloads of alcohol. An hour later he shows up, grabs another drink...does a bump and then sits on the coach across from us and begins talking with another girl.
All of sudden, my best friend, scream, dude, what the hell happenned to you?. The singer looks our direction and from his nostrils down to his chin is red...........dried and crusty red.
I lost it laughing...he can't figure out what we are talking about. there are no mirrors in this place so no one can show him.....went all night like that. the next morning we stopped at a gas station on the way home. He goes inside the bathroom, comes right out and asks if he got in a fight because his face is bloody. We told him what happenned......and from then on, each night we went out we checked to see if he was gonna have some war paint put on.
Where is my puking smiley when I need it???
Seriously, one of the most disgusting stories I've ever heard. I'm a bit traumatized.

eric b 125

Originally Posted by T316
Eric...Is this thread one of the take-off's from my "challenge" thread? Because it just hit me that we are on page 4. This could go on for awhile, and I might have divulged more info. here than I had intended....

nah, not a take off from your challenge thread. the only challenge thread i know of was for people to start a thread about anything to get the activity of this site up and this is no response to that. i hope people keep contributing, though, i love this thread.

eric b 125

i suppose i could tell another one, like i said: i have a bunch of embarassing moments. i think it's because i think i dont have any shame until i do something shameful

my buddy crashed at my spot a while ago. we had done a bar crawl the previous night, so shortly after waking up, i was hit with bubble-gut and knew that the beer-poops weren't far away. my buddy had just hopped into the shower and had the bathroom door locked. in a panic, i ran through all scenarios in my head. i couldnt hold it anymore, so i grabbed some paper towels and a plastic grocery store bag and ran outside (just in case my aim was off). i ran outside in a frenzy, pooped in this plastic bag, and i guess i made one of those sounds you make when you just beat the clock with a photo finish. as i'm standing up, tying the bag, i finally have a second to check out my surroundings and i realize my 70 yo next door neighbor is standing in her yard, awestruck, watering her garden. we never spoke of this "early morning coffee" and our neighborly relationship has never been the same.


I can't tell you how many pm's I've gotten for my story