Whisk's Aquapod 24g journal


Active Member
well it looks good so far!!! i would just say that the hermits might kill your snails. but if you want more i would go with some nass. snails, some cerith snails (spelling), mexican turbos.


Active Member
I like hermits a lot so we'll see how that goes. I definitely need some nass snails. I already have two turbos, I think that should be ok. Thanks Patrick and Cal. I'll definitely keep an eye out for the fighting conch. Anyone want to share a pic of theirs?


haha awesome WHISK! That looks goooddd.... must be fun to have somthing to look at. I want to start my "CUC" soon as well.. congrats!
Id get some more crabs, I prefer them over snails. You could always get some striped ones like myn, they're super cool and have awesome color :D
coralkeeper has some good pics of his conch, I bet he'll post a pic if you ask him to, or check out the 29 24 14 8 thread, I think there are some pics posted of it there.
Its looking good


is it true you can throw as many CUC in there as you want?.. if it thats the case im down for a lot of shrimp and cool stuff to look at since i can only have like 1 fish in my tank anyhow..


Active Member
Originally Posted by [Ronnie]
is it true you can throw as many CUC in there as you want?.. if it thats the case im down for a lot of shrimp and cool stuff to look at since i can only have like 1 fish in my tank anyhow..
No. It has to be proportionate to the amount of detritus or algae in the tank.
Whisk-Everything is looking really good. Keep up the good work


Active Member
thanks mckevin, i'm definitely on the look out for nass snails and a fighting conch. my sand is getting browner by the day and i have cut back on light hours until i can find these snails.
hey ronnie, Subie is right, dont want to have too many for a CUC. Thats one reason why i started off small, if i feel i need more i can add but right now i got to admit the cerith snails and hermits are doing a great job. The turbos are good too but they rarely go on the sand. I need them nass snails though!
Thanks Subie, i think its coming along nicely too. I've been enjoying it every day.


Originally Posted by [Ronnie]
is it true you can throw as many CUC in there as you want?.. if it thats the case im down for a lot of shrimp and cool stuff to look at since i can only have like 1 fish in my tank anyhow..
easy with shrimp, well depends on what you get, but I found out...the hard way! Cleaners will eat each other if not given enough space/ food. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but peppermints and other smaller shrimps do better in groups


Active Member
Originally Posted by fcatch76
easy with shrimp, well depends on what you get, but I found out...the hard way! Cleaners will eat each other if not given enough space/ food. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but peppermints and other smaller shrimps do better in groups
i havent looked into it as far as groups of peppermints but you are right about the cleaners fighting with each other.


Hey whisk your ammonia never spiked mine hasn't either just my nitrates did go up to like 30 then dropped to 10 with no signs of ammonia and i did use cured live rock like you did...lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by cal559
Hey whisk your ammonia never spiked mine hasn't either just my nitrates did go up to like 30 then dropped to 10 with no signs of ammonia and i did use cured live rock like you did...lol
yep, that seems to be common with well cured live rock.


Active Member
November 18, 2008
Test Results
Salinity 1.024
Ammonia 0
pH 8.4
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
New pics, figured I do some blue actinic ones for today. Peppermint shrimp decided to come out finally and say hi.
Peppermint shrimp

hungry mexican red legged hermit

hungrier cerith snail



Very nice man. Your tank is the first tank I started to copy lol! (try that is)
How many pounds of lr again total?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Quandary
Very nice man. Your tank is the first tank I started to copy lol! (try that is)
How many pounds of lr again total?
thanks, kinda funny you say that because i got a lot of my ideas from Nano-Newb, haha. I have 26lbs total LR.