Whisk's Aquapod 24g journal


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
I forgot about you replacing the rock, good call spanko. With that in mind, better to wait a bit longer IMO, sorry about getting you all worked up whisk, lol.
NP, i thought it went too fast and I definitely have the time to wait it out. And I only replaced 3lbs of LR on the weekend, not all of it.
thanks Subie


Active Member
November 11, 2008
Tonight I added the fuge rack, basically another eggcrate mod with a fiberglass screen that covers the holes to keep chaeto contained while allowing water in. Essentially, I have created a 3rd chamber in the back of the Aquapod for the fuge. It's not the best mod as it was hard to work with and fit properly, until I come up with another solution, it will do. Here are a couple pics. Thanks NanoNewb for the light and thank you Doug from Craigslist for the chaeto. We'll see how it works for now.

New tests tomorrow for ammonia with raw shrimp #2.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cal559
Tanks comming along great...i like it... =)
Thanks Cal!
Originally Posted by miami_reefer

You got a different light. What happened to the other one?
I got a good deal from NanoNewb for that light I couldnt pass up and decided to try it out. If it doesnt do much good, ill go ahead and order the other submersible light.


Active Member
November 12, 2008
Today's Test results - Day 1 of raw shrimp #2
Salinity 1.023
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 10


Active Member
Whisk, are you planning on bumping your specific gravity up at all. Reason I ask is, generally in a reef you want your specific gravity between 1.025-1.027, same as the ocean.


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Whisk, are you planning on bumping your specific gravity up at all. Reason I ask is, generally in a reef you want your specific gravity between 1.025-1.027, same as the ocean.
I plan on doing it by topping off with saltwater instead of fresh, I figured it would be a slow transition. Right now I get my water from the LFS and I dont mix my own salt. Any other suggestions raising the salinity? thanks for your concern


Active Member
I would start mixing your own. When I started I did the same as you, and I ended up with a few problems namely algae
To mix your own it is very easy, and at least for me, very satisfying. You are in control of everything then that goes in your tank.
As for raising the specific gravity, I would do as you said. Use water that is about 1.026 and just use that for topoffs until it comes up a bit. Other than that everything is looking good. I wonder if you are going to end up seeing a cycle or not. My guess is no, but I think you are doing the right thing by not stocking it yet and just keeping an eye on your parameters. Better safe than sorry.


Active Member
November 13, 2008 Day 2 of raw shrimp #2
Test Results
Ammonia 0
November 14, 2008
I'm going to get the ammonia tested at the LFS Saturday just to make sure. My sand is starting to become a light brown, i'll take some pictures later. I'll do another Ammonia test tonight. I think if by Sunday I still dont see ammonia I'm going to do the water change and i'm going to get the CUC.
I plan on mixing my own salt soon. Using the LFS saltwater was a temporary solution to help me get started. I have a half a bucket of salt a co-worker gave me that I'll be mixing and using for water changes. I totally agree with you I should be mixing my own water. Thanks!


very funny that this topic just came up... i was just going to ask about top off's with FRESH water and mixing your own salt.
Question 1: I was told by a buddy to use regular water (drinking water) that you fill up your sparkletts water jugs with at the local store. He said that water is clean and okay to put this in your tank .. true? How do i know if the pH is to high or low or anything else abuot the water.. i dont want to be fucked.
Secondly: Mixing your own salt, just mix it with the sparkletts drinking water?.. Thanks guy :)


Active Member
CoralKeeper, thanks for the support dude! Always appreciated!
Ronnie, first make sure the freshwater you are getting is RO water. Some people use distilled water, others dont. I was told not to so I will only be using RO water. As far as pH, you can always check the pH after you add the water. There are things in your tank already that will help buffer your pH, such as your live sand. You also want to make sure you have a high alkanity as this will balance your pH and prevent it from fluctuating. You can also buy pH up or down to adjust the pH yourself.
As for as mixing the salt, mix the salt crystals with the RO water you get.
I think its funny that the F word was able to get by in your post, the censoring on this site is random.


Active Member
November 15, 2008
test Results
pH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 5 or 10
I plan on going to LFS today to double check water tests. New pics, brown is starting to appear on the sand and rocks. And bugs and hair algae on the glass!
LFS Test Results
pH 8.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
Guess its time for a water change and beginning CUC tomorrow!
mmm diatoms

bugs and young algae hairs!

boring clam came out to peek!

mmmm fuzzy raw shrimp



looking good man! here i continue with my n00b questions.. what is a "CUC" that u mentioned above...
and sorry about my "F" word.. i hope i didn't offend anybody in YOUR thread.


Active Member
CUC stands for clean up crew, such as snails and hermits. I'm about to head out to the LFS and get some, i'll take pics later.


Active Member
November 16, 2008
Clean up Crew day at the LFS! They were unfortunately out of nassarius snails. Next time I go I'll also keep an eye out for a fighting conch. Thanks for the suggestion Subie. Any other suggestions for sand clean up? I saw tonga nassarius, zebras, black foots, tigers...thanks!
Here's what I got today for a beginning CUC:
5 Cerith snails
2 black turbo snails
4 mexican red legged hermits
1 peppermint shrimp
Welcome Home

Party on the bisma rock!

say cheese!

turbos at work

I consider this the start of my CUC, any recommendations for how many more and type? thanks