November 8th, 2008
Raw shrimp in 3 days now.
Ammonia 0ppm
So, the red bubble algae issue...I went to the LFS today and asked them about it. They took a look at the pictures I took and got really excited about it! The manager said it was rare and if I wanted I could return the rocks the algae was on they would gladly take it back for a trade! (He was very eager to get it). The guy there said they would grow it and sell it and like I said, he was quite excited about getting it. He told me it was a good macro algae but I told him i didnt want it taking over my tank.
So I thought about it and I made the hard decision to trade the rock back for different LR. It was hard because those 3 rocks I traded had mushrooms, tubeworms, featherdusters, bristleworms, and a small crab living in it and the rock shape was the best shape I had in the tank
I felt instantly relieve in my attempt to be rid of this nuicance algae and to get a clean slate. All I can hope is that this red bubble algae does not appear again and that I made the right choice giving up those rocks. Only time will tell. Hopefully none of the spores got loose.
The new LR I got today was similar in shape and color/condition as the rocks in my tank that didnt have the algae growing on them. It was obvious the rocks I gave up that had the red bubble algae were different both in shape, color, and you could tell there was tons of crap growing on it. So I picked rock today that strayed from that. Hopefully I am lucky and free from it. Cross your fingers.
Here are some new pictures of the new rocks added. The media bag you see contains the 3 day old rotting raw shrimp. Thanks Subielover for the advice on the media bag! Also thanks to Spanko, Mushroomss, Coral Reefer, Cranberry, Subie, and NanoNewb (and anyone else I missed) for their helpful advice on the bubble algae.