Thanks Vavra, you should start a thread and post your pics when your camera gets fixed. We all would love to see you tank and your process.
Ronnie, Spanko is absolutley 100% correct. I made sure that I left enough room on the sides so I could use the mag float algae cleaner. Also, IMO having rock near the glass is risky, could scratch or worse...
Patrick and Miami Reefer, thanks for your comments, your support means a lot.
Thanks Paintballer. I do feel relieve it is gone (for now). I wouldnt have minded it if it could be contained in one small spot but at the rate it was growing, I could imagine a worst case scenario. It's unfortunate you are having the problem with it as well. It's too bad, because it was cool looking. If my LFS does grow it like they said they would, I'll have to take pics and update you guys.
And thanks Nissan, very nice of you to say. It still has a long way to go and trust me when I say I quite envy all your tanks.