Whisk's Aquapod 24g journal


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Looking great Whisk... the best advice I can give to you at this stage is... Patients will pave the road to success. Keep it up.
thanks PD, i'm luckily a patient guy and wont be getting fish until after christmas so i have some time to get this right.


Active Member
November 6, 2008
Latest test results
PH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 20
I have noticed a growth of red "things" on my rocks. Not all of them, just a few but even on these few rocks there are a ton of them popping up. I was scared it was majano at first (i still hope not) but it also may be new mushrooms popping up. If it is new mushrooms i'll be floored at the rate these are growing. Thats what makes me think its majano. I'll let you experts help me! Can you ID? Here's some pics: Thanks!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by miami_reefer
Everything is looking good. What kind of fish are you looking to put in there?
i'm looking into the sixline wrasse and some type of goby and/or blenny. Still deciding, I have until after Christmas to decide!


this is red bubble algae.It will spread like a wildfire if you pop it.Try to syphon out the bubbles when you do a water change.Or ive heard you can use super glue gel and cover each bubble.Then simply pluck em off.Syphoning them has worked best for me thou.Good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by mushroomss
this is red bubble algae.It will spread like a wildfire if you pop it.Try to syphon out the bubbles when you do a water change.Or ive heard you can use super glue gel and cover each bubble.Then simply pluck em off.Syphoning them has worked best for me thou.Good luck

cripes! yeah theres a ton of them, i'll research them more. Thanks for the ID mushroomss. at least its not majano but at the rate these things are growing it could be just as bad.


very true.If you have lots of little critters in the tank popping them they can spread at an astounding rate.I know from experience lol


Active Member
Yup, popping them will spread spores throughout the tank. During water change use the tube you are siphoning with and put the end of the tube on the bubble. You may have to use the tube to dislodge the bubble but either way it will be sucked up and out of the tank.


Active Member
I would get them out asap. Don't let it get away from you. It must have come in on the live rock you got, no biggie, just follow what spanko said and you will be good to go


Active Member
Yeah I hear syphoning them out is a good idea. But i gotta let the tank cycle first before I water change.
For now, I am moving the LR one at a time out of the tank into a separate container and removing the bubbles and stems with an exacto knife and scraping the rock with it, using a tooth brush to scrub off any leftovers and then rinsing the water throughly in another container. I'll keep you updated.
I'll definitely keep on top of it. thanks for the help all.


Active Member
Whisk that is a very good idea. I didn't think about not wanting to do a water change during cycling. You sound like a seasoned vet
Keep at it bro, you are doing great.


Active Member
Originally Posted by miami_reefer
Whisk...did you end up getting the 10 w light yet? If not, I have an extra one
thanks for the offer but i got one coming in the mail shortly. Thanks again anyways.


Active Member
Sorry for bringing this up again but I want to add it to my journal and maybe someone can help me narrow down what the heck this stuff is. I have posted in the ID section as well.
So thanks to the few of you who told me its red bubble algae. But does bubble algae branch like a vine of grapes? Could this be young red sea grapes (Botryocladia uvaria) instead?
They have stems, and one of the strands has a bunch of bubbles/grapes on it. These things are spreading like crazy and quickly over the rocks. I'm clueless because of these things are individual bubbles which makes me think its bubble algae and some are strands which means it could be red sea grape? I'm trying to ID this stuff before I scrape it off or get rid of the LR completely. Maybe I have both on the LR? Help! thanks!

Botryocladia uvaria (web photo)