Active Member
Originally Posted by cal559
So...Whisk hows your firefish doing?
Hey Cal thanks for asking, they are doing good but there is definitely some bullying. One of the firefish dominates the middle of the tank and the other one can only hang out on the sides, if it even tries to go in the middle the other one will chase it off. I may take one back to the fishstore this weekend.
Originally Posted by cal559
Hey Whisk...
Just wondering what you do for a living...I seen level artist...What's That?
I work for Sega as a 3D environmental artist. We just released Golden Axe Beast Rider not too long ago. I do the landscaping and model placement based on the design. I did the first two and last two levels of the game. Here are some screen shots of my levels.
And here are some hawaii pics, no snorkeling pics yet, soon!
Here's me at Kualoa Ranch
West Oahu, feels like Jurassic Park
Here's where I went snorkeling, Hanauma Bay
Some type of sand crab
Here's where I didnt go snorkeling, NorthShore
So...Whisk hows your firefish doing?
Hey Cal thanks for asking, they are doing good but there is definitely some bullying. One of the firefish dominates the middle of the tank and the other one can only hang out on the sides, if it even tries to go in the middle the other one will chase it off. I may take one back to the fishstore this weekend.
Originally Posted by cal559
Hey Whisk...
Just wondering what you do for a living...I seen level artist...What's That?
I work for Sega as a 3D environmental artist. We just released Golden Axe Beast Rider not too long ago. I do the landscaping and model placement based on the design. I did the first two and last two levels of the game. Here are some screen shots of my levels.

And here are some hawaii pics, no snorkeling pics yet, soon!
Here's me at Kualoa Ranch

West Oahu, feels like Jurassic Park

Here's where I went snorkeling, Hanauma Bay

Some type of sand crab


Here's where I didnt go snorkeling, NorthShore