Whisk's Aquapod 24g journal


hey goby, i asked whisk the same question the other day in my thread.. i took this out for you just in case whisk wasnt online.. you could get a faster answer... he said:
Originally Posted by Whisk
this is what i have for my CUC, i didnt put them in all at once, and added more when i thought was needed. the algae is pretty much in control at the moment.
5 ceriths
5 nassarius
2 turbos
1 trochus
1 peppermint shrimp
4 red legged hermits
3 blue legged hermits
as far as how long they live for... i cant remember if it was spanko or subie or someone else.. but they said they live for a very long time.


also congrats on the torch whisk.. i dont know if i like them or not yet.. my buddy got one as well.. and i duno.. im still iffy if i want to grab one.. looks great in ur tank however.


Active Member
"Scientific Name : Turbo fluctuosa
Common Names : Top Shell, Turban Snail
Turbo Snail Care Level : Easy, good for the saltwater aquarium beginner
Life span : 1 - 2 years, sometimes slightly longer lived
Size : Up to 2 inches (5 cm)
pH : 8 - 8.4
Temperature : 72°F - 80°F (22°C - 27°C)
Specific Gravity : 1.020 - 1.024
Origin / Habitat : Mexico
Temperament / Behavior : Very peaceful
Breeding / Mating / Reproduction : Difficult to breed
Tank Size : 30 gallon minimum
Compatible Tank Mates : Avoid keeping them with some of the more aggressive marine invertebrates.
Diet / Fish Food : Herbivore, mainly algae. You can try to supplement their diet with dried seaweed. Having live rock is beneficial because it can constantly graze on it for food. Limit the amount of snails if you're also keeping algae grazers such as some of the Tang species.
Tank Region : All over the glass and live rock
Gender : There are no definite ways to distinguish males from females.


Active Member
Looking good Wisk... one of my favorite corals... green star polyps.. I dont know why they just are.. so simple but so beautiful. I am trying to grow mine on the back wall of my cube, kinda like grass... keep up the good work.


Active Member
January 13, 2009
Test Results
Salinity 1.024
Ammonia 0
Nitrates 0
pH 8.4
Thanks guys for all the comments. Ronnie is right, that is my current CUC. As for the torch, it looks a lot like an anemone and so far is doing great! I like it a lot but i made sure i dont have other coral near it as its sweeper tenacles can reach far.
You know what PD, GSP is one of my favorites too for some reason, it just looks cool especially when there is flow over it. I'm looking forward to its growth.
In other news, my cleaner shrimp did not survive
He was fine for a couple days and was eating too and I found him dead last night. I dont think he was healthy to begin with as he had a weird black spot on his body that I didnt notice until I got him home. I got some pictures of him with the black spot, I'll share with you when i upload them later tonight and maybe you guys will have an idea of what it is.


Active Member
Tank is coming together great. I really like torch and it is a very cool coral to watch swaying in the current. Keep it up


Active Member
Here are some new pics of the cleaner shrimp before he died. Notice the weird black spot on him, anyone know what that is?

Torch coral


Active Member
hahah yeah hard to say. I was going to wait until he molted to see if it would go away but he never got that chance.
poor little fella


Active Member
January 19, 2009
Big update!
First, I redid my eggcrate rack and made it bigger for the back chamber of the tank. I now have more room to place the two new 10w submersible lights, the chaeto, and the bag of chemipure. I also siphoned up the detrius that was in the back of the tank and wow, holy black water, it was nasty.
New fuge lights - dual 10w submersible

New eggcrate rack for fuge

I also replace the bag of chemipure elite with a new one and added a bag of purigen as well.
And......I started mixing my own saltwater finally! I am mixing Oceanic brand salt and mixing in a 5 gallon bucket with a powerhead and 100w heater.

And no thread would be complete without some goodies from the LFS! They finally had my fish of choice there. A sixline wrasse! woot! I been waiting for this fella for awhile, so no doubt, I had to bring him home. I acclimated him for a few hours and within 5 minutes he was going to town on the isopods. I also picked up a replacement cleaner shrimp, hopefully this one lives!
Firefish and his new buddy, Mr Sixline

Hey now, they had a pulsating xenia at the store too, yes please!
Pulsating xenia on frag rack

Here are a couple of other shots from previous frags!
Green torch

Green Star polyps

ok ok, I hear you, no thread would be complete without a FTS, so here it is!


Green star polyps, I finally know the name of the coral I have

Are the Pulsating xenia, the ones that seem like a hand opening and closing? I got one from my LFS and they call them pom pom


Active Member
Looks great, not sure though why the lfs let you buy a shrimp and a shrimp eating fish(sixline wrasse.) I don't think it will last too long but you never know. On a brighter note, your tank is really looking nice. Good job


Active Member
WOW!! You tank coming along great man, love the fuge. Also i notice you getting some nice coraline in there.. Keep it up man