Who are you (member photo thread)

Since this thas turned into a fuzzies thread... guess I gotta play as well.
I was loading the car after dark getting ready to leave for my wolf photography trip when I got mauled by Blaze. I 'bout come unglued. Black dog... black night, and my leg was getting bounced off of. All I knew was I was getting hit and I couldn't get away from it. Not a good feeling when you live out in the country. My folks watched after her while I was on my trip and she has turned into a 50lb lap dog.

One week I took a drive over to Memphis to make my pet store rounds looking for possible new reptiles to add to the collection. The Bartlett animal shelter has a section in Petsmart where they display some of the animals for adoption. This section just happened to be right next to the fish (also had African Cichlids at the time). Then is when I stumbled across Taylor. I got them to let me in the little room and had her pulled out of her cage. After 15 mins or so... I was sold. I had to go find the Bartlett animal shelter so I could adopt her and bring her home. When she got here she was a skeerdy cat and hid behind the hanging clothes for over a month, only venturing out when she though I wasn't around. Now she wont leave me alone and is jealous of everything.... fish included.

And here she is talkin up a storm to my wild friends outside.


Well-Known Member
LOL...Not only are the critters cute but how they came to be part of your family is just as adorable. This thread is designed to be able to allow us to get to know each other...I think our fuzzies show our true selves, more than a picture ever could.


Active Member
Don't get the feeling of needing to rescue too much.... unfortunately a lot of these rescuers end up animal hoarders more than anything ):


Blaze looks awesome, as does the photo.
Our puppy just turned 12, a fawn pomeranian. Phoebe is getting old, has lost most of her teeth, and broke a hip this year(Her pelvis broke when my wife picked her up to take her out). She still cant walk up and down the steps to go out.
My wife says its her dog but she stays by my side when I am home. I try hard but just cant be as lazy as my lil pup.
If my wife seen some of Kevin's photos she would be trying to get some done of Phoebe and her mom's mean yorkies.
Originally Posted by sweat90lx http:///t/378595/who-are-you-member-photo-thread/980#post_3489050
Blaze looks awesome, as does the photo.
Our puppy just turned 12, a fawn pomeranian. Phoebe is getting old, has lost most of her teeth, and broke a hip this year(Her pelvis broke when my wife picked her up to take her out). She still cant walk up and down the steps to go out.
My wife says its her dog but she stays by my side when I am home. I try hard but just cant be as lazy as my lil pup.
If my wife seen some of Kevin's photos she would be trying to get some done of Phoebe and her mom's mean yorkies.
thanks for the kudos.... ya know... I do pet photography as well, but depending on where you are the mileage fee may kill ya.


I checked out your website and seen your amazing work.
Its a long way from Arkansas to here. I just helped fund a friend drive to California and mileage is expensive. If you were closer they would definitely hire you.


Active Member
I've also been to S Wolf's site, very nice indeed.
Just google the watermark in his posted photos "Kevin Batchelor Photography".


Active Member
Originally Posted by sweat90lx http:///t/378595/who-are-you-member-photo-thread/960#post_3488909
I grew up as a VW child. Not its the same though, I had a 72, 77, and a 65 beetle. Now Im all about American Muscle cars and mostly Mustangs. I like to go fast in a straight line.
Chris started the foundation when he lost his daughter Jenna in a car accident. My daughter is named Jenna so I support him and his foundation.
Lol Going fast in straight line is just about all you can do in an American grumbler. lol... not to mention the interiors are absolute rubbish.
As for me, I like to be quick off the line and be able to turn corners... and not just left embankments. ;)
Everyone has something different that they like... It's what makes the world go round... I like to be able to travel it in comfort, speed, style, and with jealous dudes in my rearview mirror.

I love the old Dubs. I like most of the newish ones too... the brand new stuff is a total turn off for me. They have (IMO) stopped making cars geared towards enthusiasts and more towards stealing customer base from toyota and honda. I say let this fuds keep their rice cakes and give the cars their soul and quirks back. If that's too much for the typical american driver... too bad. They have a million other choices of mushy, crap cars. Give us back the VW drive that we love!!
*steps off soap box
I will have to look into this foundation since it's in my own backyard. Thanks for the tip. If I ever meet the guy, I'll tell him you sent me.


Active Member
too bad you're so far wolf. I would love some Xmas shots of my dogs in the snow up north in AZ for my Xmas cards... If you're out here on someone else mileage fee... lemme know :))
Yeah... that's the way my luck normally runs. There is a photography workshop out your way that I would love to take.... but coming up with the 3 grand is a bit difficult right now.


Your correct, everyone likes something different. There are not any road courses close to me so I have never tried that.
My car is not comfortable, stylish, or quiet. Mustang people call the red ******** "porno red". It was easy to make fast for cheap though.
This video is in the shop so it sounds a little louder than it actually is. With the turbo and non mufflers it is quieter than before.
I need a 2013 Shelby GT500 bad. LOL.
Southern Wolf- my sis-in-law is addicted to the photo hobby and how I got my hand me down camera. She just went to a workshop at the local Tech College but it was much cheaper.
She is still learning but I know you have many years of experience behind the skills you have.
She took some of my daughter a few months ago that were pretty good. Sissy spends a lot of time with my daughter and spoils her like a grandparent.

First shot is a very interesting perspective. I'm liking that one a lot. It's not something you normally see.
I may have many years behind my skills, but don't let that fool you. I am always trying to learn new things when I go out to shoot or do people photography. That keeps it fun and interesting. The moment I say "I know all there is to know about photography", is the day I better toss the gear in the trash.
Oh.... and if you really get bitten by the photography bug... you'll find out that saltwater is a cheap hobby compaired to photography. I want a D3x so bad I can taste it.... but I cant currently justify 6 grand for a camera body.


800mm??? ? WOW sounds like you will be going into the Serengeti jungle. I thought my 200mm was strong lol.


6 grand! there is a fine line between a hobby and a mental illness. LOL. But if you can make money doing what you enjoy it really doesnt matter what the cost is.
I have read your photography school thread and another specific to car photos but the info isnt sticking to my brain. I have also read the online owners manual to my camera. I also know editing is part of a great photo and I dont know anything about that. I want some good shots of my tank, so I am gonna try to learn how to make my camera get better pictures than my smartphone.
I do not want it to turn into a hobby unless it is like golf for me. I play golf about twice a month but dont spend any money other than the cost to play. I know I will want more lenses as I learn more, maybe I can borrow some from my sis-in-law.
According to my wife, I already have too many hobbies.
6 grand! there is a fine line between a hobby and a mental illness. LOL. But if you can make money doing what you enjoy it really doesnt matter what the cost is. 
I have read your photography school thread and another specific to car photos but the info isnt sticking to my brain. I have also read the online owners manual to my camera. I also know editing is part of a great photo and I dont know anything about that. I want some good shots of my tank, so I am gonna try to learn how to make my camera get better pictures than my smartphone.
I do not want it to turn into a hobby unless it is like golf for me. I play golf about twice a month but dont spend any money other than the cost to play. I know I will want more lenses as I learn more, maybe I can borrow some from my sis-in-law. 
According to my wife, I already have too many hobbies. 
If u have any photography questions... post them in the photography thread and ill be happy to answer them for you and everyone else