Originally Posted by 1journeyman
You definitely need to reread what I said... I said I would "take" a law that saved millions while allowing a few to be sacrificed. It's not ok with me by any means, but saving a million a year would be a start.
Your thinking scares me. So mentally disabled children should be aborted.... What about crippled children? What about short children, tall children? What if the fetus is a boy and you wanted a girl? Why stop at fetuses? a 2 year old can't take of themselves, so why not allow parents to throw them away if the burden of being a parent becomes too much? And heck, why stop at infants? Why not allow "mercy" killing of anyone who isn't "normal". The terminally sick, the old, the weak, the unemployed all are a drain on society. Why should my tax dollars go to support them? We can model our society after Germany in WWII and make ourselves a wonderful Master Race....
Again you take it to the extreme. We're talking abortions of first trimester babies. That's what the current abortion laws allow. Sorry to burst your bubble, but some of the actions you described actually happen in today's society. There was a couple here in San Antonio recently that killed their newborn infant, and two other children, and stuffed their remains under the house simply because they didn't want to deal with them anymore.
The others you described - The terminally sick, the old, the weak, the unemployed, that's called our wonderful Welfare System. Talk about something that's broken. Why should my tax dollars support these people? Oh that's right, you're the one that believes the US should be the saviors of the world. Hand out money to whoever needs it. That's what we do.
You still haven't answered my question as to what we do with these unborn children these mother's don't want for whatever reason. We just dump them into the Welfare system as well, and let all the taxpayers pay for them until they're 18? Sorry, but I have my own children to raise. Like I said, let the Pro Lifers pony the money up to raise these unwanted children, and keep your hands out of my pockets.